Well guys this is probably going to be the last chapter I write. Sorry to disapoint anybody, but I've just lost interest in this story and can't write anymore of it. I will be putting another story up hopefully soon. But I want to write it all first before I post it, that way I don't have to worry about never updating. Hope you guys enjoy this last chapter, it ends rather cute.

Chapter 7: Babysitting Naruto and Sasuke

"Hey, you okay?" Sakura asked Naruto when he woke up.

"Yeah, I'm fine. It's just the pain killers made me sleepy and Sasuke too," Naruto rubbed his eyes and yawned.

Naruto tried to look at Sasuke but Kakashi was standing in the way.

"He's in some pain but he will be fine soon," Kakashi turned to look at Naruto. "How's your wrist?"

"Better," Naruto sat up and examined his wrist.

"Well go back to sleep now," Sakura rubbed the top of Naruto's head.

"Okay, sis."

"Sakura, you can stay here overnight or come home. I'm going home, so it's up to you," Kakashi put on his jacket and grabbed his keys.

"I think I'll stay, incase they need anything when they wake up."


Once Kakashi left, Sakura slumped in a chair in the corner of the room. She soon fell asleep. Later on, Sakura woke up to hear some mumbling. All she could make out was: "Mom, Dad, where are you! Brother, where are Mom and Dad!" She walked over to Sasuke to see him sweating in his sleep.

"He must be having a nightmare," Sakura thought.

She pulled a chair up next to Sasuke's bed and held his hand. Sasuke's eyes flew open and he sat up all of a sudden, panting and sweating.

"Sasuke, what's the matter?" Sasuke kept looking everywhere except at Sakura. "Sasuke!" Sakura was becoming concerned.

"You remember when I told you my parents and brother left me?" Sasuke finally answered Sakura and looked her in the eye.

"Yes. Why?"

"Well, they didn't leave me...they were murdered...by my brother."

Sasuke began telling Sakura what really happened.


Sasuke left the house for a walk, when coming back he felt like something was wrong but he didn't know why. He started to become scared and began running home. When he got home, he saw the front door was open a little. He stepped inside quietly and started walking to his parents room. When he was about five feet from their room, he heard pleading.

"Please, Itachi, don't," It was his mother pleading. "We love you. Please don't!"

Then Sasuke heard a gun shot and his mother scream, and then another gun shot. All was quiet now. Sasuke busted into his parents room. What Sasuke saw froze him to the spot. It was his parents in a pool of blood...and his brother standing over them with a handgun.

"Run Sasuke Uchiha, run, or I shall kill you too."

That was what his brother told him. Sasuke was only seven then.

End Flashback

"I haven't seen my brother since that night but I made a promise to my dead parents that I would kill him if I ever saw him again. He killed them for no reason!" Sasuke roared while he clentched his fist.

"Sasuke...that's so horrible. I know how you feel though, not being able to do anything while your parents died."

Sakura put her hand over Sasuke's and his body relaxed and his face softened.

"I thought your parents died in a car crash. What happened?" Sasuke asked barely above a whisper.

"Well I saw the crash, but they were still alive and the car was on fire."

Sakura took one of Sasuke's fingers and rubbed it across a risen part of her palm.

"What happened...to your parents and your palm?"

"Naruto has never told me anything about what happened to his parents," Sasuke thought.

"Well, I ran over to the car and grabbed the door handle and kept trying to open the door, but it wouldn't budge. The door was jammed and I couldn't get to the other door because the car was on it's side. I had to watch my pa,rents be burned alive and not be able to do anything. Kakashi was there with me...I didn't even realize that he was trying to pull me away, all I remember was struggling to get to the car but something was holding me back. But, don't tell Naruto...he doesn't know all those details of what really happened."

Sakura got up and walked over to Naruto's bed and ran her fingers through her brother's messy hair.

"Please don't tell him," Sakura pleaded softly, so she wouldn't wake Naruto.

"I won't. I'm truly sorry though..." Sasuke whispered in disbelief of what he just heard. "I wish I could make her forget that day."

Everybody awoke in a better mood the next day. On the way home, Kakashi informed Sasuke, Sakura, and Naruto that he was going to a party for his work and would be gone all weekend because it was out of state.

"No parties, please," Kakashi chuckled.

"No parties? Are you serious!" Naruto joked.

"Your friends can come over, just not to many and don't trash the house."

"I'll make sure the house stays in one piece," Sakura grinned.

They then pulled into the driveway and went inside.

"So when are you leaving?" Naruto asked Kakashi while he was upstairs packing.

"As soon as I finish packing," Kakashi zipped up his suitcase and handed it to Naruto. "Take it downstairs, please."

"Sure thing," Naruto replied.

Naruto hopped onto the stair banaster and slid down it with the suitcase in his lap. About ten minutes later, Kakashi came downstairs in a black suit and silver tie.

"You look nice," Sakura complimented Kakashi.

"I didn't even know you owned a suit," Naruto poked fun of Kakashi.

Naruto went to sit on the couch and watch T.V. with Sasuke while Sakura helped Kakashi gather his bags.

"Thank you," Kakashi laughed at Naruto. "Well, guys, I'm leaving. So have fun and don't break anything."

"Bye," The three teenagers chorused.

Sakura ran to give Kakashi a hug before he left.

"Bye Sakura. Take care of these two knuckleheads while I'm gone," Kakashi patted her on the head and smiled.

"Of course."

Once Kakashi left, Sakura sat down on the couch in between Naruto and Sasuke and started watching T.V. too. Sasuke started flipping throught the channels and stopped to watch "Cops". Naruto and Sasuke were really getting into it and Sakura just snorted at how absorbed they were by the show.

"Well, I'm going upstairs," Sakura said after a bit and got no reply from the boys.

A few minutes later, Sasuke wasa confused to not see Sakura still sitting on the couch.

"Hey Naruto, where did Sakura go?"

"I don't know."

"Oh," Sasuke mumbled and went back to watching T.V.

Sakura stayed upstairs in her room for most of the day. She was cleaning her room when she heard a very annoyed yell. She went downstairs and saw Sasuke sitting at the table, trying to eat some Ramen Noodles. But, he had to eat with his nondominant hand since his right arm was in a cast. He was having difficultly trying to eat with his left hand and let out another frustrated yell.

Sakura started to giggle and walked over to Sasuke. She was trying hard not to laugh, but she couldn't help it and started laughing again. Sasuke glared at Sakura, but he couldn't glare at her long because he thought she looked so cute when she laughs. When she stopped laughing, she picked up the fork and she tried to feed Sasuke. He looked at her like there was no way in hell that she was going to feed him.

"There is no freaking way she is gonna feed me."

"Oh come on, Sasuke. Nobody is going to see, so there's no need to be embarassed."

Sasuke thought it over and finally replied, "No."

Sakura put the fork back in the bowl and started to turn around to leave, when Sasuke grabbed her arm.

'Wait...can you help me?" Sasuke asked blushing.

Sakura smiled brightly at him and picked the fork back up and started to feed him.

"What in the hell is she doing to me? She has me doing whatever I can to make her happy, including letting her feed me!"

She would tease Sasuke by holding the fork in front of his mouth and then pull it away until Sasuke would grab her hand and make her put the fork in his mouth. At one point, she even got a noodle stuck on his nose and she giggled while he tried to slurp it up. They talked and laughed the entire time. Sasuke actually enjoyed Sakura feeding him.