Author's Note: Super pre-sorry that I made the characters really OOC. Regardless, this one is for all my loyal fans. Squee! :sorry already: On with it, then!

"Help me, if you can. It's just that this is not the way I'm wired, so could you please, help me understand why you've given into all these reckless, dark desires…"

"You know I can't believe you, all the things you say are not true. But I fear I can't just leave you – all I feel is that I need you, my love. This is all my spirit can take – anymore and I will surely decay. Won't you reach out, touch my heartache; feel it beating – please don't throw it away." – A Perfect Circle

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

The Sinful and the Sinned

Chapter 1

"Find him. Bring him to me…at once," said a menacingly sweet voice in a condescending, sing-song manner as the owner lazily ran his fingertips over the rim of his wine glass.

"Yes, Master," several servants said in unison before quickly bowing and scurrying out of their Master's sight.

The owner of the unnerving voice lifted his glass of red wine to his lips, took a savoring sip, as his winter-blue eyes sparkled at the thought of what was to come.


"Wait up, Tres!" Abel shouted breathlessly as he tried to quicken his footsteps through the thick snow to reach his partner.

Tres halted to let Abel catch up to him. The wind was blowing unmercifully strong, making the falling snow whip all around them in an impenetrable screen of white.

The two AX agents were currently trekking from Geneve to Ives, a small, snowy village in Suisse that has been subject to recent, vampiric problems.

"Thank the Heavens we are both wearing black, huh Tres?" Abel said lightheartedly with a smile despite the fact that he was freezing alongside his stoic companion.

Abel stole a sideways glance at his beautiful comrade, quickly letting his eyes worship Tres' stunning chocolate eyes, button nose, diamond-cut cheekbones, and ohh…those lips.

Abel gulped.

How he longed for those lips – so full and luscious- to be pressed against his own in a deep, meaningful kiss.

Abel had been in love with Tres for quite some time, and in moments like these, when he could just linger around him, his feelings only intensified.

Back to this lips, those perfect lips…those lips that were moving…Tres was speaking to him! Crap!

Shaking his head, Abel snapped out of this daydream.

"I'm sorry, what was that you were saying?" Abel asked with a nervous laugh, while trying his best to look innocent.

"I said I have detected moving life form approaching out vicinity at inhuman rates of speed," Tres restated calmly as Abel's face grew serious and his eyes widened; quickly darting all around them through the snow.

Not a moment later, hideous, horned, black and red creatures sprang from the trees, growling and baring row after row of sharp teeth.

"I think we found the crime-doers in Ives," Abel said as he pulled out his trusty Peacekeeper and pointed it at the rushing mob of demons.

"Positive;" Tres replied as he aimed his twin Jericho M13s, "switching from Search Mode to Genocide Mode. Commence combat."

Suddenly, from both agents, a barrage of gunfire erupted and stopped a good number of the creatures dead in their tracks; their black blood immediately spewing from wounds and covering the snow-ridden land.

Unfortunately, some of the creatures had taken to the flanks and were now rushing in from both sides. A couple of them had leapt high into the air at the priests, intending on taking their heads off.

Working together, Abel and Tres pressed back-to-back, their arms extended with their weapons, now firing at the assailants from all angles. Abel lifted his revolver and hot one in the head as it was airborne, but in the next instant, he did not feel Tres at his back anymore. Abel whipped around and hastily surveyed the area.

His eyes fell on a splotch of red blood next to the many pools of black blood that coated the snow. Abel tensed; realizing that that was Tres' blood – they had injured him and then they took him!

White hot anger boiled in Abel's chest, choking him, and causing tears to sting in his eyes.

"He…took him," Abel said through painfully gritted teeth; countless, horrible scenarios already burning through his brain concerning Tres and him.

"Cain!!" Abel angrily screamed into the violent wind as his tears froze on his cheeks.

But no!

He had to be strong…for Tres, for his, sweet Tres.

Abel squared his shoulders and steadied his resolve – he would NOT let Cain take someone else he loved away from him. Not again.


Tres groggily opened his sleepy, gorgeous eyes and licked his dry lips. Immediately, he realized that he was no longer in the bitter cold and snow. In fact, he was quite warm and comfortable.

Tres slightly turned his head to scan his foreign surroundings. He was lying on his back in the middle of a large, white and gold designed bed in a rather extravagant room. The crystal chandelier twinkled above him as Tres looked over the white armchairs which were next to a nearby fireplace. Focusing more, he saw the built-in bookshelves lined with old-looking books, and a few, tasteful Baroque paintings furnishing the white with gold trimmed walls.

Suddenly, a sharp pain stabbed through him as he noticed he had just about fully sat up, making him wince. His shoulder was the source of the pain, so he instinctively touched it with his other hand.


Tres looked at his shoulder once it dawned on his confused mind that someone had patched him up…as well as remove his shirt.

Tres gulped slightly, feeling exposed, but snapped out of it when something caught his attention.

There was a glass of water on the nightstand next to the bed. Tres chewed his bottom lip as he had a staring contest with the glass – it looked safe enough…maybe a little too innocent?

"This was stupid…it's water and I'm thirsty," Tres thought sourly.

Finally letting the water win their battle, Tres crawled across the bed and up to the table. He picked up the glass with his good hand, licked his dry lips again, and gulped down the soothing, cold liquid.

The moment he set the empty glass back down with a slight 'tink', a figure stood in front of him, smiling.

The man looked like an angel…like Abel… Tres' head swam and his eyes blurred. There had been something in the water! The last thing Tres saw before passing back out onto the bed was a heavenly face with winter-blue eyes and golden hair…smiling down at him.