Chapter 1: Arrival

Sakura Haruno has been living with her uncle since her parents died, Naruto Uzamaki, her brother is living at Kakashi Hatake's house. After their parents died Kakashi adopted Sakura and Naruto but Sakura went to live with her uncle while Naruto stayed with Kakashi. Since Sakura's uncle was moving she decided to go live with Naruto, her brother, and Kakashi, her new father

When Sakura's uncle pulled up to her new home her mouth dropped. She would be living in a mansion. As soon as she got out of the door she was hugged by Naruto.

"Hey sis! I am so glad you are moving in" Naruto started to grin "You are going to have fun here. Believe it!"

When they got done bringing Sakura's bags in Sakura hugged her uncle and said goodbye to him. When they closed the door and turned around Kakashi just walked into the room looking all wet.

"Ah, Sakura. I am sorry. I was hoping to be out of the shower before you got here. But it can take a while getting around this house"

Naruto started to laugh. "Late as usual Kakashi! Don't lie to her"

After Kakashi and Naruto got done helping Sakura put her stuff away, Naruto asked

"Kakashi! Can I call Gaara and invite him over? Then all us guys can play basketball out back" Kakashi just said "sure"

"Hey Sakura you wanna watch?" Naruto asked when he was about to leave the room to change into somethin more comfortable to play basketball in.

"Um..." Sakura started. But before she could answer Naruto cut her off.

"There is going to be four guys without shirts on" Naruto winked at her and grinned.

"Fine" Sakura sighed "You go ahead and go out back, and I will call Gaara, then i will be out"

"Hey Gaara!"

"Whats up Naruto?"

"Are you up for a game of basketball?"


"Oh, by the way you finally get to meet my sister!"

"Did she move in?"

"Yeah, today"

"Does she know Sasuke there too?"

"No, not yet"

"Alright I will be over in five minuted, bye"


Once Gaara got there everybody was outside. Sakura was sitting in a chair, while the boys decided the teams.

"Okay! Naruto shut up for a second! Why don't we do Kakashi and Naruto, you know oldest and youngest" A raven-haired boy about Naruto's age yelled, getting annoyed by Naruto's loud mouth.

"Alright, since Sakura probably doesn't want to see me and her brother with our shirts off, Sasuke and Gaara your skins and me and Naruto will be shirts. Just go put them on the chair" Kakashi winked at Sasuke and Gaara.

"Good, cause I was getting hot anyway" Gaara said winking back.

While walking over to the chairs Sasuke asked Gaara "Why does he have to be a pervert? I mean this is the first time I saw her all day, since nobody bothered to tell me she got here already. I mean I don't wanna be shirtless the first second she sees me, it might give her the wrong idea" The raven-haired boy known as Sasuke finally stopped to breath so Gaara decided to say something before Sasuke started talking again.

"I never thought I would say this but I think it's love at first sight" Gaara laughed and Sasuke punched him in the arm

"And why do you say that" Sasuke asked raising his eyebrows

"Well usually you taking your shirt off and showing off to girls. Just put your shirt on the chair cause I am ready to play"

Sasuke took his shirt off and said "Thats so not true" he grinned knowing that was a lie. He finally put his shirt on the chair next to Sakura casting her a smile.

"Did he just smile at me! God he is so cute!" Sakura thought to herself and smiled when she saw she could get a good look at the two boys because they would be facing Sakura's direction. When Sakura looked at Sasuke he smiled at her.

"Living here is going to be fun, since Naruto has some hot friends and Kakashi lets them over anytime Naruto asks" Sakura just smiled back.

This is my first story and my story gets better i promise. Please review for me. I take good and bad comments, i would love any suggestions or tips
