
Forgive me my SWEET readers. I'm so sorry this took so God damn long. But, I'm back and I will try my best to make sure it doesn't take forever for me to do the next one. Okay, I loveeee you guys, and keep reading.


Haley wiped down the kitchen counter in her apartment that she used to share with her husband. It was crazy it seemed like lately, she and Nathan has been the sane couple in Tree Hill. Brooke and Lucas have been trying, but it seems like their efforts are worth nothing. Even at work, Haley has basically taken over both Brooke and Peyton's job, and honestly she is exhausted. She understood everything that was going on, was a big mess, but this was getting ridiculous. She would see poor Jake luring around the studio like a fucking zombie. Haley simply didn't know what to do anymore; it was too much for her.

She poured herself a glass of wine, and took out left over cake from Brooke and Lucas's engagement party. For a horrible party, that was so good cake. She cut the piece that she had in half and sucked on her finger that caught some icing. Just then, her doorbell rang, she looked up and sighed. She REALLY hoped it wasn't Brooke or Peyton, crying again. Yeah, she has had those nights too. She ran her fingers through her hair and walk to the door. She opened it to find Nathan, holding their sleeping son in his arms. Her mouth hung open, she even know how to greet him.

He looked down at her for a moment, before asking, "Can I come in?"

Haley quickly snapped out of it, and nodded and moved out of his way. He smiled gently at her, before walking down the familiar hallway. She closed the door, and leaned on it, biting her lip. She didn't know how to approach this situation. What do you do when your husband that is kind of your ex, brings home your sound asleep, son, when you are lonely and slightly horny? Yeah, even a tutor couldn't answer that one. She wondered what he was doing in his room, for the time he was in there. But, she didn't want to bother him, or even question him. She was probably too tired to do that. She stood up straight and forward when she heard his footsteps once again. He ran the palm of his hand over the top of his head.

"Sorry, it's just Brooke and Luke got into it, and Jamie was already sleeping so, I thought the best the would be for me to bring him here,"Nathan explained.

"Oh, it's okay. Thank you," Haley smiled, slightly at Nathan. He nodded, and shifted awkwardly.

"Well, I will get going," Nathan mumbled, as he stepped forward.

Haley quickly moved from the door, as he walked closer. She ran her fingers through her hair, and turned around. The thought crossed her mind, and she immediately knew she probably shouldn't do this. She fought silently with herself, until she heard him open the door. She quickly turned around, "Nathan, would you like to stay for a drink?"

"So, how did you start working at Clothes over Bros?" Nathan asked, as he slipped his wine.

Haley sighed, "well, I had just had Jamie, and I needed money. Tutoring wasn't cutting it anymore, and Brooke offered to give me a position and be co-owner. So, I went along for the ride. I mean, I love it, I do, but I still think about..."

"What could have been?" Nathan answered for her.

Haley looked up at him, and then down at her glass. She bit her bottom lip and looked away.

"I tried to come back," Nathan said, after a couple moments of silence, "I wanted to come back to you, Haley, I really did."

"Then, why didn't you?" Haley asked with her eyes still on her glass.

Nathan sighed, and put the wine glass on the floor. He moved closer to her, that made Haley's heart beat a little faster.

"I wasn't ready to give it up, honestly. I was selfish, Hales. I was angry, I didn't know shit about life, and what I really wanted. Tree Hill seems like nothing when you are on that court, that's what I used to think. But, I realized, Tree Hill might be a small, unknown town, and maybe doesn't have much meaning at all. But, Tree Hill has one and Jamie, so, for me, it's everything."

Haley swallowed back the lump, that had formed in her throat.

"There was never a time, when I didn't love you, Haley. Never."

Haley let out a sigh, and pushed her hair back, "you can't just say stuff like that to me. It's not fair."

Nathan backed up a little bit, "it's the truth."

Haley nodded and took another sip of her wine, "so, have any girlfriends while you were on the road?"

"I should have saw that coming," Nathan rolled his eyes leaned back.

"What? You are Nathan Scoot, Notorious player in Tree Hill," Haley looked at him with knowing ass.

Nathan looked at her with squinted eyes, "no, Haley. I haven't had a girlfriend, nor have I fucked anyone since I have left."

Haley studied his expression before looking away. She was almost positive that Nathan had, had sex while he was away. But, hearing him say that he didn't, just confused her.

"You know, I know, Brooke runs a magazine, but I thought it was classy," Nathan commented.

"Excuse me?"

Nathan leaned forward, "well, obviously, you have been reading those trashy magazines that write that shit about me and those lying groupies. Really, Haley, is that what you think of me?"

Haley put her wine glass down on the floor, "well, what the hell do you expect me to think? You were gone for four years, around many, many nasty groupies. Temptation was everywhere, and you are telling me that you didn't sleep with any girls, at all."

Nathan looked at Haley for a moment, with a hurt expression, "so, suddenly, I'm not the guy you married?"

Haley sighed, and backed down a little bit. Nathan looked at Haley and stood, "you know, I know I left Haley, I take responsibility for my actions. But, I grew up, I'm not the guy I was when I was in high school. But, you know what, believe what you want."

Nathan grabbed his jacket and headed for the door. At this point, Haley felt horrible, and had tears in her eyes. As soon as, Nathan reached for the door, Haley shifted on the couch to face him, "please, don't leave, stay with me."

Nathan looked back, and leaned against the door, "is that what you really want?"

Haley nodded, "please."

Nathan sighed, and closed the door and dropped his jacket.

"I'll stay."

Haley woke up slowly nuzzling her nose in the fabric her head was resting on. She slowly opened her eyes, and looked up at Nathan. She squinted her eyes and leaned in to make sure that this wasn't some dream and he would still be there after she blinked. This wouldn't be the first time she has dreamt about Nathan being with her, holding her like he used to. Then, she remembered, they must have fell asleep while they were talking last night.

Last night was eventful, they talked, and argued, and cried a little. But, it was healthy for them, they needed to get everything that they had on their chests to put out there. The one thing Haley absolutely hated talking about was Chris Keller. Haley didn't want to bring up, the memories of him, hitting on her, and Nathan's jealousy and hatred for him. But, the talked about it, and it was okay. At that moment everything seemed like it was going to be okay.

Haley nuzzled her nose one more time, before pulling herself up and seeing her son standing there with a soft smile on his face.

"Are you guys going to get married now?"