A/N: Hi guys! Don't kill me for not updating on Angels in Flight or New Year New Love! I've been so distracted lately DX Sucks to have a contagious disease, huh? Ok well I dedicate this fic to my good friend and fellow Dreamshipping sister, Samia AKA FuturisticAngel! You are SOOOOOOO awesome, girl! Anyways, this is set during the medival times, just so you know. Obviously its Dreamshipping. Thats all I write about in the GX section XD Anyway, reviews would be appreciated, but I'm not desperate for them or anything. I just write for the fun of it. Anyways, start the fic!!

Disclaimer: Alexis Andersen does not own Yu-Gi-Oh GX. If she did, then it wouldn't be ending today on March 26th!!

Normal POV

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Two kingdoms..

One known as Rhodes, or the Northern Kingdom

The other known as Andersen, or the Southern Kingdom

Each were smaller branches on different sides of the Great Kingdom

A great war seperated the two, and there has been nothing but tragedy caused from differences between the two smaller kingdoms

Pure hatred.

But two people, one from each of the kingdoms, still wished desperately for peace

Alexis Rhodes, princess of the Eastern Kingdom

And Jesse Andersen, prince of the Western Kingdom

The two desperately fought for peace, but failed in the end

However, when the two finally met, there was a spark of hope

Maybe, just maybe, together, the two could obtain peace.
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"I have told you once, Father, I will not marry that man!!" a young teenage dirty blonde princess yelled at her own father. She was dressed in a simple blue dress that ended at her ankles and had the royal crest of the Eastern Kingdom on the heart. The crest was a shield, and on top of it was a rose with a blade piercing it's petals. A silver tiara sat on her head, which had blue jewels embedded into it. Her tan eyes showed sorrow and anger towards her father, the king of the Northern Kingdom.

"Please, Alexis. By marrying Zane, you'll join together the North and the Eastern Kingdoms! Then together we'll conquer that dreaded Southern Kingdom!" her father, a middle aged man, protested. His dirty blonde hair was neatly combed back, and he was dressed in a red silk robe with the crest of the Eastern Kingdom embroidered on the heart.

"I'm sick of this war! This has been going on for years! Can't you end it, father?!" the princess, better known as Alexis, requested.

"This war will be ended just as soon as you marry Zane and join together our two kingdoms! We will obtain victory, Alexis!" Her father told her with a bit of a hopeful smile.

"There's no reason to fight! Just end this war and declare peace!! Then the Great Kingdom will be normal again!" she protested.


"Don't you "Alexis..." me! You're pathetic, father. You really are!"

And with that, Alexis ran back to her chamber and slammed the door shut.

'Maybe a day on the town will help me forget this whole situation...' she thought, walking to over to her closet doors and opening them. Quickly, she undressed and folded her dress into a neat square. Alexis took a simple blue shirt and a pair of simple black pants from the closet and shut the doors as quietly as she could. Then, she slipped the shirt over her head and pulled up her pants.

'I'm going to have to thank Atticus for going to the market to buy these for me later.' she reminded herself.

Alexis walked over to her simple wooden dresser and grabbed a hairband from a small wooden basket that sat in front of her mirror and gathered her hair into a ponytail. She twisted the hairband until it was tight enough to hold her ponytail. Lastly, she slipped on a pair of simple black ballerina shoes and pranced out of her room.

"Where are you going, Princess Alexis?" a voice said from behind her. She turned around, seeing one of the guards standing right there.

"To the town. I need to take care of some errands." Alexis lied.

"Very well. Be back soon, my dear princess." the guard said.

She nodded and ran to the main hallway, hoping not to catch the attention of anyone else along the way. A couple of maids did notice her, but said nothing to her.

Just Alexis reached for the handle to the palace doors, a hand gently tugged on her ponytail.

"Heya, sis! What's up? And why are you dressed like a commenor chick?" a voice said from behind her. She turned around, only to see her older brother and the prince, Atticus, standing there. He was dressed in lavender robes and his semi-long brown hair was tied into a loose ponytail.

"I'm just going out to the town, thats all. I've made sure no one will know who I am." Alexis assured him.

"Okay, thats good. Well, if you meet any commenor chicks, let me know, okay?" Atticus requested.

"Whatever. See you later, bro."

And with that, she was out the door and outside the castle.

A/N: Hey, I know its short, but its just the prologue, okay? Anyway, what do you think? Tell me in a review!