"I know you don't think there's any hope left in the world, but there is hope. The Avatar has returned!"

In that brief moment, her mind could not process a single thought before she eventually became aware of the weight of her mother pressed heavily against her shoulder, shedding bitter tears. The jar of herbal salve that she was carrying lies broken at their feet.

It is just like the time when they watched her father taken away from them. Though she sometimes found herself ashamed to admit that she could not remember the details of his abduction, as her searing pain when the fire burned her leg took precedence of that event. But the reaction was the same nonetheless.

She did not know the Avatar. She has not even met him.

But hearing the words that he is dead, she knew that once again the Fire Nation hurt them in ways they could not even imagine. Shaking herself out of her dazed stupor, the young nurse herded her trembling mother inside their home, wondering where they could possibly place their hopes now.