Author's Note: Resulting from a random urge to look up some pick-up lines and quotes and getting ideas from them. Tyger must warn you that some of these may be a bit cliché or cheesy….mostly because she just wrote whatever popped up from her head after reading those ridiculous pick-up lines and cute quotes. Mainly focuses around KakaIru, but it expands to other couples that come to mind later.

"Baby, I'm an American Express shouldn't go home without me!"

Iruka scowled, as a teacher, his awareness level was higher then his current level dictated. Then again, how could he not when he was working with mini-nins. They were more like spawns of the devil, couldn't turn your back on them.

Either way, the academy teacher knew that someone was following him, though he had yet to figure out who exactly it was. Judging from that alone, Iruka figured it was someone of jounin level.

A flash of silver caught the corner of his peripheral vision. Iruka groaned mentally, whimpering to himself and wondering just why he was the one who had to have probably the most mentally disturbed jounin stalking him all day.

"Kakashi-sensei, please come out. I know it's you."

The jounin appeared in a puff of smoke after that, nose buried in the blaringly orange covered book everyone was so accustomed to see on the shinobi.


"What do you want Kakashi-sensei." Iruka sighed exasperatedly, arms full of scrolls and papers for class work.

"Wonderful weather we're having today!" Kakashi replied cheerfully in what he considered a flawless change of direction in conversation.

Iruka muttered darkly once more about crazy jounins, before sighing in resignation, "Yes, it's lovely weather." He replied conversationally, "Is there a reason you've been following me all day….days…weeks…"

If Kakashi was surprised any that the academy teacher had known, he didn't show it. In fact, he glanced over at Iruka, "Month!"

The chuunin saw red, "A whole month?!" he shouted, pausing mid-step to spin around and glare at the silver haired man, "And why have you been stalking me for a month! Do you have any idea what the word privacy means! How da—"

He was abruptly cut off mid-rant when a pair of warm lips collided with his own. Iruka's melting brain vaguely noted that it meant the copy nin had removed his mask, but the thought was quickly spinning down the drain when that tongue, oh god that tongue!

Just as quickly however, those lips and tongue were gone and Iruka was staring into empty air with a dazed expression. The barest hint of sulfur lingered in the air where Kakashi had been occupying just moments ago.