Summary-Okay, so this is my first fan fic. Basically, it's about Nathan and Haley, they got married in junior year. But, when Nathan's gets accepted into High Flyer's, he leaves his life behind including his wife. Butt, it's four years later and Nathan Scott is back. Secrets, new life, and love is wht to come in Tree Hill.

Note-There will be a big jump ahead, but there will be Flashbacks and memeries.

Disclaimer-i own nothing.

Nathan walked in the door he had to make a choice either stay with Sophia or go off to High Flyers. He really didn't know what to do; he knew that he should want to stay here with his wife, but he wanted to go to High Flyers, not just for him. But, it would be good for his future with Haley.

"Hey," Nathan said to Haley who was sitting on the couch with her leg crossed.

He noticed that her foot was wagging nervously.

"They really want you, huh?" Haley wiped away all of her tears.

"What?" Nathan said confused.

"The letter," Haley held up still not making eye contact, "they really want you."

"Haley, I" Nathan tried.

"Nathan, if this is what you want then walks away right now, if this means more to you than I do." Haley threw the paper to him.

"That's not what this is about Hales and you know it!" Nathan yelled at her.

"Nathan, you'll be gone for months and if they want you on a team you'll be gone for more than that year, maybe." Haley cried.

"Haley just because I want to go doesn't change the love I have you. Hales, I love you okay your last name is Scott for a reason, baby." Nathan took Haley hand and kissed it.

"Well, I guess I'll have to claim Lucas now, huh?" Haley looked around, "when do you leave?"

"The bus comes late tonight," Nathan looked away.

Haley started to cry harder, the thought of Nathan leaving tonight.

"Sophia please don't cry"

"You can't leave me like this."

Nathan looked at the clock in the kitchen, 10:06. The bus was going to be her soon.

"I love you, Haley James-Scott nothing nor can anybody change that, okay." Nathan stopped at the flashing lights he could see from outside, "but, I have to go."

"What!?" Haley had this shocked look her face as she watched Nathan pick up his bags and walk out of the door.

"NATHAN!" Haley yelled running after him.

It was pouring rain, like no other.

"NATHAN!" Haley yelled again.

Nathan turned around and saw his wife searching for hopefulness that her husband would stay. Nathan places his hand on her head, bringing Sophia closer to his face. There lips touched softly, Haley's lips touched Nathan. The wetness of the rain touched their lips. Haley moaned, when Nathan's lips were fully on her. Haley held on to him, as she tried to pull away from him. Nathan slipped away from Haley's grip. Sophia looked down and cried silently, as Nathan lifted up her head.

"I love you," Nathan said then hurried onto the bus.

Haley cried deeply, she couldn't believe that Nathan had seriously gone.

"I love you too." Haley whispered to herself.

She sat on the steps of her apartment, knees to her chest. She seriously didn't know what she was going to do.

Nathan called Lucas worried about Haley already.

"Hello," Lucas answered.

"Hey Luke, I need you to do me a favor." Nathan said quickly.

"Yeah, what is it?" It really was the wrong time for Lucas, he and Brooke were in this hot make-out session.

"I just left for High Flyers, and I'm worried about Sophia. So, could you go check on her?"

"Yeah, yeah sure."

"Alright, Thanks you," Nathan had never sounded so worried in his life.

"And Nathan?"

"Yeah," He said quickly.

"Good luck," Lucas said.

"Thanks man, bye."

Haley sat on the steps of her complex, her knees too her chest, crying as her head laid on the wet railing. A familiar car up the parking lot, Lucas and Brooke came running from the Luke's car. Brooke screamed and ran faster.

"Haley," Brooke kneeled down to Haley's level.

"He left." Haley whispered.

Lucas approached.

"Haley what are you doing out here!" Lucas picked here up bridal style.

Brooke ran up the stair to open the door for them. Haley's eyes were blood red. Lucas laid her on the couch, gently; Brooke sat next to the shaking and cold Haley.

"Baby, what were you doing outside?" Brooke rapped a blanket around.

"He left" She said just above a whisper.

"Who sweetie," Brooke looked at her.

"Nathan," Haley cried and as her head hung low.

Brooke looked at Lucas with a worried look on her face. Brooke hugged Haley as she cried in Brooke chest.