DICLAIMER: Nope...I don't own Inuyasha for all you sue happy ppl out there.

Well I'm back again...with another story hope you like!

Summary: One summer two teens meet up by chance and have the time of their lives...thinking that they will never see each other again the pair try to make the best out of the time they had to spend together...upon returning to school in the fall however...Inuyasha and Kagome realize they both lead two very different lives and its almost impossible for them to be together and everyone else be ok with it.

Chapter 1

The Beach, The Board Walk, an Everything Else!!

Kagome's Mother had decided that it had been far too long since their family had taken a family vacation. Both of her children were doing well in school and she had just recently gotten a promotion on her job. She knew Sota had always wanted to go to one of those fun water parks. He always seemed to mention his friends going and them having a awesome time. "During dinner...that's when I'll tell them...everyone should be home by then" she thought to herself as she packed her things in her work station and got ready to go and get Sota from school.


It was the last class of the day and Kagome was thankful. Summer would soon be in full swing and the last place she wanted to be was in a class room listening to her teacher talk about biology. She had kind of been in a daze all day anyway so she really wasn't paying the teacher any mind.


I can't wait for the summer time...the beach...that would be nice...a couple of rides...i love rollercoasters...and to think next year I'll be a junior in high school...time really does go by fast.

As Kagome continued with her day dream, she didn't notice the final bell ringing.

"Uh...Kagome??" "H E L L O??" said Sango.

"Huh?...what?..." Kagome said with much confusion as to what was going on.

"It's time to go" Sango replied with a smile as she pointed around to the empty class room.

"Oh...yeah...sorry...I was just thinking about next year...and the summer time" Kagome said as she followed Sango out of the class room door and down the hall.

"What about it?" Sango said as she stoped to put some of her books into her locker.

"You know were going to be graduating soon...time has just gone by so quickly" she said as she jumped back out of the way of one of Sango's books.

"You think too much Kagome...lets just think about the summer time...having fun...you know there is a party tonight...you wanna go?" Sango was determined to change the subject of their conversation. She always thought that Kagome over thought things. Sango was always telling Kagome to enjoy the moment she was in. She would tell her to stop thinking so much and live a little. Sango hated to think of Kagome as a "goodie goodie" but to be honest she was. Kagome never got anything less then an A on her report cards for the past two years, she didn't swear, she couldn't do any wrong as far as Songo was concerned.

"No...I can't I gotta study for finals" Kagome said with a sigh.

"You have to study for finals...why?...you know your going to get an A" Sango said with a little smirk.

"...well...because...I feel more prepared if i do that..."Kagome had never really given it any thought...why did she study so much if she knew that she was already going to pass and not just pass but get an A.

"Well call me if you change your mind..."Songo said as she slamed the door to her locker shut.

"Why don't you and...what's his name go together?" Kagome said as she tried to remember the guy's name.

"...Oh...You mean Miroku?..."Sango said as she rolled her eyes. "Ok...Kagome here is the deal with him...Miroku has a girlfriend or maybe more than one I am not sure yet...I know he likes me and I think that maybe one day we could be more than friends...but first he is gonna have to stop being such a playboy and a pervert" Sango said with a hint of anger to her voice.

"...Well...never mind then..."Kagome decided to end that conversation because she could see that it was going in one of two directions. the first direction being no where or the second direction being a very upset Sango.

"Well...I guess I'll see you tomorrow then...I gotta get home" Kagome said as she took off in the other direction.

"Ok...see ya!"Sango said as she watched Kagome disappear.


Sota could see his mothers car from where he was standing and instead of waiting for her to get to him he quickly ran towards the car.

"Hey mom!" he said as he got into the front seat and slammed the door behind him.

"You look like your in a good mood...How was your day?" she said as she watched her son put on his seat belt.

" It was good...especially because I don't have any home work!" he screamed

"Well I have a surprise for you and your sister" His mother said as she turned a corner.

"Cool...What kind of a surprise...Is it something I can eat?" he said. Sota was always hungry after school.

"No...not this time..you can't this...anyway I'll tell you when the both of you are around so that I don't have to repeat myself" she said as she pulled into their drive way.

They both got there things out of the car and headed for the house. Sota head for his room and his mother for the kitchen to start dinner. About ten minutes later Kagome walked through the door.

"Hey mom!" she said as she headed for her room

"Hello sweetie!...dinner will be ready in about twenty" her mother shouted back at her

Kagome headed straight for her room. She dropped all her things on the floor and opened her window. She stood there for a minute letting the breeze splash her face before continuing with her after school routine. She proceeded to get a towel and wash cloth and headed for the bath room. After about five minutes the tub was full and Kagome settled down into the hot steamy water. After about 15 minutes Kagome got out and got dressed. Then she headed back to her room and plopped onto her bed. She looked at the ceiling and caught herself "thinking too much" as Songo would have put it and decided to head down stairs.

"Oh...good you came down just in time" her mother said as she sat a hot dish on the table.

"Yeah sis...I don't think I would have be able to wait...I am starving!!" Sota said as he rubbed his stomach

Kagome took her seat next to her mother and began putting helping herself to the food.

"This smells great mom!" Kagome said as the different smells hit her in the face as she removed the tops off the dishes

"So...mom what's the surprise?" Sota said as he looked up from his food as if to take a breath before continuing to eat.

"Well I was thinking about all of us taking a summer vacation to the beach, the board walk and you know...everything else that goes along with that" she said as she aging filled her mouth with food

"REALLY??...WOW...I think that's a great idea!!" Sota said as he almost knocked his juice over.

"Yeah mom that sounds awesome...we haven't been on a vacation in...well..since i can remember...after finals of course thought..." Kagome said with a huge smile on her face.

"Well its settled then...Two weeks...Family fun in the sun" her mother said as she claped her hands together


Well here's the first chapter of my new story...if you like it and think i should continue...R&R thanks!!