50 Short Stories Prompt

Issued By : Demi-Kun

Pairing : Kyouya x Haruhi

Disclaimer: Don't own, obviously:) UnBeta'd

Prompt 14


It was amazing, how far a couple cups of coffee could take a man, she decided. After all, it brought her husband bustling downstairs in the morning, and kept him running beautifully the whole day. The steaming mug filled with just the right amount of fresh brewed, imported african beans the deepest black you could imagine. Wonderful on the eyes, sensational to your nose, and horribly bitter down your throat. But Kyouya drank it down all the same. A habit, perhaps? Something he probably picked up from his brothers and father. Ah, the joys of caffeine!

Haruhi sighed, and set the coffee machine nonetheless, eyeing the magic beans that gave her husband his strength.

Kyouya Ootori sat on his big chair behind his big desk, in a ridiculously large office, on the top floor of one very delightfully imposing building in the heart of a bustling city. Such reminders of his power any other day would've made him smirk to himself. The only thing he needed now was the world's largest cup of coffee, and maybe a bagel?

Yes, yes, he knew of all the health benifits he was NOT recieving from a diet like his, but he was alive, right? Besides, his father had a pesonalized thermos that kept his coffee steaming the whole day, and he was doing fine for a man of his years. His brothers always kicked off a day with some of the stuff, and even Haruhi could not deny that guilty pleasure, though never as guilty as the previously mentioned.

Ah, here was Tanaka with his coffee and bagel now. He picked up his cup, ignoring the creamer that his assistant still insistently put on the saucer, and took one large gulp. He shuddered, and shook his head to clear his thoughts. Perhaps he would get some more sleep tonight.

But for now, he'd have to stay awake. All the pain staking hours he spent to please, and impress. All the people to meet, and all the fake smiles to present. It was all a big dance. Step lightly, with direction. Every move was precise and to the point. The empire he built for himself would never run, if he wasn't there to guide it. Heaven knew his father had run every step of his business as well. Kyouya would build upon that. He had not spent his years away to "wing it" now that he'd finally caught his break. His brothers would have a field day if they knew for a second how tired he was. But that was the game, work, work, work yourself to the bone, and make it look as easy and as effortless as lifting your pinky.

And somehow, the hours passed. Time to go home...


Haruhi had been looking at the coffee machine every few minutes. The devil. Her husband had an addiction. Kyouya Ootori, had an addiction, and Kami forbid, she was going to stop it! She wrapped up the cord, and dedicated herself to pacing around the kitchen, and glancing at the machine. See heard the door unlock, and postioned herself next to the contraption, and like a suspicious wife, waited for the arrival of her husband.


Kyouya unlocked the door, and let himself in. He had a few more papers, and a killer headache, but nothing a good cup of coffee couldn't fix, right?

He dropped his briefcase by the door, and hung up his jacket. Pulling off his tie, he made a beeline straight for the kitchen.

Where his Two-hundred dollar coffee machine sat, unplugged. Next to his determined lookng wife.

"Haruhi, is there something wrong with the machine?" he questioned.

"Nothing at all, but I decided we needed a rest from coffee, don't you think?" Haruhi replied in a rush.

He stood in suprise at his wife. Today of all days she had to unplug his lifeline?

Fine. There was a machine upstairs.


In the office?



Unplugged? (On the Mrs. Orders, of course.)

So in the least to say, he was angry. He needed enegy. Fast.

"Haruhi. If you wouldn't mind, I'd like my cup of coffee, so I can finish my work." He said quietly. His voice radiating tension.

Haruhi gulped and pushed further. "Kyouya, your addicted to this stuff!" she motioned to the thing. "If you need rest, then we should just sleep now!"

The silence hung in the air, before Kyouya's lips turned up into a smirk. "Of course, Ha-ru-hi...We can retire when you wish."

Haruhi's jaw dropped. That rich-horny-bastard. Well, at least he wasn't drinking coffee tonight, right?


Kyouya decided that bed activities were much better suited, to "wake him up".


The next day, Kyouya found the joys of Starbucks.

A/N : Bwahahaha! I have not yet completely disappeared, as I am so prone to do o-o; Yep, so this is number 14, which I'd gotten stuck on, until tonight! I thought about this long, and I think I could've drawn it out more .-.; nonetheless, I hope you enjoyed this, and Join SHINE! Link on my profile, to an awesome Ouran Forum. &Click that awesome Ego button! Leave some kind of note, so I know what I'm doing right. :)-Hopes