This fic is based off the comic I had done on deviantart, and you can view it if you go to my bio on my home page here on

Disclaimer: I do not own naruto, deidara, or tobi, but if I did there would be a lot of smex! : P but I do own this story line.

Warning!!TobiDei fluffyness...ness.


Deidara had been thinking hard all day, since it was the only way to escape from Tobi's constant talking, and weird conversations. It was about Sasori, and mostly about his death. Deidara was getting angrier by the minute, and didnt realise he began to walk a little faster down the forest trail he and Tobi were going along.

"Hey!!Wait up Deidara-sempai!! Dont walk so fast!"Tobi exclaimed, beginning to catch up.

Deidara remembered Sasori, and how he could never wait, for anything, or anybody. Deidara just kept on walking, infact, went a little faster at tobi's exclaimation.

"Deidara sempai!!"Tobi half yelled again.

Deidara replied to Tobi, facing away from him, and kept on walking. "No,un. Waiting for you is a waste of time." Deidara said coldly. He wasn't sure if it was him talking, or Sasori. Sasori was alway's saying things like that.damn him. Damn him for dying like that! Being killed by a stupid girl and a old lady!!

He was so inwardly angry and distracted he didnt realise Tobi had stopped in his tracks, looking down. As Deidara kept walking he heard Tobi speak, just loud enough to reach Deidara's ears.

"You... you really miss him, dont you sempai?"Tobi said slowly.

Deidara's eye's widened in shock as a slight blush covered his face. Thank god he was facing away from Tobi at that moment. He stopped walking, and continued looking forward, his eye's pricking.

He then realised he was slighley shaking, but he didnt feel cold.

"Deidara-sempai?" Tobi asked

He felt hot and...angry.

"Deidara sempai-"Tobi began,reaching out to Deidara, but was interrupted as deidara swung around, finally facing him.

"Just mind your own business Tobi and leave me alone!!"Deidara shouted, tears beginning to pour down his cheek.

Tobi stopped reaching towards deidara for a second, as if he were to withdraw, but decided against it as his hand shot forth and grabbed Deidara's shoulder.Deidara was stunned for a moment, but tried to pull away.How dare he touch him!

"Let go!!" deidara yelled at tobi.

Tobi seemed not to hear as he stepped closer to Deidara. Deidara struggled, realising how strong Tobi suddenly was.

Tobi wrapped his arm's around Deidara into a tight embrace.

Deidara clearly didnt expect this, as he just stood there, slowly coming to his senses.

Tobi was holding on tight, but deidara felt...comfortable.

Tobi was comforting him?! This...was different.

"T-tobi..."deidara thought.

Deidara and tobi stood there for a minute before deidara started to move again.His hand slowly twitched, then rose.

Deidara hugged back, gripping Tobi's cloak. There were no need for words.



A/N:well, there you go, my first fic. I plan to write more stories later on, and I would love for some reviews, and CONSTRUCTIVE critism.

As for flamers, well.i dont really care.