'You wait until you see Lindsey's fiancé Peyt, he's fineee, I got a glimpse of him earlier'

'Caitlin every single person you've looked at tonight has been fineee' Peyton mimicked, a small smile on her perfect lips. The brunette pouted.

'Hey I'm single and horny, it's not my fault' A small laugh escaped her at her friends remark. 'Anyway, where's Miss Davis tonight? It's not like her to miss out on a party that's handing out free booze.'

'She has a date' Peyton wriggled her eyebrows.

'A date?' Caitlin's face fell. 'Bi-atch. Am I the only one in New York not getting laid tonight?' She rose her champagne glass to her thin lips, downing the rest. 'I'm gonna go speak to Steve' Peyton grabbed her wrist.

'Caitlin no' She frowned. 'He's a twat. All he did was screw you around the whole time you were together. You're not to go over there' Peyton ordered.

'Urgh. Why'd you have to be such a good friend?' She dropped her head onto the blonde's shoulder dramatically.

'Sweetie I'm just looking out for you…Come on let's get some more drinks' She seized the moping girls hand, dragging her through the smartly dressed people. 'Here we go' She grabbed them both another glass from the table, turning back around to bump into a stranger.

'Uhh' Peyton gasped as a glass of champagne was tipped down her chest.

'You should look where you're going' Caitlin snapped to the smartly dressed gentleman. Peyton's angry stare slowly travelled up from her now wet blue satin dress to the stranger that'd just managed to soak her.

'Hi' The man before her shifted nervously. She swallowed thickly.

'There you are darling' Her head snapped to her right.

'Hey' She forced a sudden smile.

'What happened to your dress?'

'This bozo just soaked her' Caitlin answered.

'It's alright it was an accident' Peyton shook her head, shooting her friend a glare.

'Ah Caitlin this bozo happens to be my brother in-law to be'. He turned his attention to Peyton. 'Baby this is'

'Lucas' She finished.

'Oh you've introduced yourselves already?'

'Yeah something like that' Peyton mumbled under her breath, her eyes fixated on the man she hadn't seen in over five years.

'Yeah I'm sorry about your dress' Lucas apologised awkwardly.

'It's fine, I'm just gonna go change I think' The curly blonde, avoided his eyes, focusing her attention on her boyfriend instead.

'Ok don't be too long ' He pecked her lips affectionately.

'I won't. Caitlin come with?'

'Sure' The two girls smiled politely at the two men before disappearing into the crowd.

'So what do you think of my girl Luke?'

'She's, she's really beautiful Mark' He swallowed, shifting his feet uncomfortably.

Mark grinned at him. 'So where's my little sister? I almost didn't recognise you without her attached to your hip'

Lucas rolled his eyes. 'She's saying goodnight to Lily'

'Aw. How is the little sprog? Looking forward to being flower girl at her big brothers wedding?'

'I thinks so. I think she's more excited about the prospect of going back to Tree Hill'.

Mark nodded. 'Lindsey's really excited about the move too'


'Speaking of the devil' Mark taunted his younger sibling. 'You know Linds, this is your engagement party and you're completely sober.' He thrust a drink into her hand. 'Enjoy- I'm going to see if I can find Peyton. See you later Luke'

Lucas nodded, turning his attention to the pretty girl before him. 'Is Lily ok?'

'Fast asleep in my old bed' Lindsey lent into him, sighing in contentment. 'Is this really happening Luke? We're really doing this?' Her eyes sparkled as she looked up at him.

'We're getting married' He confirmed, pressing his lips to her forehead. He didn't know why but he was feeling rather nauseous. 'Are you sure you're ready to become Mrs Scott?' He asked, jokingly.

'I've never been more ready'

'He's that Lucas?' Caitlin shrieked excitedly. 'No way? Are you serious?' Peyton gave her a look as she slipped into a different dress. 'This is so awesome'

'How so?' Peyton grumbled in disbelief.

'It's like an epic love story. We so have to call Brooke'

'A- I'm in love with Mark and B- Brooke's on a date, don't you dare call her' The green eyed beauty warned, eying herself in the mirror. Caitlin reluctantly shoved her phone back in her clutch purse, letting her eyes drift back to her friend.

'How do you do that?'


'Look hot in everything you put on'

Peyton sniggered. 'I do not' She rubbed her lips together, brushing her hand over the black silky material. 'Have you looked at yourself tonight? You like fine' Peyton teased. Caitlin jumped up, slapping her playfully before tying the velvet sash in a perfect bow for her friend.

'I have a question for you'


'Why didn't you just tell Mark that you already know Lucas'

Eyes cast down, her fingers distractedly rifling through her purse, she responded. 'I dunno. It's awkward. What was I meant to say? Baby this is my ex boyfriend who I was completely head over heels in love with, the man it took me over three years to get over?' She sighed in frustration. 'I can't believe he's marrying Lindsey. I can't believe I didn't realise' She finally met Caitlin's wide eyes.

'Honey you've still got feelings for this guy' She smirked.

'I so don't' Peyton denied huffily.

'You've never been this flustered in like, ever'

'Shut-up. I am not. Mark, my boyfriend Mark is probably wondering where I'm at, come on' She insisted, opening the guest room door.

'Mark, boyfriend Mark is also going to be thrilled that his baby sister's marrying some dude that's slept with his girlfriend' She scrunched her nose up. 'That's so messed up.'

'Caitlin' Peyton shoved her down the grand hallway.


'I swear I'm going to kill you if you say another dam word'

Caitlin raised her brow. 'See you're flustered, flustered, flustered.'