Hello all! So, I'm running out of ideas for the fic that I'm currently writing, Hiding Behind a Mask. I've had this idea for a little while, so I'm using it to keep the ideas going and hopefully come up with something for HBAM. Well, I hope you enjoy this first chapter. Please review and tell me what you think! Reviews equal love. :D

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or any of the characters. I also don't own any of these secrets. They all come from icons that were created by xkenzx5 on and belong solely to her.

The mall's food court was loud and boisterous, full of people talking animatedly over what high-fat, heart attack inducing food they were going to ingest. Ino leaned back lazily in her chair, taking a sip of her Diet Coke and watching them with slight interest. Ino always found mild amusement in people watching, especially when hot guys were involved. Right now, the guy standing in line at Panda Express with the pineapple hair caught her eye. Despite his weird hair, there was something in his lazy stance that she found really sexy. Let's not forget that he had a really nice ass.

I wonder if I should go over and say hi, Ino contemplated silently.

Ino put her Diet Coke down on the table decidedly with a glint of determination in her eye. She was about to get up out of her chair, but out of nowhere a girl appeared at his side and latched herself onto him. Ino sunk back down into her dejectedly and eyed the invader enviously. She was quite beautiful, but Ino would never admit that in a million years. Ino was sure that this guy could do way better than this girl who has hanging all over him.

What a whore, Ino thought cattily. Could her skirt be any shorter? And what is up with the fishnets? Not to mention those shoes are definitely hooker shoes. And oh my God, cleavage much? He could do so much better than that slut. She's not even pretty. Her hair style looks like a kindergartener's, her eyes are dull, and her body looks like a guy's.


That deep, smooth voice awoke her from her malicious thoughts towards the blonde with her arm linked with Pineapple Head's. She turned her head to face the handsome guy sitting across from her and staring at her with his fingers laced together in that brooding manner of his. Ice Princess was the hottest guy Ino had ever seen, even hotter than Pineapple Head. No guy could ever compete with his dark, piercing eyes, sexy, dark hair that hung in his face, and his very muscular body. Still, even though Sasuke was the epitome of sexy, Ino thought Shikamaru was mighty fine. Ino inwardly chided herself for thinking of Sasuke like she had before he had asked Sakura out

God, I was such a fan girl, Ino recalled.

"Yeah, Sasuke?" Ino asked distractedly.

"Could you stop staring at Shikamaru's ass for a couple seconds? You're supposed to be helping me here," he reminded her with the annoyance apparent in his voice.

Oh, so Pineapple Head's name is Shikamaru. Wow, that boy is so hot. I wonder how I can pry that skank off of him…

"First off, I was like so not staring at his ass," Ino informed, even though she totally had been. Sasuke snorted at this, but she ignored this. "Second, pull the stick out of your ass."

"Hn," was his only reply.

Ugh, I hate it when he does that grunt thing of his.

"Anyways, you said you needed help with something," Ino reminded him in a businesslike manner.


Ino rolled her eyes exasperatedly and asked, "What exactly do you need help with, Sasuke? Or am I just supposed to guess?"

"It's Sakura," he answered coolly.

Uh oh. This does not sound good. Is he going to break up with her? Is he going to ask me to do it for him? What an ass!

"What about, Sakura?" Ino urged patiently, holding back the urge to start babbling all of her assumptions and questions.

"Well," Sasuke started slowly. Ino remained silent, knowing how much of a blow to the Uchiha pride asking her for help was. "I feel like I'm missing something."

Ino contorted her face into an expression of confusion, not totally sure what he meant. "I'm not quite following."

Sasuke sighed tiredly, just wanting this to be over with. "I try to make her happy, but I'm not getting something. I seems like I hurt her more than anything."

Ino examined him very closely, feeling surprised that Sasuke would be concerned about Sakura's happiness. It had always bewildered her why Sasuke had ever asked Sakura out. Not that she was unhappy for Sakura, she truly was happy for her, but Sasuke never really acted like he cared about her at all. He ignored her most of the time, and the rest of the time he was cold towards her. So to see Sasuke feeling remorse for Sakura's sake was quite monumental in Ino's mind.

I should like have a camera to record this for future generations or something, Ino mused.

"What would make you think you are hurting her?" Ino inquired, gently nudging Sasuke along.

Sasuke scowled at Ino, obviously quite impatient with her constant questions. I just needed some advice, he complained inwardly. I didn't ask for twenty questions.

"She just seems disappointed every time I see her," he elaborated stiffly. Like I didn't do something or say something like she wanted."

Ino tried to think back on previous conversations with Sakura, racking her brain for any comments that indicated her disappointment with Sasuke. After careful thought, a flood of memories came back to her. Sakura had recounted several events where she had hoped Sasuke would react in some way but never did. Sakura had made Ino swear not to say anything to anyone, especially Sasuke. Ino debated whether or not she should tell Sasuke about this; unsure which would be the greater good. She took another good look at Sasuke, and that made up her mind; she would help the poor guy, even if it meant pissing Sakura off.

"Okay," Ino started off slowly, "wanna know a secret? Like actually a few?"

"Hn," Sasuke replied, seeming disinterested to those not paying attention, but Ino could see he wanted to hear what she had to say.

"Do you want to like get another Sprite?" Ino asked.

Sasuke raised an eyebrow in bemusement. "Why?"

Ino let out a long sigh. "This might take a while."