Sorry for the delay. If any of you have read 'Home Again,' you'll know that I've been at Disneyworld the last week. (great time!) Anyway, here is the last installment of the list. I think I got a little off track from when I originally started the story, but whatever. I just wanted to give more to the ShinoxSakura stories. If you like it then why not write one?! I'd read it. When I was writing this, I left it open on the laptop. Well my eighteen year old needed to use the laptop, and I told him to just name it something and save it. Imagine my surprise when I found it under 'Orgasmic Release, OH BABY!' in my documents. Teenage boys, what are you going to do with them?
Shino watched over his girlfriend for the following two days. Periodically he would turn her over to keep her muscles from getting sore from the same reclining position. Each morning he would read to her, the latest mission reports. Not so much for her entertainment, but as a sounding board. Neji combined Shino's two other team members and one of his own for the Suna mission. Kiba and Shikamaru came by to check on the couple. Hinata stopped by before leaving for a mission, as well as TenTen, Lee, and Neji, in the previous day. Shino was sure if Naruto wasn't away on a mission, he would not have left the pink haired woman's side.
Shikamaru left the apartment to meet with the hokage. Kiba reclined on Shino's couch flipping through the channels on the television. Shino read to himself from a book that Sakura had recommended. Akamaru and Cocoa were napping lazily on the floor. Kiba hopped up to go to the kitchen for a snack.
"Hey Shino, are you going to eat this roast beef in here?" Kiba called from the kitchen. "Wait when did you start eating roast beef?"
"No, help yourself. Sakura actually bought that for you. I forgot to tell you." Shino answered. He stood to remove a scroll from the pocket of his coat. Kiba entered the living area, a sandwich in his hand, as a small box landed on the floor from Shino's pocket.
Both sets of eyes followed the box softly hitting the floor. For a moment the eyes were glued to the soft velvet blue box. Kiba began to reach for the box, as Shino scooped it up and placed it back in his pocket.
"Shino, what's that?"
"Nothing. It's nothing Kiba." The bug nin refusing to turn his head and look at Kiba.
"Yeah right, you're trying to lie to me of all people." Kiba smirked. "Try again."
Shino sighed. He turned to face his best friend, no brother. Smile crossed his face.
"I love her." Shino began.
Kiba knew his friend well enough to let him continue without interruption. With Shino patience is a key into getting him to express his emotions. Shino took the box from the pocket of his coat and looked at it. He closed his eyes and squeezed it.
"My heart is full when she is with me, and I never want to be without her." Shino continued. "I want her to be my wife."
"That's great Shino!" Kiba embraced his friend. The roast beef falling from the sandwich in his hand. "There's no way she'll say no."
"Thank you for the vote of confidence Kiba." Shino replied.
"Did you ask Kakashi san?" Kiba picked up the roast beef, and began eating it. Shino raised an eyebrow. "What? You're such a neat freak there's no way this floor is dirty."
"Kakashi san has given his blessing." Shino answered. "I will admit of all the missions and brushes with death that we have faced, the thought of proposing scares me more. What if she says no?"
"Where's that Aburame confidence? What the hell are you worried about? I've never seen Sakura so in love with anyone, not anyone." Kiba said.
Shino knew that Kiba was referring to the love Sakura once had for the traitor Uchiha. Kiba wasn't the only one to mention how much more Sakura cared for him over the sharingan user. Naruto and Ino both agreed there was no way to measure the difference in how she loved the two.
"Uzumaki's going to have a cow. And your dad?"
"I suppose Naruto will be excited, as for my dad, he is happy for this match. I think he's more concerned with where we will live." Shino sat down on the couch. "I know that Sakura would like to live closer in the village, but for clan business it would make more sense for me to be on the Aburame grounds. Hell, she hasn't even said yes yet. Why am I planning this now?"
"Shino she's going to say yes." Kiba reassured him. "I can't wait to be an uncle."
"You have two nieces, what are you talking about?" Shino quirked an eyebrow.
"Yeah, nieces, not nephews. Hana onee chan won't exactly let me hip toss one of her girls. She freaked when I tried to show Kisa how to use a kunai." Kiba laughed. "If you do have girls though, maybe you'll get lucky and they'll look like their mom."
"Kiba, Kisa is only two. And let's hope only the girls do. Can you imagine my dad's expression when I present him with a pink haired grandson." Shino chuckled. He would admit pink hair was beautiful on Sakura. What he would never admit was that he hoped none of his sons would inherit the trait. He shudder thinking how hard childhood would be for a boy infused with bugs and a crown of rose colored hair.
"Shibi would have a fit, but he'd still be proud."
"True. We can't think like this right now. I haven't even proposed, and after that kids will still be in the future." Shino thought.
"So when are you going to do it? Are you going to slip the ring in a glass of champagne or write some sappy ass poem?"
"I'm not quite sure yet, and those sound cheesy."
"Ya know the next to time you guys are well, you know, you could always slip the ring in a ribbon around your…" Kiba didn't finish the statement being interrupted by a knock at the door. "It's Ino."
"That idea was completely perverted and this stays between us." Shino instructed the dog nin.
"Whatever." Kiba began flipping the channels again.
On the evening of the second night Sakura began to stir. Shino held her in his arms as her eyes opened. The loss of the four shinobi would be the first thought on her mind. Shino wanted her in his arms, to comfort and draw from his strength.
"Shino, where are they?" Sakura asked, almost bolting out of the bed. Shino held her in his arm tightly.
"My love, they have been laid to rest." Shino spoke softly into her ear. "You have been recovering for two days now."
"I couldn't save them…They trusted me with their lives, and I let them down." Sakura began to shake. "Their families, how can I ever face them."
"Sakura, you did the best you could. You are the best medic in this whole country. You have nothing to feel guilty about," he kissed the top of her head.
"He was right, he was always right." Sakura pushed herself deeper into his arms. The sentence repeated over and over to herself mostly. The constant replay of the the words of her former teammate. The bug nin had no doubt this was what she heard constantly in her head. Instinctively, Shino rubbed her shoulders, trying to calm her.
"Love, he was never right about you. He knew nothing about you," Shino tried to keep his emotions calm. The mention of the Uchiha's name angered Shino, to the point of rage.
The former Leaf shinobi had left Sakura an emotional wreck. The bubble gum hair kunoichi trained and worked to push past the scars, but every so often a failed mission or healing would knock her confidence level. Shino hated the power Uchiha Sasuke still held over her even after his death. "That bastard, threw away anyone that ever cared about him. How could he judge weakness, when he himself wasn't strong enough to move past his own problems.
"Every ninja knows how hard you fight to protect life, Sakura. You are our angel." Shino turned her body toward him, and holding her shoulders tightly, he looked into her eyes. "Never think like that again. He's dead, do not let his ignorance continue to haunt you."
His voice was firm. He had to make her understand. Pink locks moved up and down as she shook her head. The bug nin leaned in to wipe the tears falling from her eyes.
"I love you Shino." Sakura gave a weak smile.
"And I you." Shino kissed her cheek. His lips trailed down to meet hers for a soft kiss. Sakura wrapped her arms around his neck, as his hands moved through her hair, then her shoulders. Sakura shuddered as she felt his coarse fingertips grace her shoulders, She raised her small body to her knees, to give more leverage over the taller man, deepening the kiss as she did.
Shino could feel the heat from in between his legs start to rise. His hands moved from her shoulders to her waist and around to her small bottom. Shino willed himself to break the kiss. Sakura still needed time to recover and sex was not the best idea at the moment.
"Koi, I think we should stop," Shino whispered in her ear. "You still need to rest."
"But, I've missed your touch," her raspy voice tinkled his ear. "I've missed you."
"I can say the same thing about you." Shino smacked her bottom. "It's been torture watching you sleep, laying beside you."
"I can solve that for you." Sakura pulled her pajama top over her head. "If you'll let me."
Shino's member flexed as he took in the sight of her breasts in front of his face. His tongue cautiously exited his mouth. The kikaichu bugs inside him hummed with anticipation. The vibrating sent a sensation to his crotch that made the hair on his arms stand on end. Sakura gave an innocent smile to her beau. Her gentle hands running through his hair as she leaned closer to his mouth with her chest. Unable to resist just a taste, Shino's tongue circled the outside of her breast.
The seductive moan that came from Sakura, cause the kikaichu to speed up inside his body. ", I've needed you so much."
Sakura moved backwards and laid down on the bed. Shino pounced on top of her. "We should stop right now." He said to her as he began kissing her neck. The tip of his tongue trailing down between her breasts.
"Yes, we should." Sakura's hands pulled down her pajama bottoms. "We need to stop, since ahh I ahh need need to recc reccover."
The words stumbled from her mouth as she felt the hands of her lover caress the inside of her thigh leading up to the center of her legs. Shino placed one finger at her entrance and circled in the wetness that was starting to build. Sakura arched her back slightly at the sensation of pleasure that was beginning.
She propped herself onto her elbows and looked him in the eyes. "Please don't stop," she begged.
He lowered his head and replaced his circling finger with his tongue. Sakura's hands grabbed the sheets and her head fell back. "Shi Shi Shino," she panted.
Shino lifted her legs, to raise her body. His tongue changing from clockwise to counter clockwise, then slowly he began to suck on the sweet bud at her center. A frustrated grunt came from low in Sakura's chest. Not sure how he wanted her to release, whether by his tongue or on top of her or better yet behind her, Shino continued to lick, suck, and caress Sakura for minutes more. He lowered her legs and in one movement, was one top of her while removing his pants. Sakura could feel the tip of him tickling the entrance of her womanhood.
Her eyes looked at him begging for release. His body leaned forward and pushed into her. Shino this time released a moan in anticipation. Their eyes connected as he pushed deeper inside her. Sakura released her grip on the sheets and pulled at his shoulders. In his eyes Sakura looked like a goddess. Her pink hair splattered on the pillow, and her eyes heavy with lust and pleasure. The glow on her skin made her radiant. She wrapped her legs around his waist to pull him in deeper.
"Sakura…my love.." Shino managed to say. The kikaichu insects inside him were humming louder than ever with the pleasure they were receiving. The chakra from her body was over loading the insects. The taste of a new chakra had caused many to rush to Shino's manhood in order to feed. The vibration of movement cause his member to buzzed as it pushed in and out of Sakura. The added sensation of his kikaichu vibrating had Sakura digging her nails into his back.
Shino could see the desperation for release in her eyes. This caused him to push harder. He lowered his mouth to kiss hers, as she let out a scream of pleasure.
"There, do that again….again…….please!!" Sakura practically screamed. Shino complied with her wishes, pushing in that spot over and over and over. He concentrated as hard as he could not to release before her, and pushed chakra into his member. One more, two more, three move times and Sakura's back arched pushing her chest into his, and a silent scream of pleasure came from her mouth.
The sheer beauty of her climax drove Shino mad. He pushed into her as deep as he could, his hands fisting the sheets beside Sakura's head. She leaned into his ear whispering, "Cum for me baby, release in me, harder, harder, deeper, cum for me."
Shino closed his eyes as her words drove him over the edge. His body tighten and Sakura locked her legs around him, causing her walls to contract, pulling on his muscle, emptying his seed into her small body.
Sakura let out a sigh of pleasure, as Shino laid down facing her.
"I love you," he said, "why can't I ever say no to you?"
Sakura giggled, as she stroke his hair. "I love you too."
"My love are you hungry?" Shino asked as her belly sang out.
Blushing, Sakura nodded her head.
"Let's shower and go eat. We can even see if Shikamaru and Kiba would like to join us. I'm sure they are awake still."
"I wanted to go by the hospital too." Sakura said. "I need to check my in box, and I also need to check in with Neji."
"No, no no. You are not allowed anywhere near the hospital or the hokage tower for at least a week. Hokage's orders." Shino placed his finger over her lips as she began to protest. "Each time you do this we have the same argument. I will not argue with you this time Sakura love, you are to rest and that's final, and those are my orders."
Over their past two year relationship, Sakura and Shino had argued like any other couple, with one or two that almost ended their relationship. The disagreements had a lot to do with both shinobi having very dominant personalities, and the horrible ability not to be able to admit when they were wrong. One of the most important lessons Sakura had learned from her mentor was to know how to pick her battles. The tone of Shino's voice firm and set, let Sakura know he was quite serious about her orders away from the hospital.
Sakura attempted to stand to hop into a quick shower. Her feet touched lightly on the floor and her knees gave away.
"Whoa, princess," the bug ninja laughed as he caught her in his arms. "Looks like I was right, and you haven't completely healed."
Sakura understood the real message in his voice. The 'I told you we shouldn't have,' tone. Funny she didn't remember him protesting too adamantly.
"I'm ok. I just have to use my legs again," she said, but leaned into his body. "Plus, you didn't exactly push me away, Teichou."
"Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm no fool. A beautiful woman offering herself to me, I could never resist." Shino scooped her up and entered the bathroom. "Let's get you showered, and I'll bring dinner back for us."
The Aburame heir, helped his lover with her shower and getting dressed. He placed her softly on the couch, and kissed her forehead before turning to leave.
"I'll be back soon." Shino opened the door to be faced with Kiba's fist in mid knock.
"Hey, sorry man. We were about to grab something to eat, wanna come?" Kiba asked. A flash of pink caught his eye, and he looked past Shino to see Sakura sitting on the couch. "Blossom, you're awake!"
Shino opened the door wider to allow Kiba entrance. Kiba bounced over to the couch and embraced Sakura. Shikamaru followed suit, giving a nod to Shino as he entered.
"Neji's going to rip you a new one," he said with a playful grin.
"I'd like to see him try." Sakura returned the embrace. "I didn't hear a word of protest when I did the same thing reviving Lee."
"True, but you know what control freaks those uptight ANBU captains are." Kiba smiled devilishly. "Sticks wedged so far up their asses, and they only listen to their own voices."
"Careful with the words you use, troublesome mutt. The couch is pretty lonely and cold." Shikamaru stated as he passed behind the couch. He leaned over and placed a kiss on Sakura's head. The shadow nin took a place on the love seat. "As for you I'm going to have to agree with your captain. Having the best known medic does us no good if you are dead."
"See what I mean? So you guys up for some dinner?" Kiba turned to Shino asking. The look he gave Shino was understood by the bug nin. Kiba wanted to make sure they weren't intruding on a very special moment.
"No, we'll have to pass. I was about to go get take out. Sakura's still a little weak and recovering." Shino answered.
"But you guys could bring something back here and we can watch a movie." Sakura suggested. She loved having Shikamaru and Kiba over.
"Sounds good." Shikamaru added. "Shino and I will go. After that last movie you two rented, neither of you can be trusted."
"What was wrong with the SAW Trilogy," both Kiba and Sakura asked.
"I see too much death at work, I don't want to see it at home." Shikamaru answered.
"Wimp," Sakura teased. The jounin left the apartment. Much later that evening found a very tired Sakura being carried to her boyfriend's bed.
"Good night, love." Shino kissed her. "I'm glad to have you back to our world."
"I'm glad to be in your arms." Sakura whispered as she drifted off to sleep.
The next morning Sakura awoke to find the other side of the bed empty. Stretching she sat up in the bed, and scooted over to the edge to start her day.
'If Shino's gone to train, I could sneak by the hospital really fast,' she thought. The light flickered as she entered the bathroom. Taped to the mirror a note.
'Good morning hime, I've gone to the run a few errands, and will return for lunch. Don't even think of trying to go to the Hokage tower or hospital. I have spies.
Love, Shino.'
"Damn it, why can't he trust me?" Sakura asked her reflection. She knew spies meant one or maybe two destructive bugs floating around her, plus any one of their fellow classmates would rat her out.
Sighing loudly the kunoichi began to brush her teeth. An hour later she stepped from Shino's apartment and went out into the streets of her village.
"HARUNO!" Neji's voice bellowed from behind her. The hair on Sakura's arm stood at the sound of his more than irritated voice. For her captain to disregard the proper conduct and yell at her in public must mean he was pretty angry with her. Her first instinct told her to flee. "Don't you dare run!"
'Fuck,' she thought to herself. 'I guess I'd better get it over with.'
Neji closed the distance between the two quickly.
"How many times have I told you to ask for help? How many more time do we have to go through this? You act as if your life is your own and no one else depends on you!" Neji's brow furrowed in anger. "Do you realize how your teammates would feel if something happens to you, what about your friends? Did you think about Shino? The next time I suggest you remember those who care and need you before you endanger your life like that again."
"Hai, teichou," was all Sakura could respond with. Most shinobi didn't understand how serious it was to collapse from total chakra exhaustion. The damage of losing that much of a person's life force pushed them closer to death each time. Neji was fully aware of this. "I'm sorry."
"Please, just don't let it happen again. Ask for help," the white eyed branch child pleaded with his charge. "We couldn't go very far without you. Now let's hit the training grounds for awhile."
Sakura and Neji did light training until noon, and Sakura left to meet Shino for lunch.
"Did you have a good morning," he asked as he sipped his tea.
"Yes, I ran into Neji."
Shino let out a small snort, "How did that go?"
"How do you expect?"
Shino leaned to the side and gave Sakura a once over, "You seem to still have most of your ass left, so I take it he was easy on you."
"Somewhat, or at least until we hit the training grounds." Sakura served more noddles to Shino.
"You deserved it."
Sakura shook her head, acknowledging what Shino stated, but also indicating she did not want to discuss the matter anymore.
The next part of the week Shino spent making sure Sakura recovered. Of course constant love making and touching was made a huge part of her recovery process. Sakura loved being in his arms, and Shino couldn't get enough of her touch. Tsunade stopped by to check on her student, and released her back to active duty in three more days.
"Sakura love, let's go out tonight." Shino said after closing the door behind Tsunade. He walked into the laundry room.
"Okay, I really need to go to my apartment though." Sakura was folding laundry, placing the stacks on top of the washer.
"I'll pick you up at seven then?" Shino asked. He walked over to her wrapping his arms around her waist, nuzzling her neck. "You smell beautiful."
"Koi, I'm folding laundry," a small protest given as she leaned into his body. Shivers went up her spine as she felt his tongue cross her neck and make it's way to her ear.
"I'm interested in a different fold," his voice whispered in her ear. The hands of the shinobi rubbed the front of the boxers, his boxers, that she was wearing, so sexy. The stroking caused a small moan to escape her lips. He leaned his body closer to her, pressing his growing erection into her backside. His other hand moving up the t-shirt, his t-shirt, caressing her breast, as he nibble on her ear.
"Shino," moaned the kunoichi. "You're acting like a horny teenager."
"Well, I am nineteen," he buzzed into her ear.
The shirt she was folding hit the floor as, he lifted her petite body. Quickly pulling his boxers down her legs, as he tugged down his own pants. Sakura grabbed the top of the dryer she was now laying on, as Shino entered her from behind. Lightly surprised at how fast she had gotten wet, his member slid into her. Sakura moaned at the pleasure her boyfriend was starting to give her. She loved being at his mercy like this. Shino leaned into her ear and began whispering words of love and lust.
"My beautiful blossom, you feel so soft, so wet. How can I not want this everyday?" Shino's tongue curled the outside of her ear. "You make my knees weak. I can barely kept from pouncing on you each time I see you."
Sakura's breath was ragged as he thrust harder into her. The sensation in her stomach rising.
The words coming from her mouth pushed Shino harder. "As you wish my hime."
He reached past her and gripped the top of the dryer, pulling himself deeper into her. Sakura screamed in pleasure. The moans from the pink haired girl drove him over the edge. His seed spilled into her, but he kept pushing. He needed to satisfy her. With one hand he slipped down and pinched her clit.
"Fuck Shino...," exclaimed Sakura. Her nipples harden as she tightened her eyes closed and felt the pleasure rip through her. A moment later, her legs trembling, she came down from her orgasmic release. She turned to look at the man behind her. "I love you."
"And I you, koi." He lifted her and kissed her passionately.
The pair kissed goodbye for the moment, and Sakura left to her apartment. Shino scurried around the village to gather the necessary things for the evening he planned for Sakura. The hardest part was getting the flowers, without Ino suspecting anything. Luck was on his side, since her father was temporarily minding the shop.
"Aburame kun, what can I help you with today?" Yamanaka Inoichi asked as Shino entered the shop.
"Good afternoon Yamanaka san, how are you today?" Shino bowed toward the elder Yamanaka. "I will need a few roses for this evening."
"I'm fine, and roses of course. Ah, for young Miss Haruno no doubt." Inoichi came from behind the counter to go to the coolers. "Red I assume?"
"Actually, I would like a few yellow, a few pink, and a few red."
The mind control expert looked at the normally calm Aburame in front of him. A small chuckle escaped his mouth. He had seen this look before, hell he'd he had this look before.
"Let me see what I can do for you then," he opened the cooler door to pull out the flowers Shino asked for. "Normally I would not be here, but my wife wanted a new dress. I figured Ino was much better suited to help her than I am. That and it's incredibly boring and no matter what I seem to give her the wrong opinion."
Shino nodded his head in agreement. He learned a few months into his relationship with Sakura, that shopping with her for clothing was a no-no. Like Inoichi, he suggested Ino as a shopping partner, unless it was for lingerie, then he was an eager beaver to help his girlfriend.
"Being a male shinobi, you may not be familiar with the meanings of the different flowers. I'm sure only the kunoichi of your class were taught that skill."
"That is true." Shino answered his elder.
"The yellow rose is used to symbolize friendship, the pink passion, and the red eternal love," the jounin began to clip the thorns from the stems. He watched for a reaction in the younger man. "I remember I proposed to Ino's mother with three dozen roses. I hid the ring on one of the stems."
A audible gulp was heard from the bug wielder. 'Just as I thought.' Inoichi said to himself.
"I have heard the relationship of the colors of the roses before," he replied. "Were you nervous?"
"Of course, the woman I loved more than my life held my heart in her hands," he answered as the placed the flowers in tissue. "Tell me son, your father isn't at home now is he?"
"No, father is away on a mission." Shino secretly wished his father was there to give him advice or at least calm help calm him down.
"Shino kun, your nervousness only shows how important she is to you. I have seen the way she looks at you, and believe me there is nothing to worry about." Inoichi said. He placed a hand on Shino's shoulder. "Be honest with her and let her know how much she means to you, there's no way she will refuse."
The words and the small gesture of Inoichi's hand on his shoulder did wonders to calm Shino. A trait he thought only his father could posses, but he determined it was something all fathers had a knack for.
"Thank you Yamanaka san, your words are greatly appreciated." Shino replied. "However, I would like this to remain a surprise."
"I understand, not a word from me to the gossipy women in my life." Inoichi smiled. He knew too well, if Ino got a hold of this information Sakura would know before Shino had a chance to practice his proposal. "I am after all a fellow shinobi, and first and foremost a fellow man. Relax, don't worry. All I ask is for an invitation to the ceremony."
"As head of your clan how could we refuse?" Shino gave a small still slightly nervous smile, before taking the flowers from the shop owner. "How much do I owe?"
"It's on the house. I have watched that girl grow up, and I am happy to see her finally with someone who will return her love. I could never charge a man, who is about to make her happy."
Shino bowed deeply, appreciating the gesture. Inoichi returned the bow, and Shino left the shop.
At exactly seven Sakura heard her front door open as Shino let himself into the apartment. 'Right on time,' she thought.
"Koi, are you ready?" Shino's breath was caught as he saw Sakura walk down her hallway from her bedroom.
Sakura blushed at his response. Sakura wore her hair in a bun, with small curls falling around her face. The black dress clung to her curves and gave her chest more 'umpfh.' The black heels gave her legs extra length.
"See anything you like," she asked with a teasing smile.
"Hell, you don't want us to leave do you," the nineteen year old was frantically trying to get his libido in check. "You look, you look, breathtaking."
"Thank you love," she crossed the room and kissed him softly on the cheek. "Let's go, I know that look in your eye. I don't want this dress to fall victim to what happened to the blue one."
"That was not my fault, completely," he answered. "You teased me. I had been away for three months."
He opened the door for her. As they left the apartment he wrapped his arm around the small of her back.
"Teased you? I was merely sitting at Ino's dinner party, when you arrived."
"That was enough." Shino laughed. "Remember three months in the woods with three other people that weren't you, you're lucky I waited until the party ended."
The pair continued to walk into the the village. After dinner Shino lead Sakura to the Aburame grounds. The pair ended up at their favorite star gazing spot. The cliff over looked the lake and reflected the moon in the water. Shino sat and pulled Sakura into his lap, to avoid getting her dress dirty. As a chill settled into the night air, Shino stood holding Sakura in his arms, and began walking toward the village.
"Love do you mind if we stop by my house before, I walk you home?" Shino asked.
"Of course not."
The apartment was still. Cocoa had spent the last few days at the Inuzuka compound for a physical, and to play. Sakura walked into the kitchen to get some tea for them. The kettle set on the stove, Sakura took the cups from the cabinet. Pouring the tea into the cups, she walked into the living room. There on the table sat something she had not noticed before, she sat the serving tray on the table beside it.
She turned to see Shino entering the living room, to sit on the couch.
"Shino, what is that?" Sakura as curiously.
There were three different sized boxes stack on each other, the largest on the bottom, and the stack was tied with a beautiful green ribbon. The boxes were black and had pink sakura blossoms around the sides.
"It is a gift for you." Shino said. For once he wished for his coat and glasses, the security they offered would be welcomed.
"For me?! All of them?" Sakura asked. Her green eyes opening widely. Clapping her hands with excitement, she leaned forward.
The ribbon fell to the table as she untied the bow on top of the boxes. She picked up the first box, the smallest, that was on top, and opened it.
Inside the box were yellow rose petals. There were pictures of their genin class, as well as pictures of the rookie nine during the chuunin exams. Sakura smiled as she looked at parts of her past. Not quite sure what to make of this gift, she smiled at Shino.
"Take the next one koi." Shino encouraged.
Obliging, Sakura opened the second box. Bright pink roses petals filled the box as she saw pictures of Shino and herself, at different functions. A picture of them together on their first 'public' date at Neji's party, made Sakura's stomach tingle.
She closed the box. The third box, larger that the first two, she pulled onto her lap. The top was placed to her side. The fragrance of the red petals in the last box filled the room, along the fragrances from the other two boxes. Sakura noticed there was nothing in the box but the petals. A curious look crossed her face, and she looked at Shino.
"I'm not quite sure I understand." Sakura stated.
He looked up at Sakura. "Look again love."
Sakura moved more of the petals in the box. There at the bottom of the box tied to a simple ribbon (the only portion of Kiba's idea he kept) was a ring. Sakura's hands flew to her face. A flood of emotion took over her. A new understanding crossing her face as she thought of each box. The words inscribed on the top of each box. She looked to a Shino, who had slipped from the couch in front of her on one knee.
"Sakura love, each of these boxes represents our lives' together. Our past, as friends, is the smallest. Where we knew little of each other. Our present, as lovers, a little larger, because we now have more to share. Then third, the largest for our future is currently empty but I hope it will overflow with memories."
Shino's voice was soft. He untied the ring from the ribbon, and he took Sakura's hand in his.
"Haruno Sakura, you have made my life complete. You have given me joy and a reason to be a better shinobi and even more so a better man. I can not imagine a day without your love in my heart."
Sakura felt the tears flow from her eyes.
"I love you, and with your family's blessing, will you marry me?" Shino felt relief flow from his chest, and the calmness take over him.
"Yes Shino, yes, I will marry you." Sakura practically scream. Shino took her shaking hand in his own, and slid the ring into place. He moved to the couch again.
"I promise to cherish you forever my queen." Shino looked into the wet green eyes. His hands traced the tracks they made down her cheeks. He pulled his new fiancée into a hug.
The rest of the evening was spent in pure passion, over and over expressing their love to one another. The morning would begin their adventure of filling the third box, of their future.
Hope you guys liked it. After I finish 'Home Again,' I'll continue to work on the ShikamaruxSakura multific I've been working on, and then I have another ShinoxSakura multi fic that's a little more serious. Maybe I'll do a preview of both stories in a two chapter, 'one-shot,' just to see if anyone has any interest. Either pm me or let me know in a review if you'd like a little preview.
anyway, if you feel so inclined leave a review. thanks to those of you who have reviewed/alerted/faved, The List. It made me feel all warm and fuzzy. Come over for cookies later.