This is a new Story(: Please review! I want more reviews on my other one too.(: Its kinda like the One-Shot but then different(: PLEASE READ My stories are probably boring and not good enough): but I guess im just gonna start on this one anyways.. so please review! PLEASEEEE(: RR!!

Summary: Troy and Gabi have been best friends since they were 5 years old. They both are 26 now and Gabi has been having trouble finding a boyfriend and her dream is to be a mother. She gets help from a friend. And now he has fallen in love with her. She found someone she really loves and is going to marry him. Troy has hard feelings for Gabi and he cant stop. Will he be able to stop liking her? Or will she just marry the man she loves.

26 year old Gabriella Montez was sitting on the couch watching a movie with Troy in their house. They Hang out with each other everyday and have been since they were 5. Gabriella is a fashion designer and Troy plays for the Lakers and they still manage to hang out with each other. They moved in with each other because Gabriella had no where to live and she hated to live by herself.

"Ella.. I don't wanna watch this girly stuff" said Troy looking at a teared-eyed Gabriella.

"Its not girly. Some guys would love to watch the notebook and too bad" she sniffs and sticks out her tongue.

"Why are you even crying its not sad" he said half playfully. "Troy, shut up. It is!" she furrowed her eyebrows looking at the screen.

"You haven't answered my question yet Brie" he said in a sing song voice.

"Ohh. Well I just want a boyfriend that could be there for me you know? I'm like not pretty and I don't even get any boyfriends. Its not fair. And I just want someone to hold me and everything. Thats mostly what I want and to be a mother. I've always wanted a baby and a father that will love him/her" she finished with tears coming slowly descending on her delicate face.

Troy moved closer to Gabi and put his arms around her waist and wiped her tears with the pad of his thumb. "Don't cry Ella. Things will get better for you I promise, and you are beautiful. I dont know what your talking about" he said kissing her forehead.

She sighed sadly "I dont know if I can hold it in any longer Troy"

"You can Brie, everything will be alright" little did he know, he loved Gabriella deep down inside.

She smiled. "Okay Troy.." she said and continued watching the movie.

"Can we pleeeeeeeeeaseee watch something else Brie?!" he pleaded.

Gabi pretended to think. She tapped her chin and said "Hmm, sure" she giggled.

"Really?!" he asked surprised

"Yeah NO" she stuck her tongue out and giggled.

"FINE I guess i'll have to do this then" She looked at him confused and he jumped on her and started tickling her sides. Gabi kept giggling and giggling until she couldn't take it anymore.

"Troy!!" She tried getting out.

"No! I wanna watch something else" he said still tickling her.


"Only if you say 'Troy Adam Bolton is the most hottest ,strongest, nicest guy I have ever met in this entire world" he chuckled still tickling her sides.


"Fine then im gonna keep tickling you!"

"F..F..iii..neee. Tr..oyy. Bol..ton.. is.. the.. most.. hot..test strong..est nicest..sexiest.. guy I h..h..have ever in thi..ssss en..tiree.. world.."

He got off of her and helped her up. "Hmm I never asked you to say sexy" he smirked.

"Just felt like adding that I dont know" she stuck her tongue out and shrugged.

He chuckles. "Well maybe I am sexy." "In your dreams Bolton" she fixed her eyes to the movie.

"Well my dreams always come true Montez." he said cockily. "Bolton you are so cocky" she smirked. "Thanks for the compliment" she giggled. They hear a ding throughout the apartment. "I'll get it" Troy said getting up.

"No. I want to get it!" she pushed him playfully down on the couch. "Fine" he groaned.

Gabi opened the door and greeted. "Hey Meredith"

"Hey Gabriella" she said strutting into the fairly large house. "Where's Troysie?" she asked.

Gabriella giggled. "He's in the living room watching a movie" she said as she closed the door.

Gabi walked past Meredith and plopped onto the couch next to Troy. Meredith looked at Gabriella in disgust. Then she looked at Troy. "Hey Troysie." she said flirtatiously.

"Hey Eire(Air-e)" Troy said getting up.

"I told you not to call me 'Troysie' it creeps me out" Troy said to his 4 month blond slim tan girlfriend. He made his way and hugged her and kissed her cheek. Gabi giggled.

"Whats so funny Ella?" He asked with a kinked eyebrow.

"Ohh nothing" she said and tried to hold in her giggles.

"Anyways, Troysie- Troy, Lets go out!" she said enthusiastically. Gabi stiffened a giggle."Gabriella can you stop laughing! Its so annoying." Meredith continued

Gabi looked down and smiled. "Uhh okay. And call me Gabi. I hate my full name."

"Glad to. So lets go Troy!" she tugged on her boyfriends arm. Troy groaned. "What are you guys watching?" she asked.

"The notebook" they both said in unison. Meredith made a look of disgust. "That movies so boring." she stated.

"HA!" Troy exclaimed causing Meredith to jump. "Finally I have someone on my side about this movie."

Gabi stuck out her tongue once again. "Whatever. Im leaving JERK" she said half playing. Gabi walked up stairs into her room and slammed the door causing both Troy and Meredith to jump.

"I'll be right back. Just wait here and do something." he said leaving the room and ran upstairs and knocked on Gabi's room door.

With Troy

"What do you want Troy?!" she exclaimed on the other side of the door.

"Open the door Ella. Pleaseeee" he extended please.

"Why?" she asked

"I want to apologize" he stated. He heard feet shuffling and then the door opened. As soon as Gabi opened the door he ran in and grabbed her, he brought her to her bed and started tickling her like crazy.

"Tr...Tr..oyyy!!" she tried say.

"What?" he chuckled.

" t..t..ick...ling... m...meeee" she said in tears.

"Nooo" troy said and wiped her tears away but they kept coming.

"Ahem" someone said.

Merediths POV

"I'll be right back. Just wait here and do something." he said leaving the room and ran upstairs and knocked on Gabi's room door.

I got up from their beige couch and walked around in the living room. I saw pictures. A lot of pictures. Of Gabriella and my Troy. I found a picture that looked like it was taken in a photo booth. The first picture was them making silly faces. The second was them just smiling. The third was Gabriella kissing Troy on the cheek and he looked cheesy and the Last was Troy kissing Gabriella on the cheek. I groaned in disgust.

I kept walking around and saw a picture of 10 people standing next to each other. There was this blond girl with an african american guy that had short hair. Next to them was a guy that was blond and had a hat that matched his shirt with a girl that had very curly hair(martha). Next to them was Troy and Gabriella. He had his arm around Gabriella's waist. YUCK. Next to them was an african american couple. The boy had a very big afro.weird. And then there was a girl that I assume was his girlfriend. Next to them was a boy that had dark black hair(jason) and with him was a tiny girl that had small round glasses on. I assume they are all best friends.

I heard giggling upstairs and rolled my eyes. I made my way upstairs and find Troy on Gabi and Gabriella was in tears.

"Ahem." I said trying to get recognized.

No ones POV

There heads both shot up hearing Meredith.

"Oh hey Eire" he greeted.

"Are we going yet Troy?" she asked impatiently.

"Uhh Yeahh hold on a minute" he looked at Gabi. She had a sad face on. "Whats wrong Brie?" he asked full of concern.

"Nothing. Just go have fun. I'll call Shar and then me and her can hang out." she fake smiled. She liked having Troy home. It kept her out of boredom. Sharpay was her best friend. Sharpay was a fashion designer and worked with Gabi too. Taylor was gone for a business trip across the U.S. From where her and Chad live in California.

"Hey babe?" Troy asked his girlfriend.

"Yeah Troy?" she replied instantly.

"Why don't stay home and just order pizza and watch movies" he suggested. He looked back at Gabi and a smile formed across her lips as so did Troy's.

Meredith groaned "I want to go out!" she whined.

"Maybe some other day. I want to stay home tonight." he said. Troy got up and helped Gabi up. They made their way to the door. "So you up for it Eire?"

"Sure.." she said. The three of them walked down to the living room. Gabi grabbed blankets and layed them out on the floor for them to sit and hang out. Troy ordered pizza for the 3 of them. Gabi's phone rang.

"Hello?" she answered.

"Gabiiii!!" he best friend screamed into the phone.

"Hey Tay" she giggled. "Whats up?" she continued

"Im home! We should hang out!" Tay said excitedly.

Gabi giggled. "Sure Tay. Let me ask Troy. Maybe we should have like you and Chad come and Shar and Zeke by the way. His girlfriends here"

"Yuck and that sounds good" said Taylor.

"Be nice Tay. Hold on Im gonna ask Troy" she said then put her phone onto her chest.

"Hey Troy. Is that okay if there are other people coming?"


"Tay and Chad and Zeke and Shar" she said

"Yeahh" he smiled.

"Okay." she put the phone up to her ear again. "Okay you guys can come. Im gonna call Shar and Zeke. So i'll see you soon Kayy?"

"Okay see you soon! Bye" Tay said and they hung up. Gabi then dialed a familiar number.

"Hello?" The woman asked into the phone.

"Heyy Girl!" she giggled.

"Hey Gabs. Whatsup?"

"Not much Shar, hey can you and Zeke come and hang out? Tay's home and her and Chad are coming to my house. I don't want to be alone with...Troys girlfriend" she whispered the last part.

"Sure! Sounds fun. We'll leave in a bit. And ooh I see." she giggled

"Okay Shar. See you soon. Bye" they hung up.

Gabi walked into the kitchen seeing Troy and his girlfriend making out. She tried not to laugh and walked to the living room. Gabi plopped onto the couch and sighed loudly. She squeezed her eyes shut and just talked even though no one was listening.

"Goshh I really need a life" she huffed. "I need a boyfriend. Im too ugly" she breathed out. She opened her eyes and sat up. She got the laptop that she's been hiding from Troy and went to (made up) she started typing her feelings out.

Dear diary,

gosh what a long day. I've been hanging out with Troy again.

Of course. Haha. He's like my big brother. I love him for that

My life is BORING. I need a boyfriend. I want a kid too.

Even if it does hurt. Its just a miracle that I want you know?

Yeahh everything is so boring. Troy keeps tickling me everyday

its funny I guess. I secretly do like him tickling me but sometimes when

he does tickle me its kinda too rough. But I still like it. Haha. I would laugh

if he gave me bruises. That would hurt like a MOTHER tehe. Let me check

yepp I do have bruises. Just one on each side. He's a loser and im glad

he's my bestest friend. I hope I dont lose him. I walked in on him making

out with his girlfriend. EWW haha yeahh. Its funny I guess. His girlfriend can be a bitch sometimes. Thats all I can say. I dont think she likes me. Or even the fact that me and

Troy are best friends and live together. I can just see it in her eyes. Troy is a loser

it was funny when we were watching the notebook today. When im with troy, he makes

me want to have a boyfriend. I dont know why. Like I wouldnt date Troy though.

Like he's attractive and all , I LOVE his electric blue eyes. They are so blue I can

melt in them, but anyways. What I was saying that he makes me want to have a bf

its true. He holds me like one that I always wish to have. Is that confusing? Haha

I must talk about troy a lot but he's my bestestesteststetest friend.(: Thank

gosh to Lucille haha. I love that kidd. More in a brotherly way. But yehpp. Gotta go

Bye diary.



The doorbell rang and Gabi closed the laptop half way and got up to get the door. She forgot to preview her diary entry. As Gabi went to go answer the door, Troy went to go get the door and found his laptop. There it is. Ella, im gonna get you later. He thought. He read her diary entry. He knew it was wrong but he saw Gabi go and answer the door. He read every word and was surprised and mostly happy. He saw Gabi telling everyone to come in and he panicked. He put his laptop in the same spot that Gabi has put it.

"Hey man!" exclaimed a boy with an Afro.

"Chad! What up man" They did their handshake.

"Dude I can't wait for the season to start again." Chad said

"I know!" Troy exclaimed. "Hey Zeke!" he greeted. They did their hand shake

"Hey dude." Zeke greeted.

"Dang man its been awhile. How's the restaurant coming along?" Troy asked

"Pretty good Pretty good what about basketball? L.A. Lakers man! You guys can score" Zeke yelled excitedly.

"Yeah its because of us" Chad said pointing to him and Troy.

With Gabi

"Gabiiiiii!!" Taylor and Sharpay squealed in unison. The three shared a big group hug.

"So Meredith's here?" Taylor asked.

"Yeahh" Gabi sighed. "Lets go into the living room with the rest of the guys, all three linked their elbows walking into the living room.

They all sat next to each other in their own little conversation while Troy was sitting next to Meredith whispering something in her ear causing her to giggle. Gabi rolled her eyes and got up and walked out from the group and walked up stairs hoping no one would notice.

She went into her room and closed the door quietly and slid against it. She sighed loudly and got up and walked to her bed and fell on top of it making a thud. She grabbed her pillow and put it over her face and screamed into it very loudly.

She got her ipod and put the ear buds into her ears and picked out a song. She started singing along to Vanessa Hudgens, Afraid. Gabi thought Vanessa Hudgens is a brilliant singer even if she took nude pictures, she doesn't care she still love Vanessa Hudgens for who she is. ( Proud Baby V Supporter(:)

Just when it's getting good
I slowly start to freeze
Just when it's feeling real I put my heart to sleep
It's the memory I can see
Then this fear comes over me
Understand that I don't mean
To push you away from me

Why am I so afraid to crash down and lose my heart again
I don't know, I can't see, what's come over me
Why am I so afraid to break down and lose my mind again
I don't know, I can't see, what's come over me

You got a way of easing me out of myself
I can't stay but I can't leave, I am my worst enemy
Please understand that its not you it's what I do
Just when I'm about to run I realize what I've become

Why am I so afraid to crash down and lose my heart again
I don't know, I can't see, what's come over me
Why am I so afraid to break down and lose my mind again
I don't know, I can't see, what's come over me

Now I wonder what you think of me
Don't know why I break so easily
All my fears are armed surrounding me
I can't get no sleep
I keep runnin in circles around you
Are you the trap I wanna fall into??

Why am I so afraid to crash down and lose my heart again
I don't know, I can't see, what's come over me
Why am I so afraid to break down and lose my mind again
I don't know, I can't see, what's come over me

Gabi finished singing and squeezed her eyes shut and sighed. She felt better. Somehow that song makes her feel better. She turned her ipod off and stood up straightening her outfit. Gabi froze in her spot when she heard someone behind her.

Yehpp this is only the beginning so it'll keep coming(: PLEASE PLEASE review!! it'll get better soon. I promise(: check out my other story too(: Please review!
