Wow, I can't believe that I got positive responses (so far) in all my reviews. Not only that, but the story was even made favorite by a lot of users, and someone even made me a favorite author! blushes extremely Not bad for my first fic, huh?

Well, back to the point. The thing is, Simple Encounter was originally meant to be a oneshot and, quite frankly, I'm really satisfied with the story already. Sure, it's angst and depressing, but I felt as if I could add no more to the story.

Then these reviews came out and it suddenly got my mind twirling. I know in my previous statement that I'd add another chapter, only it's in Naruto's POV, but like I said, I'm already satisfied with Simple Encounter. I will no longer add another chapter, nor will I make it a multi-chapter fic. What I will do is make a sequel or a related fic, but only if you people approve.

As my readers, I value your opinion on the matter greatly. So before you think of anything else, please enjoy this preview of the sequel entitled: Reunion of Hearts

P.S. Sorry for the sudden lemon, if any of you feel insulted.

"Sasuke, stop. This is wrong..."

Naruto squirmed beneath the raven's touch, his hands roaming about desperately trying to cling on to something or at least try to cover his naked form. "It's wrong."

His words remained unheard as the raven continued his ministrations—sucking, nipping and kissing the blonde's neck—leaving a trail of beautifully bright red marks along the edges of the skin.

"Sasuke, please, we shouldn't."

Naruto quivered at the feeling of Sasuke's fingers upon him, his skin feeling as if it's being burned. His voice ever wavered and slowly began to lose its resolve.

"Don't," came Sasuke's husky voice. "Don't beg me to stop, Naruto. Please don't tell me to stop." The situation itself was already driving him over the edge. Coupled with Naruto's moans and urging to "stop", it only enticed the Uchiha even more, increasing his lust ten-fold.

Beads of precum dripped from their cocks. Sasuke ground them together earning moans and gasps from his beloved blonde's lips. It's been long. Sasuke quickly grabbed Naruto's legs and forced them to spread apart. It's been too long. He positioned himself in between them, the head of his member probing the younger man's entrance.

Normally, he would've taken the time to prepare the blonde properly, but lust was now clouding his mind. To have Naruto here, now, beneath him and actually in this position drove excitement and adrenaline throughout his entire body—particularly the lower area. How long has it been? Nine? Ten years? Yes, those long years of being apart, of being unable to hold the blonde like this... Sasuke was now, more than ever, craving for this man's touch.

"I'm sorry, Naruto," he whispered huskily into Naruto's ear. "I can't wait any longer." And with that, he jerked himself forward, burying himself deep into Naruto's tight heat.

Fuck!! His mind screamed. He's tight. So tight!!

Sasuke would have immediately began pounding into the dobe, if not for the loud scream that followed suit. Naruto was in pain. He felt like he was being wracked in two. This was a feeling that he had not felt in a long time—a feeling he had forgotten.

Sasuke slowly inched himself deeper into the boy, burying himself to the hilt, but also careful not to hurt his beloved too much. It took a lot of restrain not to just pound into him like there's no tomorrow.

"Agh... Guh... Sas--!!"

Naruto's pants and moans echoed throughout the room in a way that became music to Sasuke's ears. After a few minutes, Sasuke deemed it proper to start moving, thrusting himself in and out Naruto's body in rapid succession. He gasped at the tightening walls closing in on his hardened shaft.

So tight... It's like he's a virgin all over again.

Duh! Over all, that was a stupid thought. Of course he'd be tight there! His inner voice snapped. He's been with a woman! Women are not born with packages that can be driven up a man's ass! In all honesty, the thought of Naruto having sex with anyone other than him made him fume with jealously. But the consolation there is that that area of Naruto was still his. Exclusively his.

" What... you and... Sakura..."

Naruto's voice was raspy, lucky enough to utter coherent words. Sasuke let out a small growl and thrust himself brutally into the blonde, hitting his prostrate and earning a loud yelp from him.

"I am all you should be thinking right now, dobe."

With that said, he grabbed Naruto's hips with one hand and the boy's pulsing member with the other. He began to fondle and pump the boy's cock in time with his thrusts that also seemed to follow the frantic rhythm of their heartbeats.

Something in their stomachs began to coil as if begging for release. Naruto's arms had somehow found itself wrapped around the elder man's back bringing them closer.

"Sa—Sasuke! I'm going to--!!"

Naruto's voice held desperation and need. Sasuke realized this and sped up their movements. Naruto's eyes were bulging out of their sockets, his mouth hung wide open, and his back was trapped in a very painful arc as the raven's thrusts caused his body to literally jump off the mattress.

Close... So close...

Finally, Naruto gave a loud scream and his vision faded; all he could see was white and blurry figures. A hot trail of cum spewed all over his stomach and Sasuke's hand.

Sasuke held his breath. It had been so long since he last saw Naruto come like that, and man did he miss it. In his eyes, the blonde's ejaculation was perfect—like a work of art. Continuously replaying that in his mind, Sasuke kept thrusting in and out of Naruto at a brutal pace until the tight walls around him caved in, driving him into his release.


He screamed in ecstatcy. He spilled his seed straight inside Naruto with what, he thought, could probably fill a gallon-sized bottle.

After that long and mind-blowing orgasm, Sasuke collapsed on top of his blond lover, panting, gasping for air. "Naruto," he softly murmured and lifted a hand to brush away the wet bangs that stuck to the blonde's face. "Beautiful. You're so beautiful." He kissed him on the lips softly, yet passionately at the same time.

"Sa—suke..." he panted. "Get... off..."

With much reluctance, Sasuke broke their intimate contact—pulling himself out of the blonde, and settling down beside him.

"Naruto?" he called out upon noticing the man's silence. "What's wrong?" He looked closely and saw a trail of tears leaking from his beloved's eyes. Naruto hastily turned on his side so that his back was facing Sasuke. The raven sighed. Naruto ended up regretting after all. But no matter, the deed was already done.

He snaked an arm around Naruto's waist to pull him in a tight embrace. He felt the blonde's shoulders shudder and his voice constrained. He was sobbing. He laced their hands together and, through the heat of their bodies, felt the coldness of the metal band that adorned Naruto's finger.

She's not coming back... was what he had wanted to say, but those were hardly comforting words for a grieving husband. The tears continued to pour down the dobe's face.

The last thing Sasuke heard before he drifted into a deep slumber was Naruto's murmurs of an unfamiliar name—that were riddled with passion, guilt and despair.

Yes, that's the preview. Although it's going to be a sequel to Simple Encounter, it can still stand on its own as a separate fic.

I'll give you the plotline of the story: It's been a year since Sasuke and Naruto's encounter on the train, and both their lives have suddenly taken a turn for the worse. In the midst of this, the two meet again, but this time, Sasuke will NOT allow Naruto to walk away from him. But what about their children, more importantly, Sakura?

Do please send me your reviews. I need to know if this story is worth pursuing or not. If you guys are satisfied with Simple Encounter and do not wish for a sequel, then I will stop there and move on to another fanfiction. But if you want me to continue, then of course, I'll abide by those wishes.

Of course, however, that if I continue this fic, it'll be following the pairings that I like. I know a lot of people squint at the side pairings, especially if they don't like it, but I gotta lay down my terms.

Anyway, please tell me if I should continue with this fic. As my readers, I value your opinion most importantly of all. Thanks guys and I hope you send a reply soon.