Kagome Cursed and Inuyasha Decision.

Chapter 1. The Curse that would change everything.

The Curse Chapter 1

Inuyasha forest (night time)


Kagome called in a loud voice glancing through the forest. A small shiver went down her back. She hated walking through the forest alone and at dark. She had returned from her world beyond the well and was looking for Inuyasha. He had said he would meet her but he didn't seem to show up which annoyed her a little bit. She raised her hand brushing her long black hair behind her ear. A small sigh had escaped her lips as she shifted her yellow book bag to her other shoulder. It was heavy with food, clothes. She even bothered to bring SOME text books. Not many but more than one could do more the none. She raised her head from the ground after softly kicking a rock into a bush. She noticed something red. It was Inuyasha's kimono. She smiled and ran towards it but noticed something else. She stopped dead in her tracks and her color in her face drained completely. She held her breath hiding behind a tree while she watched.

Kikyo was in Inuyasha embrace, they were holding each other with there eyes closed. They hadn't picked her up presence or her scent yet. Kagome stood there her head peeking out from behind the large tree in front of her. Her hand was in a fist and she felt a pit of jealously wound up in her stomach. There was also sadness. She loved Inuyasha too..but so did Kikyo which made everything so confusing.

Maybe I should leave them alone..go back home..Inuyasha hasn't noticed me yet..She thought.

Her head was full of things at the moment. She didn't notice how tightly her fist was bawled up. She let her strength from her fist fade. She looked down at the ground painfully. It shot through her like a arrow. She was actually wishing someone would shot her right now. It hurt to see them together so close.

"Come out.."

Kagome let out a soft gasp from her throat. She was surprised she would even find her voice. It was Kikyo who spoke up. Kagome gave up and walked out from behind the tree into the forest clearing. Inuyasha was beside Kikyo not making eye contact with Kagome at all. Neither was Kagome. Kikyo stood there having dead souls float softly into her body. Her face was so pale as usual with her hair dangling down over her shoulders. Kikyo stared at Kagome for along time and then walked in between Kagome an Inuyasha. She raised her hand and pointed it to Kagome forehead lightly making contact with it. Inuyasha looked from the ground at the Miko.

"What are you doing..Kikyo?" He hesitated in asking.

"I am doing something I have been wanting to do for awhile.." She said in a soft yet cold voice.

Her finger tips glowed a white glow and Kagome's body lit up. Another low gasp came from Kagome. She was so confused what Kikyo was doing. She couldn't move. She couldn't speak. Her body felt heavy. Why was she suddenly feeling like this..What did Kikyo do? She had so many questions but couldn't ask. Her eye lids felt heavier than anything on her body. Her chocolate brown eyes closed as she fell to the ground. With in a heart beat Inuyasha was there holding her in his arms before she had hit the ground. He stared down at Kagome.

"Kagome!?" He asked in a shock voice with sudden alarm.

He turned his attention to Kikyo.

"What did you do to Kagome?" He asked not raising his voice but trying to keep it steady with a hint of worry.

Kikyo lowered her hand brushing her hair behind her shoulder then lowering her hand to her side. She parted her lips to talk but stopped.

"A curse.." She said under her breath enough for Inuyasha to hear.

"A curse? What kind of curse?" He repeated unsure of what she meant.

She stood there quietly and then put her arms inside her sleeves.

"A curse on which it will kill her, the only way to break the curse is to.." She stopped.

Inuyasha's tighten his gripped around Kagome's out cold body.

"Is to...kill..me." She said looking away from Inuyasha. Her eyes were soft and her voice was gently as she spoke those last few words.

"Kikyo, I can't..you have to remove it."

"I can't, What is done is done. Inuyasha you have limited time so, you have to choose..Me...or her." She whispered. She gave Inuyasha was last look and then vanished into thin air with her soul collectors.

Inuyasha walked silently through the forest with Kagome wrapped in his arms. He held her backpack on his back and his expression was painful. He cussed silently under his breath so that even himself could not hear what he had said. He had reached the village in short time. It didn't take that long to get from the Sacred Tree to the village. He walked to Kaede's hut, The hut that he had been so many times day after day..He let out a small sigh unsure of what to do with his friends who sat in there waiting for him to come in. He didn't want to lie to them of course there should wonder what is going on. He hugged Kagome close to him.

"Kagome, I am so sorry.." He whispered.

He pulled the drape thing away from him as he entered the hut. They all faced to him staring at them in silence. There eyes widened noticing Kagome knocked out in his arms.

Shippo was the first to notice. He jumped from where he sat and jumped onto Inuyasha's tense shoulder. He glanced down at Kagome who looked like she was asleep.

"Did Kagome-chan fall asleep?" He asked trying to lift the tense atomsphere. As he was on his shoulder he felt Inuyasha tense up once more. He knew it was going to be bad news so he prepared for the worse.

Miroku and Sango looked at Inuyasha an Shippo waiting for a reply to be heard.

"No, Shippo she is not asleep..I really wish though. She is just unconious right now..she'll wake up." Inuyasha muttered setting Kagome down on the ground in front of where he usually sat.

"Did something happen Inuyasha?" Miroku said in a calm voice not jumping to random conclusions.

"Kikyo cursed Kagome."

Kaede looked up from her pot of strew she was cooking.

It was Sango who spoke up this time. She looked slightly confused as her eyes shifted down from Inuyasha to Kagome's lying body.

"What kind of curse? How do we break it"

"It will either kill Kagome or a way to break it is to kill Kikyo." Inuyasha explained looking out through a window.

Everything went from quiet to dead silence. The crickets could be heard from outside the door and the children running around laughing echo'd in to the hut.

"So, she wants you to choose?" Miroku said.

"I knew something would happen like this but to go this far?" Sango added.

Inuyasha stayed silent.

"Inuyasha, who will you choose Kagome or Kikyo?"

The question rang through Inuyasha's ears like buzzing sound. He had heard this question so many times. Every time Kagome and Kikyo were brought up the question popped up. It annoyed him, He was in a love triangle and it was hard. He wished sometimes they would all get into a long distant love triangle to see how he felt for once. He muttered something under his breath before he wanted to answer them. Honestly this was one of the hardest situation's he had ever been in and they expect him to answer right off the bat like that. Psh, as if.

"Will you get off my back!? This is harder than it looks!"

He yelled standing up and walking out the door. Leaping from the ground he landed on the hut roof. His ears twitched as he over heard them talking among them self. He growled a bit annoyed. He should be by Kagome's side waiting for her to wake up but it was hard while people were watching him. It was also irritating. He was worried though. So worried he'll make the wrong choice. Why did Kikyo have to do this to him? Can't she see it is also tearing him apart..

It was the morning and the birds were singing as the light from the sun shined in through the small wooden hut. Kagome flinched and opened her chocolate eyes slowly rubbing them clearing her vision before sitting up. She glanced around as everyone lay there peacefully sleeping. She tilted her head to the side confused..

How did I end up here..? Kagome thought.

She blinked and the stood up walking over to the entrance placing her shoes on and tapping them against the hard ground making sure they were on. She walked out into the sun rays taking a moment to absorb the nice warm rays on her skin. She heard a shifting sound and looked up seeing Inuyasha peeking down from the roof at her. She didn't say a word as the memories of last night flashed before her in her mind like a record on rewind. Her expression changed instantly. Her eyes narrowed into a glare at Inuyasha who took it offensively and nearly fell from the roof. She went back into the hut and grabbed her yellow backpack placing it on her back as she walked back out meeting Inuyasha in front of her. She looked at him then closed her eyes and turned her head.

"Hmph." She muttered.

He blinked and followed her down the path to the forest. He opened his mouth but the wind took his voice.

She doesn't know of the curse...He thought.

Kagome glanced behind her noticing he was still following her. It annoyed her alot. He knew he should leave her alone right after he had gone to see Kikyo. Even Miroku and Shippo know not to go by her when she was like this. She stopped and turned to Inuyasha and hissed through her teeth angrily.

"What do you want?"

It was scary seeing Kagome like this. It even made Half-Demon's neck hair stand up. Inuyasha winced like a rock had hit him across the head and took a step back.

"K-Kagome we need to talk." He managed to get out.

"No, I don't want to talk! I want to go home and take a nice long hot bath and study for my exams for once instead of hunting stupid demons after stupid shards in this stupid world! Okay? Bye"

She was really mad. Inuyasha was getting no where like this. He was tempted to run at her and grab her but the damn sit collar wouldn't get him no where at all. So his second choose which seem to always work in times like this...blurt things out.


Kagome stopped and turned and faced him. Her face more calmer than before. Her voice was light and a little shaky.

"What..do you mean?"

"K-Kikyo did it..there is a chance it might kill you..if I don't kill her in order to break it.." Inuyasha said looking at the ground,

Kagome's voice cracked as she tried to say something. He didn't catch what she tried to say. She stood there and tried to hold the warm tears back by blinking but it didn't work they rolled from her eyes down her cheeks. She let out a soft sob. She was scared. She knew she had problems with Kikyo but she didn't expect Kikyo to try to kill her for this.

"I-Inuyasha.." She whispered out.

Inuyasha had already pulled her into a deep hug as she ruined his kimono with salt water tears spilling over her eyes onto his kimono top. This was to much for her learning she was going to die if Inuyasha didn't kill the woman he loved for her. It was selfish to make him choose though. It was also selfish of her to make him do it for her. Her thoughts ran wild confused, anger, sad, scared are jumbled into one.


:End of Chapter One! Hope you enjoyed it. D I will post the next one sooner or later. I don't know what to say besides I like this chapter alot. I went into alot of detail and I am proud I decided to remake this fan fiction which I posted like two years ago which had HORRIBLE grammar mistakes and SUCH short chapters. It disappointed me greatly. If you read the second chapter and it is not a remake, I am sorry I will be working on it.