May 14th, 2008

Ever since I've started this journey I've had supportive friends by my side. There's Ash and Brock, who travel with me and support me with contests and pokémon and such. And then there's Zoey. Zoey is different to me; perhaps because she supports me in field other then just battling. We have a real friendship. I like Zoey. I like her company.


May 14th, '08

I thought I'd be traveling alone with no one to love on this journey. I had tried a previous one in Kanto last year, yet traveled alone the entire time. It was lonely, just my pokémon and me. I would win contests, lose contests, cry, laugh; yet it was all heartless. I am glad that I've found someone in the new Sinohh region. Dawn is her name. She is beautiful, fun, cute, and an all-around Happy person. She interests me in more ways then one, and I admit that I wish to exceed friendship with her. But I am sure she is straight, for any girly-girl like her would be. I regret my taste, girly-girls are never the ones I get; and are terrible matches for tomboys like me. Maybe if I grow out my hair there will be a chance. I just have to maintain my friendship with her wile I still can...


May 16th, 2008

Today I saw Zoey at a contest. As always, I skipped over to her and welcomed her cheerily. She just smiled at me calmly, and went to train her pokémon for the event. She won the contests with determination and will power. It was me against her in the finals, and at one point it looked like I might win; yet her pokémon fought to the end. I tried not to cry, and tried to walk slowly out of the contest hall. I began to sob and run when I heard her voice call after me. It wasn't her that made me cry; I'm just weak when it comes to contests. I will never be as good as my mom.


May 16th, '08

My heart is filled with only regret now. I could barely stand to see Dawn after today's contest. I realize that that's her personality; yet it still hurts me. My pokémon beat her in a contest yesterday, and she lit out of the hall, tears streaming down her face after her loss. I ran after her to comfort her, but she just ran faster. I should have let her win. I almost did; thinking about how happy she would be. Her smile weakened me, and I broke down. I told my pokémon to dodge everything, and not attack. Yet they didn't get the message, and dodged so well that Dawn began to loose points. So I tried it the other way around. I tried to make my pokémon fight, and let Dawn's pokémon dodge beautifully. That was my mistake, for my pokémon fought so well that her poor Piplup and Buizel got knocked out.


May 17th, 2008

Zoey apologized for battling so hard yesterday. She was acting nervous and a little chocked up. I apologized for acting so immature, and we both laughed about it. Zoey is my really good friend. Possibly the only good friend I have ever had, and ever will have. She wants to have a rematch tomorrow, without contest points. She said that if her pokémon hadn't dodged so beautifully causing me to loose points I wouldn't have lost so quickly. I agreed. We are going to meet by this waterfall in the woods and have a battle there. I am going to train extra hard, so that I can beat her.


May 18th, '08

Yesterday I apologized for going so hard on Dawn. She told me not to apologize, and said she was 'being immature' and there's 'no need to worry,' like she always says. I felt really bad for her, so I told her I'd like to have a rematch. I suggested a section of the woods nearby that has a beautiful waterfall. After I let Dawn win, I will ask her watch the waterfall with me for a few moments. Of course, she will be only talking about contests and battles. To her, life is centered around contests. She hasn't been to the world of love; the world of real pain yet.


May 19th, 2008

I beat Zoey! I actually truthfully beat Zoey!! I am so happy! As a celebration, Zoey asked me to sit on the rocks and let the water skim over our toes, and listen to the waterfall together. I agreed, because I like to be around her. The water was cold at first, but I got used to it quickly. Zoey seemed instantly used to it. She smiled at me oddly, and said, "Dawn, the waterfall is like your eyes. A deep sparkling blue." She blushed after the words left her mouth, and her hand streamed through her hair uncomfortably. I just smiled sweetly and looked away.


May 19th, '08

I feel so stupid! I couldn't control myself, and I complemented Dawn like I was her girlfriend. I didn't realize what I was saying until after I had said it. I don't even dare write it down, because I will look at it and become ashamed at my pathetic attempts at love. But the battle was worth it; for I saw the smile I love to see from her after I let her pokémon win. She shouted: "Yeah! I did it!" When she won, and I saw the wonderful smile I keep in my head all the time. Whenever I see it, I become warm inside, and want to hold Dawn close to me. But I never do.

The time after the battle was nice, though. That is, before I complemented her. We dangled our feet into the pond and listened to the waterfall. It was-dare I say-romantic.


May 20th, 2008

Today I didn't see Zoey once! I never noticed how empty I am without her. I felt really lonely, and I missed her dearly. Ash and Brock are no replacements. I find this weird, I've never liked a person this much before.


May 20th, '08

I tried to steer clear of Dawn today; to avoid conversation of my episode yesterday. I try not to think about it, thank you. But I've never noticed how dependant I am towards her. I felt empty today, alone. Tomorrow I've got to see her, for I can't concentrate on anything else.


May 21st, 2008

Zoey visited me at Ash, Brock, and I's camp today. I didn't bring up the odd complement, 1) because the boys were there, 2) because I didn't really want to talk about it. But I was so happy when Zoey came, that I gave her a huge hug. She just laughed and greeted me.


May 21st, '08

I saw Dawn today. I went to her camp, to avoid awkward conversation. To my pleasure and surprise, and she lunged for me, wrapping her arms around me and hugging me tight. I didn't hug her back so that Ash or Brock wouldn't get suspicious. But she still made me warm and golden. I am glad I visited, because I at least know she was happy to see me.


May 22nd, 2008

Now I know something's going on with me and Zoey. Something creepy. I had a dream tonight, like I do most nights. Its normal for me to dream about people I know. I dream about my family and friends. Tonight I dreamed about me and Zoey. But it was different from my usual dreams. In this dream, she was touching me everywhere and I was doing the same to her. I am so ashamed to write this down! I even kissed her neck, and she kissed my cheek. And in my dream I was happy.


May 23rd, '08

I saw Dawn in the market today. She was buying lotion and cosmetics wile I was buying food and water. I laughed at this, and told her that if she was traveling alone she would live off makeup, because she wouldn't buy any food. "Mmm...melon flavored lotion." She just laughed and said: "well Brock cooks everything we need!" She's damn lucky she's got that Brock with her, or else she would've starved by now.


May 24th, 2008

Today Zoey came to visit wile I was still doing my hair. She laughed at the fact that I use Piplup's bubble beam to smooth my hair to the brushable state. I explained that my hair was so unmanageable on its own, that it was almost impossible to do it any other way. She said, "c'mere, I'll teach you how to do it without the risk of being hit by an attack!" She then wet her hands with one bubble from Piplup and caressed my hair. Then she wet the comb and began to streak it though my hair. It felt very good. She dried the comb and streaked more, then tied my hair into the three small ponytails over the rest of it. I looked at it in the mirror. "Wow!" I exclaimed. "How did you do that?"

She smiled and replied "magic."

I surveyed her, then asked, "If you're so good at hair then why is your hair all spike-ish all the time?" She told me that her hair was harder to manage the same way she did mine because it's so curly and short.

I laughed, "Then grow it out!" She just half-heartedly laughed at this, not giving an explanation of why. I decided not to question. For an odd reason I had the urge to feel her hair. So I ran two fingers above her ears. To my surprise, her hair was thick and course.


May 23rd, '08

When I went to visit Dawn today, she was still fixing her hair. Why she takes all the time to do this is beyond me. Her Piplup was violently spurting bubbles all over the tent. I laughed at this, and smoothed her hair for her. It was surprisingly smooth and silky, even though it was wet. I felt it for a bit, then combed it. I put it in the cute little style she always has, three ponytails over down hair. She loved it. Then, for a reason I do not know, she turned around and streamed her fingers through my hair. "Eew!" she screeched, jerking her hand away.

"What?" I had said.

"Your hair is like...hard!" she exclaimed. "Don't you brush it?"

I laughed more. "Yes I brush it! My hairs just like this!"

She said, "okay..." quietly as if she was wondering why.


May 25th, 2008

Yesterday was spent packing, and today will be spent traveling to the next stupid town for the next stupid gym battle! I want to stay with Zoey! I don't know why I do, but I don't want to leave this town! Why does Ash have to drag me along everywhere? Why can't I just travel with Zoey?


May 26th, '08

Dawns traveling so I am too. I hate following her around like this, but I guess I have to in order see her at all. I think I have to tell her I'm lesbian. I mean, we're best friends, she has to know. I will tell her when I'm ready, because I want to keep our friendship, I don't want Dawn to hate me. But then again, I will never have a chance with her if I never tell her.


May 28th, 2008

I hope Ash is happy. He won his gym battle and stole me away from Zoey. I missed her like crazy! And now I'm mad at Ash for taking me away from the town she was in. I just wish she were here.


May 28th, '08

I finally get here and I can't even find Dawn anywhere! I looked in the pokémon center, the market, the gym, the hotel, everywhere! Whenever I look for her, I can't find her. Whenever I don't look for her, I run into her! Maybe I shouldn't try to look for her, but I really need to tell her...


May 29th, 2008

This is just great! Zoey isn't here and it's all because of Ash. I literally flipped in front of him, and he just stood there. Then he called me a dyke. I don't know why that hurt me so much, I mean, I'm straight. I had said to him, "No, I mean she's my best friend!" but did I really mean that? I had another dream similar to my last one, but in this one we were kissing.


May 31st, '08

I saw Dawn today! I was right, I didn't look for her, and I found her! I happened to run into her walking all by herself, all in a huff. I asked her what was wrong. She looked up, startled, then smiled deeply and pounced on me. She wrapped her arms tightly around my neck.

"Happy to see me?" I had asked her.

"Yes! Hug me back, Zoey!" She said sweetly, like a young child. My face felt hot, and I hugged her lower back. "Mmm...I missed you a lot!" she whispered to me.

"I...I missed you, too, Dawn." I told her. She then lifted her head from my shoulder. And if I didn't know any better I would've said she nuzzled my neck before doing so. But I know she didn't...did she? Either way, she made me feel really good, and happy that I found her. I considered just saying 'I love you, Dawn' to her right then and there, but imagined awkward scenes where she slapped me, ran away crying, and other such things. So I didn't. But now I still need to tell her I'm lesbian, she needs to know.


May 31st, 2008

I saw Zoey! I saw Zoey! I saw Zoey! I saw Zoey! I want to scream it really loud; I SAW ZOEY! I was so happy; I threw my arms around her neck for a big hug. When she didn't hug me back, I said 'hug me back, Zoey!' She hugged me back. I am so happy that I saw her! So so so so so so happy! But then there's the scary part...without knowing it, I think I...nuzzled her neck. I don't know why, and I am not sure if I did...but I'm still wondering about it.
