Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach, as much as I wish I could TT


She remembers the first time she saw him-a wussie who had hid behind his mother's skirts... oh. And she remembers thinking the thing on his head was a giant orange-of-doom with hair. That too.

She sneered at him from both distance and to his face, adamantly believing he didn't belong in this dojo. It wasn't for sissies after all.

But after his mother died (who she knew was the sun of his sky), he changed rapidly. What was once a smiling, chubby face now turned into a deep scowl engraved in his features, eyes that were once so innocent and bright were now hard and almost fierce (yet she couldn't help but notice the small hint of grief in them as well).

To this day she doesn't know why she decided, right then and there, to protect him.

It definitely wasn't pity, she knows that much. She hates it when it's directed at her, so why would she give it to him?

Maybe it was because she saw herself in him. Her mother had left, and her old man was a drunk who couldn't support either of them after his wife was gone. The kid's a broken soul from a now broken family. So was she.

There was always the other crazy notion as well. Maybe, just maybe, she felt like someone like him needed to be carefree and happy. She might have even wanted to put that stupid smile back on one day.

Although he never realized he appreciated it, she always had his back, no matter what. When he got into fights (and was losing considerably), she'd be right there to kick their asses. Once the losers ran home crying, he'd yell at her, lecturing that she should stop jumping into fights like that and by God he didn't need help from a girl. Her response was an immediate kick to the unmentionables and a "shut up" before waiting for him to quit gasping for breath to walk home with him.

Then that Rukia girl showed up.

Suddenly, it wasn't Tatsuki that was smacking and screaming at him-it was that short little rabbit-loving girl. She's never had anything against Rukia, but Tatsuki couldn't help but think she was doing her job slightly better than she ever did.

Because slowly but surely he changed; sure, he still had that damned scowl on all the time, but whenever Rukia was around, his gaze would almost... soften. And when they argued, it was as if nobody even existed except them.

Then, one day, the group was going out for the spring festival. It was a long story of how they all agreed to go, but it was safe to say Ichigo and Uryu were grumbling the whole way and Rukia and Orihime were ecstatic and unaware of their victory.

Any ways, Rukia had spotted an ice cream vendor that sold ice cream bars shaped like rabbit heads. She tugged on Ichigo's sleeve, demanding that she had one.

"You want to eat something that's shaped like a rabbit's head. Do you know how disturbing that is?"

However, he eventually gave in after the all the pinches and slaps the girl bestowed on him.

He handed the vendor the money, and the man gave her the popsicle. She thanked him. Turning to Ichigo, she gave him a smile Tatsuki had never seen before as she quietly thanked him as well.

Then, something amazing happened. He smiled.

It was small, too tiny to be seen by a stranger, but it was there, Tatsuki could tell. He gave a "Whatever..." before walking back to the group, Rukia following and eating her treat just behind.

And that was when Tatsuki knew she was replaced. But somehow, instead of feeling a bit dejected, she couldn't have felt more relieved.

Besides, even though Rukia was taking her place, she wouldn't let her have all the fun. Tormenting Ichigo was one of her favorite hobbies.

Sisters will be sisters, after all.

A/N: Umm, nothing to really say except that I hope you enjoyed it. Now REVIEW! pokes