Guess Who – Epilogue (Senior year in college)

"Come on Nathan!"

Haley cheered as she continued looking down at both seats beside her. Foul! Nathan has two shots to win the game and no time is on the clock.

Nathan steps up to the foul line. First one—swish. Silence…no one is talking or cheering, just as Nathan is about to shoot a baby screams at the top of its lungs. Nathan looks over to Haley and smiles then with both eyes on Haley he shoots the ball and…SWISH! Games over and Nathan Scott has lead the Duke Blue Devils to the championship for the third year in a row. Nathan pumps his fist in the air and his team carries him over to the stands where his wife is. Nathan climbs over the bleachers like many times before, and grabs his wife and kisses her. She pulls away after what feels like forever and looks to see everybody watching them. Haley could feel a slight blush creeping on to her face.

Nathan doesn't even seem to notice as he shakes the little boy in the seat furthest from Haley.

"Jamie, games over."

James Lucas Scott wakes up to see his daddy standing next to his mommy and smiles.

"We won?"

Nathan smiles victoriously and nods his head then Jamie starts screaming over to Brooke and Lucas Scott. Then Nathan goes to the seat closest to Haley and picks up the baby currently seated in it.

"Were you cheering for daddy, Chels?"

Chelsea Brooke Scott giggles and Nathan hugs her to his chest. Haley reaches for her camera then points it to Nathan and Chelsea.

"Kodak moment."

She winks to Nathan, and then snaps the picture. She waits about two seconds before seeing the picture pop up on the digital camera and then smirks towards her husband.

"Oh, this one is so going to Dad, both of them."

She showed the Nathan and then watched as his face turned to embarrassment.

"Haaallllleeeesssss. Please don't send that."

Haley covered her mouth and her eyebrows rose up.

"Oopps. My bad, maybe you should have spoken up sooner."

Nathan shook his head in mock anger and pointed his finger at Haley.

"I'm going to get you Haley Scott!"

He held on tighter to Chelsea then looked down at her when she smiled.

"Mommy's crazy isn't she?"


Brooke, Lucas, Haley, Jamie and Nathan all looked towards the man calling their last name.

"Sorry, Nathan Scott."

The man walked up to Nathan on the bleachers and reached his hand out to him.

"David Ellis, I'm scouting for the NBA. Nice to meet you."

Nathan held out a hand as far as it could with Chelsea in his arms.

"You too, how can I help you?"

By now Haley had returned to her spot standing behind Nathan.

"I think you know what I want, I want you to play in the NBA, starting next year."

Nathan nodded his head.

"And what team did you have in mind for me?"

"Well…I was thinking about the Phoenix Suns."

David raised his eyebrows at Nathan.

"So what do you think?"

Nathan turned his head to Haley and she shrugged her shoulders, Nathan was about to say yes until Chelsea screamed demanding her dad's attention.

Nathan looked down at Chelsea who was furiously shaking her head.

"Guess not, Ellis."

"How about the New York Knicks?"

Chelsea giggled and Nathan took that as conformation.

"I'll take it Mr. Ellis."

David smiled and shook Nathan's hand one more time then said goodbye to Haley and walked out of the gym.

"Nathan do you realize that you let our baby decide on what team you were going to play for?"

"Yes, and I know that my princess has a plan, don't you baby?"

Chelsea giggled and placed her hand on Nathan's face.

Haley laughed and took another picture.

Jamie ran up to his mom from behind and crashed into his mothers legs.

"MOMMY! DADDY! Let's go! I want to go play basketball before I go to bed!"

Haley smiled to Nathan and looked down at Jamie.

"Well if you daddy would hurry up!"

Jamie went to his dad and pulled on his leg.

"Daddy, come on!"

Nathan smiled then grabbed a hold of Jamie's hand leading him out of the gym. Haley grabbed the baby stuff and grabbed Jamie's hand, turning back to wave goodbye to her sister and brother-in-law.

In their happy moment of bliss no one noticed Taylor and Lydia James green in the face.

TA-DA! I don't know if I will do a sequel.

The last statement was just kind of letting you know that even after all of this time, they are still jealous of everything that Haley has.



If there are any questions I will post another "chapter" answering questions.