Okay, I know I have like three other stories I have to update and don't worry I will. But this idea popped into my head and I just had to write it. Now leave me reviews and tell me what you honestly think.

Facts about the story:

- Nathan and Lucas have the same mother. Karen Scott.

- Haley, Brooke, and Jake are all from Tree Hill.

- Lucas and Jake are from Charlotte.

- Lucas, Jake, and Nathan are all twenty years old.

-Haley and Brooke are both nineteen.

- Anna is Lucas' girlfriend.

- Rachel is Nathan's best friend.

I'm not sure if I'm going to Peyton in this story but if I do I'll find a good palce for her.

She pushed her long dark hair away from her face and let out an exasperated sigh. She hated moving day. She hated packing. She hated college. And she hadn't even stepped onto campus yet. She turned up the radio to drown out her negative thoughts about her new school and was instantly met with an annoying depressed voice on the radio. She continued to throw random items of clothing in her suitcase as she listened to the everyday lives of strangers on the radio. She hated how people just let out all their problems to the whole world. What the hell was that about?

"Hello, My name is Diana from San Francisco and I want to dedicate this song to my ex Justin. I just want you to know Justin that I love you and I never wanted it to end. You know that I still love you and baby please come back to me." The girl cried on the radio. Brooke frowned when she heard this.

"You have got to be kidding me." She mumbled to herself as she stared at the radio with a look of distaste. As if reading her mind the radio started to play the sounds of Rihanna P.S. I'm still not over you.

Don't you know I've tried and I've tried
To get you out my mind
But it don't get no better
As each day goes by
And I'm lost and confused
I've got nothin to lose
Hope to hear from you soon
P.S. I'm still not over you
Still not over you

"Brooke! Brooke!" Her best friend Haley James called as she walked into Brooke's room. Brooke looked up from her packing and threw a smile at Haley. "What the hell pile of crap are you listening to?" Haley asked as she heard the sound of the radio. She frowned at Brooke. Brooke never listened to this music and clearly she didn't see why Brooke started now.

"I don't know. Diana from San Francisco thought that it would be appropriate to tell her ex over the radio that she wasn't over him." Brooke said with a shrug as she zipped up her suitcase and placed it on the ground.

"Oh-kay. Anyway, are you ready to get a move on B? Jay Jay is starting to get on my nerves with the whole going to leave Brooke is she isn't out here in two minutes." Haley said as she tried to imitate her other best friend Jake Jagleski voice. Brooke let out a small laugh and followed Haley out of the room. But not before making sure to turn that piece of crap off on her way out.

"Jakey poo. I heard that you're being a little bitch." Brooke joked as she walked into the living room carrying her heavy suitcase with her.

"First of all, I'm not being a bitch I just want to get out of here. I'm going to get depressed if I stay in this house any longer. And second of all, you take to damn long to get ready." Jake said with a small smile tugging at his lips as he grabbed the suitcase from her hands. Jake looked at his two best friend's as they started towards the door. He had known those girls since they were twelve and they had all been inseparable since. Jake being the only guy of their little group became very protective of the two girls. He had to beat the guys off with a stick. And it didn't help that both girls were incredibly beautiful. Yes, even though they were like sisters to him he could not deny that they were gorgeous. And it made his job as protector even harder. Especially with Brooke who seemed to be the more outgoing one of the two girls But he had his share of problems with Haley because she could be quite wild when she wanted to be.

"Sorry. I had to pack." Brooke said not quite sorry at all. She gave Jake a cheeky grin and followed Haley out to the car with Jake following both of them trying to carry all ten of their suitcases.

"Brooke! You've had weeks to pack and you decide to do it on the day you leave!" Jake said giving Brooke a disbelieving look as they reached the car. Haley sat in the car and watched in amusement as her two friends argued.

"Yeah, but Jake I didn't know what to bring." Brooke told him as she placed her Christian Dior sunglasses over her eyes.

"You mean this isn't all your stuff?" Jake asked in horror as he looked down at the six pink suitcases that belonged to Brooke. How many suitcases does this girl need?

"Nope, But I figured I would get settled in and then I would come get the rest of my stuff later. You know on a visit home." Brooke explained as she slid in the backseat of the car and waited for Jake to close the trunk. Jake just looked at Brooke expectantly before he climbed into the drivers seat. Haley instantly put her Ipod headphones in her ears and turned up the volume because she didn't want to hear her best friend's bitching.

"So, are you excited to be go to Duke?" Jake asked as he looked at Brooke through the rearview mirror.

"Uhh. I guess. I mean I'd be happy with any college as long as I get an education. But I'm glad to be going to Duke so I could be closer to you, Haley and Jenny." Brooke answered with a small shrug as she looked out the window and watched the scenery go by.

"Ah. Yes, can't leave our Jenny now can we?" Jake asked as he gave Brooke a small smile and then focused his eyes back on the road.

"Speaking of, where is my little princess anyway? Doesn't she want to see where her two favorite godmothers are going to be going to college for the next four years?" Brooke asked as she frowned at Jake. Jenny was Jake's two-year-old daughter and Brooke and Haley absolutely adored the little girl. After her real mother Nikki ran away Haley and Brooke became like Jenny's mother and it only made Jake love them even more. If it wasn't for the two bubbly girls he didn't know where he would be in his life.

"She's at home with my mom. I wanted to bring her but you know how my mom is. She doesn't think I should be bringing Jenny to places like that." Jake answered with a sigh. Brooke let a look of disappointment cross her face for a moment.

"Oh. Mama Jagleski is being her usual grandmother self I see. Seriously, she needs to loosen up though. She acts like every place we go to is like bar or something." Brooke said as she started to play with a piece of her hair and rolled her eyes. Jake knew this was sign that Brooke was bored. Brooke and Haley were close to Jake's parents and his parents considered the two girls the daughters they never had. They were very protective of them and Jenny to.

"I know. But you know she's just trying to make sure Jenny is safe. You can't really blame her. And do you still want to meet my basketball buddies form camp last year or what?" Jake asked Brooke. Brooke looked over at Haley to see if she was listening but she had long fallen asleep listening to her music.

"You mean Nepal and Lionel. Yeah. As long as there hot." Brooke answered as she looked away from Haley and nodded in Jake's direction. Even though he couldn't really see her since he was driving.

"Nathan and Lucas." Jake replied with a small chuckle. Brooke was always getting peoples names wrong and liked nicknames better or whatever she could come up with on the spot.

"YEAh, whatever the hell their names are. I want to meet them." Brooke said not really caring she got the names wrong.

"Were here." Jake announced as he pulled up the beautiful campus of Duke University. Brooke stared in awe as students rushed around the campus. This was where her life was going to be for the next four years and she felt nervous going into it. But Brooke Davis never got nervous. She was awakening form her thoughts as she heard the car door slam. She snapped to see Jake had left the car. Brooke reached over the seat and smacked Haley's head hard waking her up.

"Ow! What the hell Brooke?" Haley asked as she instantly got up and glared at Brooke as she rubbed the sore spot on her head where she was just hit.

"Wakey sleepy head." Brooke sang with a smile as she opened her door and climbed out of the car. After a long line of curses Haley followed suit and also got out of the car still glaring at Brooke. Jake walked up at that moment and laughed when he saw Haley ready to yell at Brooke.

"Whoa what did I miss? And why does Haley look like she's ready to attack you Brooke?" Jake asked looking in Brooke's direction. Brooke was just staring at Haley with her arms across her face and smirking at Haley.

"Oh, she just didn't like my wakeup call. She'll get over it." Brooke said with a small shrug. Jake shook his head as Brooke tossed a piece of hair behind her shoulder and started toward the Housing Quarters. Haley followed Brooke after getting over her anger and was linked arm in arm with her laughing and checking out guys. And Jake decided to follow and scare any guy that tried to touch the two of them.

"Shut the hell up!" Lucas Scott yelled loudly as he stalked through his dorm and heard the yelling of his brother Nathan and his girlfriend Anna. He was stressed out enough with basketball and he didn't need to hear the annoying voices of both of them yelling at eachother. He knew that he shouldn't have been surprised that he came home to this but today was seriously a bad day for him and he didn't want to hear their stupid bickering.





"Listen, bitch and ass if you guys don't fuckin shut up in the next two minutes I will throw both of your skinny Asses out of the window." Lucas declared as he stormed into his brother's room. He glared at both of them and they both instantly shut up and stared at him with wide eyes.

"Baby. Hi. I was just coming over to surprise you after practice but your asshole brother was here opened the door and started to yell about some nonsense." Anna started as she mad her way to her boyfriend of none months. Lucas rolled his eyes and looked at his brother.

"Yeah, well practice sucked and coming home to see your face is not something that I wanted to make my day worse." Lucas retorted as he pushed her arms away from his neck and walked into the kitchen. She followed him like a small puppy dog.

"I'm sorry your practice was bad. Maybe I can make your day better." Anna said as she kinked her eyebrow at Lucas trying to be sexy but it just came looking like there was something wrong with her eyes.

"Not right now Anna. I'm not in the mood. Why don't you go get me some food or something?" Lucas asked as he sighed and waved her away. With a quick peck on his cheek Anna sauntered out of the door but not before giving Nathan the finger real quick.

"Seriously, dude why are you still with her? You don't even love her?" Nathan asked his older brother as he came from the doorway of his bedroom and into the kitchen. Lucas looked over his shoulder and stopped pouring himself Gatorade to answer his brother's question.

"Sex." Lucas answered with a shrug. And just as quickly as he turned to look he turned back and went back to his sports drink. Nathan rolled his eyes and sat down on a chair at the table.

"Yeah, but your Lucas freakin Scott you can have any girl in your bed whenever you wanted. What is so special about Panda?" Nathan asked as he gestured toward the door where Anna had left through moments before.

"I know I can have any girl I want. And I don't know Anna is just my arm candy. I need something to show off to the guys at a party." Lucas answered as he turned back around and sipped his drink. Nathan rolled his eyes. Lucas was and always will be a huge player. There was no doubt about that. Lucas was star shooting guard for the Duke Blue Devils basketball team. Nathan also played for the team but he wasn't as passionate about the sport as his brother. Nathan had lost interest in basketball when their Dad Dan Scott started to push them to hard. Nathan felt like the sport lost all its meaning and he started to lack in that area. Lucas of course being the golden child succeeded and still loved the sport more than ever. Letting Dan boss his around as much as he wanted. They were both sophomores at the college but they were the most popular guys in the whole school.

"Whatever. You need to drop the bitch and find someone that is actually worth your time." Nathan said as he got up from his seat and started to make himself a sandwich.

"And what about you? Lecturing me about my love life and I don't see you with anyone serious?" Lucas asked a small smirk playing at his lips. Nathan scoffed and looked at Lucas.

"That's because I don't treat women like dirt. And I want to actually be with someone I love. Not just a good fuck. If I wanted that I'd go to a strip club." Nathan said as he glared at his brother.

"That's why my brother. We are two different people. You care about people's feelings and I don't give a rats ass." Lucas said as he patted his brother's shoulder and de his way to his room. Nathan watched his brother leave the room and shook his head. Lucas was always that way.