Feels So Good

This is a songfic tribute to Van Halen's 1988 single "Feels so Good" off their OU812 album. It mainly covers the two scenes where Kairi sends a message in a bottle to the person she forgot to the scene where Sora actually gets and reads the letter in the end. Stuff in between as well.

Don't worry, it's better than it sounds. I'm thinking of using this song for a Sora/Kairi tribute (which is currently finished). I'll give you guys the link after I complete this story so you guys have something to look forward to.

Btw, this is my first fic. Reviews are nice, flames are welcome, and suggestions work just as well.

Disclaimer: I do not own Kingdom Hearts I&II. I don't own the song either.

"Let's get rockin'!"-Jack Black

Chapter 1: Yesterday I Saw My Love Life Shine

Kairi. Remember what you said before, I'm always with you too.

I'll come back to you, I promise.

I know you will.

Yesterday I saw my love light shine
Straight ahead in front of me
You never really know
When love'll come or go
But yesterday I was alone
Suddenly I walked you home
I never really knew
What love could make me do

It kept replaying in Kairi's head. It recurred in her dreams; it was sparked by the simplest triggers- looking at the island where they used to play or by staring at the water; it wouldn't leave her alone. The worst thing was that she didn't know who that boy was. All she remembered was that he was her friend and they played together on the little island across the sea.

Groan. Kairi winced and grabbed her head again. This was probably the second or third or fourth time (she had lost count) this happened today. She shook her head and tried to concentrate on her teacher's lecture. However, it didn't work. Kairi slowly raised her head to look at the board then shot her violet/blue eyes at the clock. It read '2:40'. Five more minutes she thought.

Finally the bell rang and Kairi grabbed her books and beige handbag and headed out into the hallway. She dropped by her locker to grab her other materials she needed for the weekend. She stuffed them in her bag and headed off to her last class of the day, choir. Choir wasn't actually a class. It was more of an extracurricular activity like swimming or track. Mixed in with schoolwork and all her other arrangements, Kairi was one busy babe.

Ascending two flights of stairs and making a quick turn into the hallway on her right, Kairi stopped at the door that read '226'. She grasped the doorknob and turned it slowly hoping not to interrupt any singers who were practicing. She quietly stepped inside and took a seat on the chair next to the door. Their teacher, Mrs. Stephens appeared from the backroom and walked to the front of the class. She whipped out her baton and while rubbing its tip, cleared her throat.

"Ahem, class," Mrs. Stephens started, tapping the music stand with her stick, "you have done a masterful job this week of learning all the new songs. Now we all know that the performance is tomorrow night so I thought we should just do a quick run though of what will happen."

Kairi and the twenty-five other singers' eyes were led to the whiteboard where a chart was shown of where they would be lined up. (A/N: I've never been in choir so I'm just winging this stuff. No offence to you choir/band people.)

"Now," Mrs. Stephens began again, "remember where you will be standing." She propped up her glasses and directed her eyes toward the back of the room. "I don't want any basses mixed with altos or anything of the sort."

A few snickers and giggles could be heard from the back. During last year's concert, a few basses decided to line up with the sopranos for the last song. It resulted in a clash of two different pitches, completely throwing everyone off while shattering a few of the auditorium's windows and Mrs. Stephens' glasses. This tragedy was something Mrs. Stephens wanted to avoid this time around. Hopefully it wouldn't happen again.

Mrs. Stephens' run down was fairly quick. Her spiel covered all the solos, all the progressions, cues, and everything else in the span of an hour.

"Alrighty then. If there are no questions you are all dismissed. See you tomorrow."

"You mean, we're not going to practice…" a voice from the front asked.

"Heavens no! I want your voices fresh for tomorrow. Go home and rest," Mrs. Stephens exclaimed.

Man! School finally ended thought Kairi. What a day! The sun was just about to set and the sky was painted in its rich colors of yellow, orange, and red. Kairi gripped the handle of her bag and felt the gentle wind blow though her red hair. She raised her hand to move her bangs out of her eyes and gave one final sigh before she headed home.

I know. It's short. I was typing this up the night before my chemistry midterm so I couldn't stay up too late. Plus I'm really beat from playing football and basketball at the park. I'll get this thing updated soon. It should take too long. I'll probably have the next chapter up some time this week. Until then take care.

Rock out, party hard, live hardcore