This is the final chapter and it makes me sad to say that, but happy because it took soooooo long to get My Wonderful Life out to you wonderful readers that I'm kind of surprised by the fact that this was completely written in almost one sitting. It helps when its outlined in class...where I should be paying attention, but who needs a BA anyways? Just kidding! lol

A quick thanks to dingus485, just-another-generic-emo-kid, sailorselene, bonzodog, & Shrink to be for all the comments in such a short period of time.
Enjoy His Surprise's finale.

Ch. 4

"I can't believe Turk actually went back to the hotel so early." JD stated as Carla and he walked down the crowded sidewalk. The latina woman simply shrugged as she looked up at JD.

"I think his blood sugars might be too high." She stated with a sigh. "All I know is Perry took him off to the side a couple days ago and since then he's been really jumpy." JD glanced at Carla, curiousity written all over his face. Carla sighed as she glanced up at the orange hand stopping her from running across the street to check on her husband. A jingle from Carla's purse caused her to jump before quickly pulling it out, without looking at the caller id, she placed the receiver to her head.

"Turk?" JD glanced down at the concerned expression that covered his friend's face. He couldn't help the pang of jealousy that settled neatly in his stomach at the idea that Turk was only a few feet away while Perry was on the opposite side of the country.

"JD, we need to head back to the hotel. Turk said they're changing our rooms." Snickering, JD shrugged as they followed a group of natives expertly cross the busy street. Carla glanced back at JD and offered a smile, wishing the man would smile. It was starting to bother her that his happiness was that dependent on Perry being there. She actually pitied the people that crossed Perry's path at the hospital, because he would not be a pretty sight.

"Carla," JD froze, his brow furrowing in confusion as he stared at the figure he'd seen slip into the hotel he and Carla were staying at. Glancing back at the woman besides him, JD couldn't help but shake his head, wishing he wasn't known for having such an active imagination so that she might believe what he'd just seen.

"JD, c'mon, let's go see Turk." She placed a hand gently on JD's forearm before passing him and walking through the crowd like she had been born in this environment. JD was sure that he was not meant to be in such a crowded town, even California was not as insane as this one block seemed to be.

Blinking quickly, JD pulled himself from his thoughts and tried to catch up with Carla, who was already waiting for him at the entrance to the hotel.

"That," JD motioned towards the hustle and bustle he had just escaped. "Is fucking insane!" Carla laughed as she motioned for JD to follow her inside.

"Seriously, Carla, how the hell can you deal with that? That was so insane! I'm starting to think Perry would be glad that he didn't have to see all these people." Carla nodded as she continued to stare at the elevator door. Patience was a virtue that she had been lucky to have. Regrettably, when her husband was saying she needed to get back to the hotel-and he knows he's not getting any time for relations because he's still not telling her whatever Perry had said- she was probably more impatient than she'd meant to be.

"Oh thank God!" She sighed in relief as the doors started to slide open, only to stop when she saw Turk propped against the wall facing the elevator, a small smile on his face. "Turk?" Carla asked as she approached the man, JD close behind him.

"Dude, Chocolate Bear, what's the surprise?" Turk narrowed his gaze at his friend before he slid his arm around his wife's waist.

"They switched our rooms up. I guess Kelso felt bad about making you miss your anniversary with Cox." Turk paused a second before the three of them started to laugh.

"It'd be scary if Kelso was like that, huh?" JD stated as he attempted to reel in the laughter.

"Well, you do know that this is the one time of the year that Perry is nice to people and so Kelso is probably regretting letting you go." Carla stated matter of factly. JD only shrugged as Turk started to motion for them to head down the hall towards their new rooms.

Stopping in front of a door that JD could only assume was his, since Turk had not opened it. JD slipped the pass key into the door and pushed it open when it cleared.

"Holy shit!" JD stated as he saw the balcony that looked straight over Central Park. Glancing back at his friends, he couldn't help the joy that flashed through him. "You guys this room is fucking awesome!" Carla laughed as she stepped in, seeing the view she elbowed Turk's side.

"Baby, I hope JD's not staying in this room all alone, because that view should not be for just one person to enjoy." Turk nodded as he leaned against the door frame.

"Baby, I did bring season 1 of Gilmore Girls." JD spun around at the comment, a grin on his face as he slid an arm over Carla's shoulders.

"This is going to be awesome. You guys can stay however late you want. I know I won't be paying attention in the conference tomorrow." Turk grimaced, knowing exactly what would be on his friend's mind. For a moment he wished they weren't close enough for him to have that knowledge, but that moment was fleeting as he saw the grin on JD's face. He hadn't seen the man grin for real since they'd left the airport.

"V-bear, what's that?" Turk motioned towards the basket sitting on the small table by the entrance wall.

"Candy necklaces?" JD stated as he ripped the wrapping from around the goody basket. Pulling out an envelope that had rested on top of the candies, JD eyed it suspiciously. There was no writing anywhere on it.

"Open it, JD, the curiousity's killing me." Carla stated as she glanced at the nonchalant expression that Turk wore. She could tell by the way his lips quivered that he was fighting to hide a smirk. She glanced back to see JD pulling out a picture.

"Who's this from?" JD pondered aloud as he looked at the blank back side of the picture. Carla could see Jack standing in the center of the picture holding a sign that had clearly been written in his childish penmanship.

"Is that Jack?" Carla stated as she moved forward to take the picture from JD. She read the sign in the smiling boy's hands: kitchen.

Before she could say anything JD was heading to the small kitchenette. Lying against the coffee pot, JD found another card. Picking it up before the others could crowd around him, JD found a picture of Jennifer holding a sign that read: closet.

Sweeping past them before Carla could utter a word, JD swung the closet door open to find another envelope on his suitcase. "How the hell did these get around here?" JD stated as he opened the envelope and once more pulled out a picture. This one had Isabella holding sign that said: My Daddy. JD spun around and noticed for the first time that Turk hadn't moved from his original place against the door, while Carla had followed her friend around the small suite and now stood next to him looking at the image of her daughter, before glaring at her husband.

"Oh, you better not have kept this from me, Christopher." Turk smiled shyly as he pulled a card from his jacket pocket, offering it to his best friend while he glanced at his wife apologetically. Carla rolled her eyes, trying to not get too mad at the surgeon before she found out what was going on.

"I only did what the package told me to do, Baby." Turk stated innocently as he watched JD open the envelope and remove another picture. In this one Sam held a poster that read bedroom.

JD and Carla were at the bedroom door in a matter of seconds, looking around the room for another envelope, which neither could find. JD laughed as he heard Carla start to mutter in Spanish, glad that he didn't understand enough to know who was going to be killed. He paused as he looked back at the bed he'd seemingly neglected upon entry.

Sitting against the pillows was a small black box. Stepping forward, JD hesitantly picked it up, looking it over thoroughly, before opening it. Carla gasped as she saw the small box in JD's hands. Stepping quickly to his side, she was unsure who was more disappointed by the emptiness.

"Turk, this is some really weird joke." JD stated as he turned to face his friend. He stopped as his eyes focused on the figure standing in the doorway. His eyes took in the jean clad legs that lead up to a well built torso hidden beneath a black business jacket that emphasized the broad shoulders that held a very familiar head, topped with curly red hair.

"Perry?" JD whispered, afraid that he would find out that he was only dreaming and he was still standing around at the front desk waiting to check into the hotel. JD gasped as Perry knelt before him a unfamiliar expression on his face as his gaze held JD's. "Is your back-" JD was silenced as Perry took his hand in his own. He could feel something being pressed against his palm. The younger man grasped it as his furrowed brows bombarded his lover with millions of unvoiced questions.

"Oh my God!" Carla gasped as she saw the box in JD's hand. She looked back at the first black box that laid on the ground. Looking back at her husband with a wide eyed expression, Carla couldn't help the tears that started to well up. Turk smiled as he slid an arm around her waist, his other hand steadying the camera on his phone as he recorded the event.

"Perry," JD gasped as he looked at the contents of the small box. He smiled as his eyes moved from the silver band to the anxious blue eyes of his lover.

"There's a catch to the ring." Perry stated as he moved his head back, avoiding the kiss that the younger man had moved to make. JD raised an eyebrow as he stared at the serious expression that Perry wore. "That you say 'yes' to my next question." JD's cheeks hurt as his smile grew and he chuckled at the gasping sound from Carla.

"Yes." JD stated, knowing that he must sound like a girl, but not caring as he stared into the eyes of the man he loved.

"You didn't let me ask, JD." Perry grunted as he fixed his lover with a serious expression. "For all you know I just asked to be able to give you to the pod people. Who I just discovered are lead by none other than the Janitor." JD's eyes widened as he watched the serious expression wash from Perry's face to be replaced with laughter that his reaction had brought to the older man.

"Than ask me again, so I can say 'no'. Even if I like the ring." JD pouted as Perry stole a quick kiss. He pulled back so he could see JD's every facial movement as he opened his mouth to ask his question.

"Marry me." JD squealed as he threw his arms around Perry's neck, pulling the man into a deep kiss. Parting only as Perry tried to fix the younger man with a serious look. "Newbie," he started, waiting for the answer, failing as his lips refused to move from the smile they'd found.

"Yes, a million times, yes!" JD cried before he closed the gap with another kiss.

"I can't believe you knew and you didn't tell me." Carla stated as Turk nodded, his eyes focused on the signal that his phone had successfully sent the message.

"Baby, I promised Cox I wouldn't say anything." Turk ginned as he glanced at his best friend dancing around his fiancé. "Besides, I couldn't tell JD either."

"TURK!! CARLA!!" JD cried as he pulled them both into a hug. He pulled away and showed them the band he had quickly placed on his finger.

"It's platinum." Turk stated matter of factly. "I kind of helped Perry pick out something you'd like." JD grinned as he slipped his hand into Perry's.

"Thank you, Turk." Perry stated as he offered his free hand to shake his fiancé's best friend's hand. When his and JD's phones both started to sing loudly. Both men answered the phones, but quickly held them at a distance as the voices of Elliot and Jordan started to talk rapidly from them. The four friends only laughed as Perry rolled his eyes at his phone.

Well that's all folks. I kind of wrote this so I could have a basis to go off of for a second part of the story which I don't know how long it will take to write, but I've written at least three drafts in my classes the last couple of weeks so it shouldn't be too long after spring break that it comes out. Hope you guys all enjoyed and that Perry's suprise was worth it.