Hey, this is my first GX fic, There will probably be few duels in this cause I suck at writing them and yeas, Also, I could use help with a title so if people get ideas please email them to me at Also, I'm sorry if I get some terminology wrong, sometimes my memory sucks. I know it's really short, chapters will be longer. I threw this out in, like 5 minutes. Also, I'm really busy so I don't update super fast.

I don't own yugioh GX, just own the girl.

Haou is Haou...and Juudai is Juudai... They just can't be the same…They aren't the same, they're too different.

"H…Haou-sama!" A sixteen year old with knee length mahogany brown hair ran into the top room of the Dark World's castle. Stopping, she wiped off her short black pleated skirt and white short-sleeved shirt, which was accompanied by a black tie, in order to look presentable.

A boy encased in black armor turned and bore into her with golden eyes. "What is it?" He spoke with a monotonously evil voice.

The girl shrunk down slightly as her maroon eyes gazed at the floor, a slight blush presenting itself upon her cheeks. "The army has returned with a few warriors, they were found hiding within a cave due North and…"

"How many?"

Again, the girl shrank down as her cheeks became darker. "There were thirteen warriors."

Haou nodded and patted the girl on the head as he left to the dueling room to receive more souls for Cho-Yuugo.

The girl looked to the door and smiled fondly. "Haou-sama, Thank you for all that you have given me. Please, if nothing more, just allow me to always stay by your side.