To Annoy a Person is to...

Brought to you by

Kalison Artor

Dedicated to

Dax, I love ya! Don't you ever dare stop using that wonderful imagination of yours!


Not mine, just Adja and the plot. But then again, Adja is her own person. You can stop whacking me with pillows now!

...Earn a Broken Leg

Jadzia was in her room, ignoring her older sister, who was singing horribly off-key at the top of her lungs, as she cleaned her room. She was waiting for her macaroni and cheese to finish. She shook her head and pulled a book off of her bookshelf. She lay upon her bed, and cracked open the slender book to a random page. Upon the page was a picture of a tree. She lovingly brushed fingers across the page, catching upon the picture. Her eyes widened as she was drawn within the book, through the picture.

She found herself lying upon the ground, near a tree that thrashed. She realized that the tree was the Whomping Willow. She tried to roll away from the tree, to realize that when she 'landed,' she had landed wrong on her leg, efficiently breaking it. She looked up to see a sun setting on one horizon, just as the full moon rose on the other side. Her heart froze in a panic, for she remembered the dangers and perils of the full moon. Werewolves! She cast around quickly, searching for something that she could use as a defense, when a something moved in the shadows yonder.


She started, and then clutched at her leg with a scream, as tears were streaming down her face as she dealt with the pain that was swarming through her veins. Out of the brush darted a young stag, followed by a dog of shadows, and a rat. The dog and rat took guard near the entrance in the tree, as the stag returned to its human form. The boy dashed forward, just as the Jadzia dropped unconscious. He conjured a small stretcher, and brought her to the Hospital Wing.

As her mind wandered to and fro, she thought of the oddest things, from philosophical questions (what is the meaning of life, the universe, and everything), to lists. One of those lists was if she was indeed in the Potterverse, who would she annoy. Her list was even prioritized.

First came Severus Snape, followed by Minerva McGonagall, thirdly Mouldy-Vouldy, then the Death Eaters, and lastly, any and all Malfoys.

Her mind continued to wander along those lines, thinking of what terrible, yet wonderful pranks she could pull. And yet something important, something that she just could not remember caused havoc in the back of her mind.