Childhood Friends Forever OR Going To Be Lovers?

Summary: Mikan and Hotaru are step-sisters and Natsume and Ruka are step-brothers. The 4 of them were childhood friends, Natsume and Ruka left. What'll happen if they meet again!?

Mari-chan: I'm so excited, because it's my first!

Mikan: Me too!

Mari-chan: Please do the disclaimer Hotaru-chan!

Hotaru: Mari-chan doesn't own Gakuen Alice, she just wants to make stories about Gakuen Alice.


Mari-chan: If you say so!

Ruka: By the way, please R&R, and some characters are OOC.

It was early in the morning, Hotaru and Ruka were playing at the sandbox, while Mikan and Natsume were fighting at the swing, their mothers are talking at the bench.

Mikan: Hey! I came here first!

Natsume: Sorry, but you're a slowpoke, so I got first.

Mikan: B-b-but! It was my idea...

Natsume: And ideas aren't meant to be said to others.

Mikan: sniff Natsume is being mean!

Natsume: Don't cry baka!

Mikan: sniff O-okay... You can use the swing I'll just go to the slide...

Natsume: I have an idea, you can sit on top of me.

Mikan: Really!? (sudden change of mood)

Natsume: Really.

Natsume sat on the chair and Mikan sat on him, and they flew up high.

Mikan: Whee! Natsume, this is fun!

Natsume: I can't believe you're so heavy.

Mikan: Gomene...

Natsume: N-no! I-its alright!

At the sandbox...

Hotaru: Ruka, look at those two they look like... (was cut out by Ruka)

Ruka: Like lovers.

Hotaru: Yup. But who told you that you can cut what I'm saying?

Ruka: N-no one. S-sorry.

Back to Natsume and Mikan...

Mikan: Ne, Natsume who do you hate the most?

Natsume: You.

A teardrop fell from Mikan's cheek.

Mikan: Why..?

Natsume: Your a real baka! I was just kidding.

Mikan: I-I see.

Mikan's tear dried up and her cheeks were puffy.

Natsume: M-Mikan... What if Ruka and I will leave tomorrow what will you do?

Mikan: I will... Cry...

Natsume: I see, but remember I don't want you to cry ok?

Mikan: But...

Natsume: You'll be 10x times uglier than the usual.

Mikan: I see. But, of course even if you leave, we'll be able to meet up next time, so I'll smile, and wait for you and Ruka, or I'll be the one who'll follow you.

Natsume: That's much better.

Mikan: But you and Ruka won't leave right?

Natsume didn't answer.

Mikan: You won't leave right!?

Natsume still didn't answer.

Mikan: Answer me!

Natsume: We will leave tomorrow... 10 a.m.

Mikan: I-I see...

Natsume: Promise me one thing, you will NOT cry.

Mikan: Fine. But you should NOT change.

Nasume: Fine.

At the sandbox...

Ruka: H-hey Hotaru... What will you do if I and Natsume leave?

Hotaru: I see you're leaving tomorrow... It's obvious by your face and by your question. And sometimes I see it on television. The girl/boy would leave and tell it on the last day. That's so old! But when you two leave I'll be stuck with Mikan. And geez she's so clumsy!

Ruka: Hehehe! I see... Tomorrow we'll be leaving at 11 a.m.

Hotaru: And I know that you'll be leaving at 10 a.m. because I saw at the television that they say the time late than the real time so that they won't be seeing the one they love on the last day. That's so old Ruka.

Ruka: You're so addicted to television.

Hotaru: I know, I know! But did Natsume tell Mikan already?

Ruka: He told me that he'll tell Mikan about it.

Hotaru: But I'm wondering she should be crying now because she hates goodbyes...

Ruka: I know.

Houki: Hotaru! Mikan! Let's go now.

Hotaru: Okay.

Mikan: Okay!

Mikan and Hotaru left with their mother(Hotaru)/stepmother(Mikan).

Namiya: Natume, Ruka... Did you tell them already?

Natsume: Hn.

Ruka: Yes...

Namiya: I see... Let's go home.

Ruka: Okay.

Natsume; Fine.

8:30 p.m. at Ruka and Natsume's room...

Ruka: So, why didn't she cry?

Natsume: We made a deal...

Ruka: What deal?

Natsume: I told her not to cry, and she told me not to change.

Ruka: I see.

Natsume: How 'bout Hotaru?

Ruka: I told her a lie, and she didn't believed the lie, and she knew what time we will be leaving even I said a lie.

Natsume: She's so addicted to television after all.

Ruka: You're right.

Natsume: She didn't gave you much time to explain huh?

Ruka: Yup, she said my tricks were too old.

Natsume: I see... Night Ruka, I'm quite sleepy...

Ruka: Yeah, night.

8:30 at Mikan and Hotaru's room...

Hotaru: Did you know that Natsume and Ruka will be leaving?

Mikan: Yeah.

Hotaru: Why didn't you cry?

Mikan: Because... We had a deal.

Hotaru: What was the deal about, other than Natsume telling you not to cry?

Mikan: Hotaruuuuu! You're a genius! Natsume's part of the deal was that.

Hotaru: What's your part?

Mikan: I told Natsume not to change.

Hotaru: I see.

Mikan: Hotaruuu, can I borrow Puffles for tonight?

Hotaru: No.

Mikan: Why?

Hotaru: Because the genius Hotaru says so.

Mikan: Eh!?

Hotaru: That was a joke.

Mikan: So you'll let me borrow Puffles tonight?

Hotaru: Yup, but you need to let me borrow Pillow.

Mikan: Okay!

Hotaru: Night Mikan.

Mikan: Night Hotaru.

At the airport the next day...

Mikan: Bye Ruka and Natsume. Take care.

Hotaru: Bye you two.

Natsume: Bye.

Ruka: Bye.

They were about to leave already.

Natsume: Mikan I love you!

Ruka and Hotaru were shocked of the sudden confession.

Mikan: I'll answer that the next time we meet. Bye Natsume!

Natsume: Okay I'll wait for it!!

Mikan: Remember our deal!

Natsume: Okay!

Ruka and Natsume left already.