Nightmares and Hope

I own nothing people.

Naruto: Yay! She's finally getting to our story, Hina!

Hinata: :)

Saki: No needed to break your bet with Naruto, Hina-chan the story'll speak for it's self!


Hinata: 7 years old

Naruto: 9 years old

Neji: 10 years old

Why were they so mean to her? Just because she was quiet and shy didn't mean she didn't hear what people said about her. In fact, because she didn't use her voice almost at all she had more sensitive hearing and touch. She was hiding in a dark corner of an alley, curled with her arms around her legs and her head on her knees sobbing quietly. She could hear people talking at the mouth of the alley. They were popular people from her school. They were talking and laughing at her, even now. One of them, the only voice that didn't seam to be laughing, stopped at the mouth of the alley. The group kept walking for a few steps then stopped too and turned around. "Naruto? What's up?"

"You guys go ahead. I don't want to hang out with people who are gunna to make fun of people because they're different. So, get away from me," Naruto, the most popular boy in school, said and he glared at them like he'd kill them right there; right where they stood. If looks could kill they'd have been dead blocks ago.

Not knowing what else to do they ran, as fast as they could away from there. Even though they were all the same age they knew not to anger each other and knew what each other were capable of. They knew Naruto was the most advanced in the class.

Once they were out of sight, Naruto turned down that dead end alley, straight to her. She looked up at him distraught and confused. He just looked at her quietly and smiled gently, as if not to scare her. "Are you alright, Hinata-chan?" he asked quietly, holding out his hand for her to take. She nodded her head slowly, yes. "Good!" he said enthusiastically. "Now, what do you say we get out of here?" he said more than asked. 

Hinata nodded slowly and grabbed his hand. "Great!" he said as he started walking with his hand still in hers, "Do ya wanna get some ramen? You ran before lunch right? You must be starvin'!" Hinata looked at him wide eyed and nodded slowly. They made their way to the ramen stand and Naruto bought lunch for them. As they eat Naruto didn't bring up why she ran, or why she would talk to him, he understood. So he told her about his childhood, about growing up alone. And she just listened. They had just finish, lunch and his story when Neji ran up.

"There you are Hinata-chan! I've been looking everywhere for you!" Neji said testily.

"Calm down, Neji. Hinata's had a hard day okay. I'll walk her home in an hour." Naruto said as he saw her start to hang her head. Neji harrumphed and stomped away. "I guess that's a yes. Huh, Hina?" Naruto chuckled. Hinata looked at him for a moment and laughed, too.

45 minutes of walking through the park later…

"I guess I better take you home huh, Hina," Naruto said. Hinata nodded looking own and slowing her step. "Hey," he said quietly, "we'll see each other tomorrow." Hinata looked up and nodded more happily, "and if people start sayin' mean stuff 'bout you again you come find me 'kay?" he asked. Hinata grinned and nodded enthusiastically. "Good," he said when they got to the door, "you aren't alone anymore, Hina, you have a friend now." Her eyes stung with tears and she hugged him hard. Naruto smiled and hugged her back. "I gotta go now, Hina, so I'll see tomorrow, right?" he asked. Hinata nodded against his chest then pulled away and went inside.

It went on like that for years. Hinata made new friends thanks to Naruto, and talked a little more but was reluctant to let anyone except Naruto close. Until the day the village sent him off to war…

Tell me what you thought, please!
