(A/N:- :) Hello, again! I thought I'd just update one of my little fics. :) So here we have it, chapter Five. Zach talks to Booth, and a little extra surprise... I know I haven't updated this for ages -but I promise I have good reasons for that. Just reasons that I'm not really willing to go into.

Anyways, here we have chapter five. There are quite a few chapters of this one left - so keep me writing by reviewing, please. I would love to know if you like it - and if nobody reviews, I'll assume everyone hates it, and probably won't update. So, it takes your lovely reviews for me to write. I myself have submitted hundreds and hundreds - over 800 - of reviews, and I would love for people to do the same for my stuff as I have for theirs. I'm not asking for 800 - that's just silly - but I am asking that you do write a few words of your thoughts, please. Anyways, onto the chapter...

Spoilers: Nah. But Zach's not psycho here. He's very sane, in fact. ;)

Review, please!)


Chapter Five

Um... okay?

"Agent Booth." I hear a voice yell after me. Zach... Great. The moment that I have been dreading - the moment where Zach tells me that Bones has no feelings for me bar professional ones - and the moment where I bury my head in the sand and die, after having to turn to Zach to do my dirty work for me.

I turn nervously. I know that my fear of what he's about to say shows clearly on my face - I can feel my face flushing pink. He's rushing towards me, looking incredibly guilty and as though he's going to be sick. I have to be honest - I feel sorry for the lad. He must have had to go against a lot of his beliefs; his-keeping-secrets-not-betraying-anyone's-trust beliefs; to do this for me.

"Zach. You 'k?" I can hardly keep the tremble out of my voice. Why am I so nervous? It's not as if I've been rejected before. Hell, I even had my marriage proposal turned down. I can deal with Bones not liking me that way. Can't I?

"You can, Agent Booth..." Zach looks confused. Did I say that out loud? I squinch my eyes together tight, and think long and hard.

"Actually Agent Booth, you did." I shake my head, and shrug my shoulders, pretending to act all cool-macho.

"Whatever, Zach. So, what have you got for me..." Here it comes...

"Have you spoken to Allison yet?" He forced out. How have I had chance to speak to Allison, Zach? I've been doing darn paperwork all morning! Fortunately, that thought actually stayed in my head. I didn't want to wind Zach up so that he wouldn't tell me.

"No, Zach, I haven't spoken to her. I've been in my office all morning, doing paperwork. I was thinking of taking Bones to the cafe were she works later to get coffee. But of course, that depends on what you've got to tell me. I doubt I could take Bones for coffee if I knew that she didn't feel the same way about me as I do about her... It'd be weird..."

"Right, if I tell you... you have to promise me two things..."

"Sure, Zach. Just tell me already. You have no idea how long I have been waiting to hear this..."

"Okay. Here goes." He breathed in deeply, and I fought back a laugh. Hold on a second... if he's nervous about telling me... That can't be good, right?

"Number One. You have to protect me - hide me, put me in witness protection, do whatever it takes to keep me alive - if Dr Brennan finds out that I've told you this. She threatened to shoot me if a word of this was let out. Then she threatened to have you shoot me, so that's not as bad."

"What do you mean, that's not as bad? You don't think I'm as dangerous as Bones with a gun?" I thought for a second, and grinned. "Maybe you have a point. Last time she had a gun, and tried to shoot a lock, she ended up making me bleed." Zach shook his head, smiling, and stared me down until I stopped chuckling to myself. Darn kid never lets me have any fun.

"Number two. When you two get married," my eyes widened, and I can feel my mouth stretching, wide into a classic Booth charm smile - charm grin, really - and I pull Zach to me, smacking him on the back, into a great big guy hug. I feel him tense, realise what the hell I'm doing, and who it is, and step back quickly, my cheeks heating up rather quickly.

"Sorry..." I mutter.

"Let me finish, Agent Booth. When you two get married, I not only want invites, I also want to be ring bearer."

"Ring Bearer? Why Ring Bearer? Why not best..." My words get stuck in my throat when Zach claps me on the back, and tilts his head over to Brennan's office. I saw her walking out of it - her auburn curls bouncing on her back - her eyes sparkling as they always did when she thought we had a case. I grin at her, and receive her full on smile back. It melts me instantly.

"Best what?" She asks, and I shake my head, muttering that it doesn't matter. All that matters is that she feels the same way, and I have to do something about it, fast.

"We have a case?" She mutters, as I usher her out of the lab, my hand on the small of her back, as it always is. It's become instinct now.

"Booth!" Uh-oh. The moment I hear her voice - that sharp, demanding voice - I know that I've done something wrong, and that I'm going to pay for it; and the price was usually high.

"Yes, Angela?" I smile sweetly at her, and she laughs, assuring me that I shouldn't fear for my life. Phew.

"Can I just ask you something. It'll only take a second, I promise. Sweetie," She turns to Bones, who looks confused. "Why don't you wait for our favourite F-B Eye Candy out by the SUV, 'k?" She 

shrugs, and leaves. I turn slowly back towards Angela, dreading what she wants me for. What have I done now?

"First off, let me make it perfectly clear that whilst I don't really agree with blackmailing Zach into doing what you've been too afraid to do yourself for the past, oh, let's see..." She looks at me sarcastically. I can feel an Angela speech coming on... "three years, I do appreciate you trying to help Zach with his own romantic... let's say, difficulties. That was really nice of you, even if you do get what you want back in return. Secondly, I think I can help you with the whole Brennan loves-me-just-as-much-as-I-love-her situation." She grins mischievously, and I know she has a top notch plan to give me.

"Meet me after work at Sid's. Make sure Brennan doesn't come anywhere within five miles of there, and of your apartment, before I say so, okay? Now, go take your girl to the crimescene."

Ma'am, yes, Ma'am.


(A/N:- Coming in the next chapter we have Angela's plan, and we get our first glimpses of Allison. :)

Now, my begging-for-reviews speech. I was tempted to use my 'If you're happy and you know it write reviews' song just a second ago, but I can see that isn't going to work. I'll just have to make do with a simple, 'Please review to stop me from being driven to insanity' speech.

Adios, everyone, and remember, reviews mean more updates! :)