By the time Naruto and Sakura had reached the small town, met up with Sasuke and changed into different clothing, it was approaching dusk. Oddly enough Sakura seemed to have completely forgotten about the kiss, a fact that both Naruto and Sasuke had silently agreed to not bring up, for both of their sakes. Now they walked towards this supposed 'wondrous restaurant' Sasuke had heard about. And as soon as they turned the bend, they saw why.
The restaurant sat on an island maybe a hundred and fifty feet out from the shore, the river around it was shallow and calm, the bed spread out wide before closing at both ends, so it acted as more of a lake then a river, but it flowing gently still. The island was large but the truly amazing part wasn't the wooden footbridge towards it with lanterns hanging from posts every five feet or so. The stunning part was the actual restaurant. Built within the branches of a giant willow, the structure was like a giant tree house. It had many levels and many balconies that hung off the main frames and allowed the patrons to overlook the river. The drooping branches of the willow twisted around the building giving a measure of privacy and a good sound barrier, though a gentle glow emitted from between the vines.
Sakura clutched Naruto's arm and whispered, "It's so beautiful." Naruto nodded and Sasuke cracked a smile before offering his arm to Sakura, who took it laughing. Leaving Naruto to follow in their shadow.
They pasted couples and groups of people seated on benches and who were walking away from the restaurant, all of whom were dressed in finery far superior to Naruto's. He felt himself hunch his shoulders forward and drop his head after two women pointed at him haughtily. He couldn't afford nicer clothing anymore, it was hard enough to have this good set of pants and decent shirt.
When they were at the front door they were greeted by a man in a classic kimono, who looked down at them and gave a gracious smile. "Welcome to Madame Brandon's."
Sakura scrunched her nose, "Madame Brandon's?" The name was foreign and thick on her tongue.
The man smiled, seeing her confusion. "The owner is a foreigner from far, far away, a good women, even if her name is strange." He gave a small laugh. His eyes once again swept over both Sakura and Sasuke, admiring the young lady's kimono and the young man's Uchiha crest, these two were of great importance. His eyes came to rest upon the smaller blonde boy behind the two, and his gaze became colder. The blonde's clothing was clearly not up to standards. And he knew those whisker marks anywhere. They were said to be possessed by the child of the Fox demon that had terrified the Continent all those years ago.
The Host felt a chill run down his spine, and he knew his duty. "I'm so sorry, but unfortunately I only have tables for couple available. Normally we here pride ourselves on serving the very best to the very best of patrons." The double meaning was not lost on Naruto. It was frequent that this happened. He just had hoped maybe his curse wouldn't follow him this far away from home. I terrified many people Kit, sorry little one, this man will not be letting us eat tonight. Kyuubi's anger was clear to Naruto; he felt the heat of it rush though his veins. Well there's no reason to make a big deal…we can go one night more without food, right Kyuubi? We're big boys. Even though he said it he felt a stab of sorrow. He wished so much to be like Sasuke or Sakura.
"Well sir, there are three of us you see," Sakura gestured to Naruto and Sasuke. "Can we put two tables together?"
"I'm sorry but no miss, I cannot give up a table like that. We are very busy you see." Sasuke sighed and turned to Naruto opening his mouth and Naruto knew what he was going to say, but he just didn't want to accept that one of his friends would tell him to leave but Sakura beat him to it.
"Well then we'll just go somewhere else." Sakura said and Naruto's mouth dropped, that was…unexpected. But Naruto saw the flash of longing in her green eyes, and he knew he couldn't be selfish. So he put on his trademarked grin and scratched the back of his head.
"Aw come on Sakura, you and Sasuke go head and eat, you know you want to! I'm sure this town has plenty of other places to get some food, besides you know all this fancy food and wine would go unloved by me. Food is food to me!" He laughed and gave the host a pointed look, look buddy if I'm leaving willingly then these two need to be treated right, got it?
The man seemed to understand his gaze for the smile that he previously had dropped came back in full force. He pulled to menus out and he opened his mouth to speak but Sasuke cut him off.
"Dobe don't be an idiot. We will eat together, we're a team. We wouldn't leave you out, you're our…our friend." He gave a small smile to both the blonde and pinkette, the later reinforcing the statement with a "that's right!" But Naruto knew how to handle them.
"Please guys, go eat. We all know you want to wine and dine her Sasuke, you sly fox" He gave a comical wink for effect and turned away from them, walking off waving, "I'm not listening! Go eat; I'm going to get some ramen! See ya at the hotel you two!" He didn't look back but he knew that they had gone inside, with hesitation, but they had done it.
And after a moment or two of walking away he quickly peeked over his shoulder to make sure they had entered the restaurant. And they had. So know he could let the smile fall and hunch over again.
He walked down the pathway back to the village, all the while trying his best to keep his mind off of food, and failing miserably the entire time. He crept up the stairs to his hotel room that he was mostly likely sharing with Sasuke, and with that in mind he took the floor instead of the queen bed. Unpacking his small bag he pulled out the clothing he was planning on sleeping in before wandering into the bathroom and turning on the shower. Scrubbing himself clean he moaned at the wonderful feeling of being able to take a hot shower; a rare commodity he never was able to afford anymore.
Stepping out of the shower he dried himself off and brushed his teeth, before drinking a glass of water, then another, and another, and another, and another until he felt his stomach protest. He laughed a little; he could fool his stomach into thinking it was full, but his brain knew how hungry he was. Wandering back to the small blanket and pillow he had placed in the carpet he laid down and closed his eyes, trying to ignore the twisting cramps of his stomach. Kyuubi I need to sleep please?
Certainly kit. But be prepared, you know this will hurt. And it did, the demon pushed so much Chakra through his system it caused his brain enough pain so that he fainted from it. And while he would wake up even dizzier and hungrier before, at least he could sleep for tonight.
Sakura was aware of how good the food was. How spectacular the view of the sunset was. And how mere years ago she would have died being alone with Sasuke in this romantic setting. But she couldn't seem to work past the knot that had formed in her stomach. And from the way that the silently brooding Uchiha sat, she gathered she was not alone in her guilty conscience. As Sasuke ordered their deserts and coffees she sighed heavily, Naruto…I hope your having a good time. We're certainly not.
"We shouldn't have let him push us around like that." Sasuke's words were firm and racked with guilt. She looked up from the table top into the face of her close friend, who was staring off into the distance.
"No we shouldn't have, but no one can say no to that smile." She smiled fondly at the thought of the bright blond smile and big blue eyes. It was sad but true; no one had really ever been able to resist giving the blonde what he wanted. Naruto never really asked for much so it never seemed like such a stretch to indulge him. And now seeing the way that he lived it made Sakura even more resolved to give her friend the most she could, and to make sure everyone else knew that they owed everything to the blonde.
Even Sasuke complied with that smile, albeit with resistance that all males gave when facing that smile. But Naruto's charms were not picky; they worked on male and female alike, a few males had even fallen under a lovesick sort of spell with that smile. But Neji, Sai, or Gaara would never admit to it.
"It doesn't matter. The dobe is probably sitting in the hotel room trying to figure out what lie to tell us tomorrow when we're telling him about dinner." The words made Sakura focus sharply onto Sasuke's face; green eyes meeting black ones.
"What do you mean?" What does Sasuke know that I don't? Should I tell him about the note that smashed Naruto's window? Or that I'm going to Suna for the sole reason of speaking about Naruto with Temari? No. Not yet anyways. Sakura focused on Sasuke's words, her disbelief growing with each one.
"He probably hasn't eaten in a few days. Not to mention he doesn't have the kind of money to afford going out to a restaurant, especially one this nice. Why do you think he lives in such a shitty apartment? He doesn't have enough money for a real house, let alone pay for one of the hotel rooms that we've booked. That's why I'm sharing with him. Naruto has no money." Sasuke's tone was rough and Sakura guessed he had been thinking about this for a while, the Uchiha's voice was laced with not only thought but also…guilt? As if he could have done something about Naruto's monetary issue.
But the shear idea of Naruto, of all people, not eating in a few days, let alone one day was absolutely astonishing. Once again Sakura was struck by how little she actually knew Naruto. She only had the same preconceived notions that the rest of the rookie 9 had. The illusions and words her parents and all the other adults had said in whispers about the blonde boy. A chill ran up her spine and she coughed, holding down the bile at her own self-disgust. It can't be true, I know Naruto. I do.
"How can you be so sure he hasn't eaten?" Her voice was filled with doubt, and though she flashed the waiter a quick smile as he set down her coffee and cake, her mind was solely focused on Sasuke's next few words.
"You forget I lived at Sound for years. I know the smell of hunger, not to mention his stomach was growling incessantly this morning when I picked him up at that dump of an apartment. And that story about him fighting off bandits? He wouldn't be pale from that. And if they were just thugs, there was no way a single one of them would have landed a punch of a ninja like Naruto. He might be a klutzy moron, but he is still a powerful fighter. And didn't it seem odd he claimed to have saved a girl, when we saw no one passing us to or from River? He probably fainted from hunger." Sasuke's voice was hushed by his hands that he had interlaced in front of his mouth.
His tone was severe though, filled with careful thought and disdain, but who was it aimed at? Certainly not Naruto. His black eyes were drifting out of focus, remembering all the little details that Naruto had thought he was hiding. The rumbles of his stomach, shortness of breath, paleness and the look of pure desire at the mention of going to eat, and the panic when he heard the amount the room was costing them. Even for Naruto it was strange.
Sakura felt a sickening sense of honesty rising in her throat, oh Naruto, you idiot. Why wouldn't you tell us you were hungry? We didn't need to eat here. We could have gone anywhere else. Her reached down and took a sip of her coffee, the bitter taste soothing her sense on insensitivity. "The mission is a cover-up." She said. Still looking into the cup of coffee in her hands, even though she heard Sasuke mutter a sharp "what?". Not taking her eyes off of the distorted reflection of herself she saw, she continued, "I'm going to Suna to see the Kazekage's sister. Temari."
"Because something happened…a few days ago and I want to know why." She set her cup down and looked at Sasuke telling him all of what had happened from the note she delivered to Naruto, to the brick and the hate note to what Tsunade had said to her. "It's starting to sound like Naruto's lying about…everything."
"Yes but why? The dobe has done nothing wrong; he's too damn stupid to have seriously caused harm." Sasuke blinked several times before standing up, offering a hand to Sakura. "Let's go talk to him." He threw some money onto the table and they quickly exited the restaurant.
As the pair ascended the stairs up to their rooms, both were silent. Nothing could be said between the two. Sasuke was not a talker and Sakura was focusing all her mind's effort on putting together the little pieces of the puzzle that just seemed to be popping out of the woodworking in her life. Naruto, Naruto, Naruto…what is so different about you? What happened to you? She tripped on the last step going up and managed to catch herself before falling. Though she didn't fall the feeling of her stomach dropping from the fall continued as she thought, what if he is the demon child?
She remember her parents tell her the stories to her a long time ago, about the nine-tailed fox that terrorized the world long before she had been born. As the story went, the Third Hokage, the greatest Ninja of his time supposedly sacrificed his own soul and that of a newly born baby to imprison the demon creature. But the child had somehow survived the bonding with the monster and became a normal child in the village hidden in the trees.
Sakura stopped in the hallway, her arm reaching blindly for the wall which she gripped tightly as the pieces seemed to fall faster and faster into place. Naruto didn't have parents. Naruto was hated by the civilians, the note in his apartment had called Naruto a monster. And even if he was an amazing ninja, she had seen him during the heat of battle…he had two types of Chakra which was unnatural. He had a ferocious side to his fighting; an animalistic power that came out whenever they had faced an enemy they should have lost against. Sakura gripped her heart, which was beating erratically. Her breathe became shallow and she was vaguely aware of Sasuke with his arm on her shoulder.
Oh God. Naruto is the fox demon. He has to be, the time line is right, he had no family…no one loves him and he has such power. This is why he lives in a such a shitty place, the Council would never have let the Demon carrier live a life of luxury. This is why the Akatsuki were after him, why Tsunade and Jiraya were so adamant about him becoming stronger and learning Chakra control. Oh God.
"Sakura? Sakura what's wrong?" Sasuke's voice pierced through her crowded mind and she jerked her head to look up at him, willing her heartbeat to slow down and to try to hide the emotion in her eyes from the Uchiha's sharp eyes. She pulled herself out of Sasuke's arms and walked down the hall to her room and turned her head over her shoulder and smiled at him, "I'm fine Sasuke, just not feeling so hot. I'm going to sleep it off okay? See you in the morning, don't forget to kiss Naruto goodnight and good morning." She winked and stuck out her tongue before going into her room.
Closing the door firmly behind her she slid down the door and placed her head in her hands and shook it violently trying to throw these thoughts from her mind. But they wouldn't leave her alone. "Oh God, oh God, oh God, Naruto you…Naruto." She hiccupped and stood up, going over to her bag, quickly pulling out her travelling clothing. She had made up her mind.
Changing her clothing quickly and throwing everything back into her bag she tied up her hair behind her bandana and sat down at the desk in the room, pulling out a piece of paper and pencil. She quickly jotted down the note before folding it in half and slipping it into her pocket.
Pulling her onto her back she stepped into the hall quietly, making her way down to the lobby she went to the front desk and told the man she had to leave immediately. "Was something wrong with you room miss?" The man asked even as he took the coins she handed him and put them into the safe box.
"No but I have urgent business to attend to." She handed him the note, "did you see my 0traveling companions? The black haired man and the blonde haired one?"
"Yes miss. Would you like me to give this note to them?"
"As soon as they come down, yes." She nodded and smiled when the man agreed. Turning to the door she left the hotel and emerged into the fresh night air, her breath becoming a cloud in the cold. She turned towards the road she was meant to travel along and began to run. Jumping up into a tree she pushed her chakra into her legs, making her jumps longer and faster.
She was getting answers. She was going to Suna.
Sasuke watched as Sakura left for her own room and shrugged his shoulders at her strange behavior, women, he thought with chagrin. Stepping into his own room he quickly let his guard down, the tension disappearing from his shoulders and brow, allowing him to breathe deeply and pull his formal shirt off and loosen the ties around his waist. The room was dark, and he could hear the gentle murmur of Naruto's sleeping form. Smiling in the moonlit dark at the blonde's ability to be so peaceful and childlike Sasuke went over to his bag and pulled out the silk shirt and boxers he chose to sleep in and walked back to the bathroom.
Normally he had no shame in sleeping in the nude he was, after all, alone in the massive Uchiha compound. But somehow he didn't think Naruto would like sleeping next to a naked man. And the last thing he needed was the blonde to be screaming and yelling as soon as he woke up. Sasuke was not a morning person. And that wasn't going to change anytime soon. So if sleeping in clothing was a way to allow him to sleep in for a few extra hours or even minutes, he would do it.
Going into the bathroom he changed and brushed his teeth before yawning to himself. Looking up he saw not his own reflection, but that of Itachi. It was truly…such a nice thing to see. He knew there had been a reason he hadn't heard the obnoxious voice in his mind almost all day.
"What do you want brother?" Sasuke's voice was tired, as was he, and this was not helping him feel any better.
"I merely wished to wish my little brother a goodnight…a night in the same bed as the sleeping object of your desires…this is so deliciously simple Otouto. You must indulge. For me?" Itachi smirked, and his voice held only a hint of amusement.
"Never." He said the negative, but his mind rushed over the positive. It'd be so easy to cuddle and kiss and share the warm of that body. Against his will, his cock hardened slightly at the temptation and his hand wandered down to stroke himself to life before catching himself. He bent over and placed both hands on the sink's edge, still looking up at his brother's form in the mirror. "Leave Itachi. I'm exhausted and I want to sleep."
"Very well," Itachi said with a sniff of indignity. "But little brother, I only wish for your happiness. I would like to move on, but I cannot as long as you're miserable. So please, get your head out of your ass and try being a real man." With a blink of his eyes the reflection was gone, replaced with his own.
Sasuke chuckled darkly, "you bastard Itachi." But he knew it was all a moot point by now so he decided not to think about it until tomorrow. And since tomorrow was like a full day of travel to Suna he would be alone with his thoughts and feelings.
Turning off the lights in the bathroom he went to the closest side of the bed, surprised to find it still smooth, apparently Naruto has become considerate enough to only sleep on his half. How unlike him. Sasuke slid into the bed, rolling onto his side facing the window. And then it hit him, he could see straight across the bed. Without any lumps or bumps.
"Naruto?" He whispered. While he got no verbal reply, he knew the blonde was here; he could hear his steady breathing and sense his chakra. Sasuke pulled back the sheets and blankets and put his bare feet on the floor, walking in the near darkness to the other side of the room, looking on the seat under the window to see if the blonde sat there, but he wasn't. Maybe he's under the bed…well then let him sleep there.
Sasuke yawned and walked towards the bed, since he had to it to himself apparently might as well get the whole thing messy. But as he took another step towards the bed his foot connected with something. Something living. Something living that made a whimper of pain when Sasuke's foot connected with its ribs. "Shit." Sasuke muttered and bent down to examine Naruto's body.
The blonde was huddled on the floor, his small tanned body laying on a thin blanket and his own jacket as a pillow, the cold of the air making him shiver. Sasuke huffed and put his hand under the blonde's knees and back, lifting him up bridal style. Once he had the sleeping boy hoisted up against his chest, he was amazed by how small the blonde was compared to him. And not just in the thin sense, but he really was big compared to the blonde. He had filled out muscle wise and grown almost an entire head. Naruto probably came up to Sasuke's collar bone, but he weighted so little and his muscles were so lean.
Where do you get the energy to be so damned perky all the time? Sasuke thought with wonder. Going over to the bed he placed Naruto on top of the covers before going over to his own side and sliding in. he pulled the covers back and covered the small blonde teen and shifted until he himself was comfortably settled.
He turned over to look at Naruto's back as the blonde mumbled and dug himself into the blankets and smiled when the blonde not so softly flipped over so he was facing Sasuke. Sasuke's mouth stretched into a smile and he let his hand go and pet the silken blonde hairs in front of Naruto's eyes. The blonde snuggled into the hand, mewling when Sasuke cupped his cheek. Sasuke let out a chuckle as Naruto followed his hand moving closer and closer to Sasuke until they were inches apart, Naruto's colder frame near Sasuke's warm one.
Sasuke withdrew his hand and looked down at Naruto's pink lips, thinking how easy it would be to kiss the man. He licked his lips and felt the desire rush through him. But he withheld, I'd be practically taking advantage of him in his sleep. He merely contented himself with looking at the blonde.
"…mmm...s'uke." Sasuke looked down to see Naruto shifting tiredly and was met with sleep blue eyes.
"Dobe." He murmured, not knowing what else to say.
"You didn't have to move me. The floor was fine." Naruto said with a little yawn.
"Don't be stupid, we can share a bed, you were shivering and I don't need you freezing before we reach Suna." Sasuke said it low, his breath tickling Naruto's ear causing the blonde to tilt his head and moan delicately.
"Thanks Sasuke…still cold though, and hungry…but mostly cold." Naruto had twisted his head till it was buried in the pillows and his whole body was faced down.
Sasuke scoffed softly, "idiot." He reached his hand over under the covers and gently grasped Naruto around his hips and pulled the blonde man towards and twisted him so that they were chest to chest, Naruto's head buried in the crook of Sasuke's arm, with their legs tangled and Sasuke's arms cradling Naruto.
"Sasuke…?" Naruto's voice was hushed and he shifted his face to look up at the Uchiha's face, still only inches away, "why did you…?"
"You were cold. I'm not. Share my damn warmth and be grateful." Sasuke's tone was gruff and his words were harsh but he spoke softly and his eyes weren't hard or cold. His words cause Naruto to giggle and he adjusted himself so he was even closer to Sasuke before he shut his eyes again. Soon his breathing was even and he was fast asleep in Sasuke's arms.
Sasuke looked down and gently kissed the blonde's temple saying, "goodnight dobe."
Naruto woke up hungry. And warm. The first one wasn't a surprise; he was always hungry these days. Without money, without a garden, without close friends who he could mooch off of, there was no way he could feed himself. Chakra could only support a body for so long, and even with Kyuubi's infinite supply of the energy, hunger would eventually leave him weak and lifeless. So he wasn't surprised at the gnawing pain that awoke him along with the light streaming through the thin cotton sheet that he was under.
But it was, however, the warmth that surprised him. Coldness had become his only lover, and so had the hardness of sleeping on floors, even his mattress, one of the few things he hadn't sold off to support himself, was hard as a rock and cold as death. So when he had become conscious with hunger pains, he kept his eyes closed, though the light streamed through his lids, hoping to enjoy this unrealistic warmth he knew was only a figment of his vivid imagination.
Because underneath the layer of warmth he could feel the coldness that never left his blood these days. The years hadn't been kind to him and warmth, he had discovered, only stayed with those who had kindness all around them. Loneliness was what kept him cold, sickeningly so. He used to sit on his roof and watch the people pass through the streets, together, always together. He had been able to see more, learn more, and hear more as the lonely, hated outcast teen than he had ever been able to as a ninja.
True he had seen horrors beyond horrors during the War. When he had gone through hell and back to drag Sasuke home, to destroy all those twisted monsters that had wanted to use him and Gaara for power. But nothing was quite as terrifying as watching a woman wonder the streets looking for warmth and crying silently between customers. Or seeing a child limp down the alleyways after being beaten, holding the sobs in until they found a place where their dreams could warm them from the harsh elements.
And that was why warmth had become so important to him. Fleeting as it was, it made things a little less painful. He didn't want to become one of them. He couldn't live an eternity with that. That would be too much. For as sad as it was to watch the women, or the children suffer, he knew that they would suffer only in decades. He would suffer in centuries. An eon, nothing less than an eternity, of coldness. And if stealing seconds of warmth was what would keep him sane, then he would do it.
Shifting slightly to absorb more of the warm he felt something against his calf, something warm and smooth. Rubbing his leg against the warm thing he heard a soft groan and his eyes snapped open. Instantly the light invaded his senses and he blinked several times to try and stop the pain in his retinas.
Slowly this time he re-opened his eyes to look across at the source of the noise, and nearly yelled with surprise. Because there, not but a few inches away from his face, was Sasuke's own face, eyes closed and face peaceful in sleep. But with the sunlight streaming into the room and through the thin sheet that hung over their heads like their own private canopy, Naruto couldn't help but think he's so damn handsome. Then his mind came back to him and he began to wonder how exactly this had happened.
He remembered going to sleep on the floor, the pain of fainting from a Chakra overload, and being woken by Sasuke. Vaguely he recalled being moved to the bed and Sasuke being...kind to him. At the time it had seemed like a wonderful impossible dream. But had been real. Almost impossible to believe really, but here he was and there Sasuke was, his black hair falling sweetly to frame the gently sharp curves of his aristocratic face.
The pale pink lips looks so sweet and perfect, self-consciously Naruto licked his own and let his gaze fall down to the body of the Uchiha, covered only by a tight black tee shirt and a pair of boxers. The long pale legs were tangled in Naruto's smaller, tanner ones and the felt the Uchiha's arm around his middle, their bodies pressing against each others, and the blessed warmth of Sasuke making Naruto feel wonderfully happy.
So this is what the real warmth feels like? I could enjoy this. Naruto let himself snuggle closer to the sleeping Uchiha, careful not to wake the man, and smiled at the tickle of Sasuke's warm breath on his ear. I wonder if this would be…every morning with him? Naruto glanced up through his lashes at his crush.
God that would be so wonderful. Snuggling as close as he could to the Uchiha, he felt his heartbeat quicken when Sasuke shifted, positive the other was about to wake up and break his fragile illusion of warmth. But to his surprise Sasuke merely shifted, murmured and pulled Naruto closer.
The blonde sighed in relief and let his eyes close, not in sleep but in relaxation. Forever I could live like this. Forever and ever and ever, all I ever need. Sasuke. Those long fingers seemed to trace patterns on his back, making Naruto shiver in pleasure; even in sleep the bastard is sexy.
Soon though he began to grow restless and the pains in his stomach were twisting even more than normal. So as quietly as he could he pulled himself away from Sasuke, disentangling their limbs until he could slowly get out of the bed without waking the other ninja. He remembered the days long ago when he had woken Sasuke up early in their tents during their Genin years. The Uchiha had been so pissed with him, the memories bringing back a nostalgic yet painful smile to his face.
Quietly going into the bathroom he closed the door with a soft click, turned on the lights, and went over to the small window and opened it. Immediately the cold air flew in and assaulted his skin, making him shiver with hateful remembrance of the cold. He quickly turned on the hot water of the shower and stripped himself of his clothing. Relieving his bladder quickly, he climbed into the shower and moaned with pure pleasure as the hot water once again washed over his aching body.
Closing and opening his eyes he reached over and took the small provided bar of soap and began to clean his body and face, loving the delicate scent of sugar and honey that wafted into his nose from the small bar. He caught a look at himself in the mirror over the sink from behind the glass door of the shower and gave a short sigh of longing.
Years ago he had been in peak condition, always shorter than he had wanted to be, that much was true, but physically fit in the best way, all hard muscles and litheness. Now, while he was still fit and in shape, there was none of the healthy glow or weight that should be there, his ribs were lightly visible, and his six-pack had become taut without the healthy excess of muscle and fat. His muscles had been eaten by his body for protein; unable to find the sustenance anywhere else. Years ago he hadn't ever even consider thinking of hot water as a luxury. It had been so normal, so…always there.
Granted he had only lived in the luxury of a real house for those few short months when the council had seemed genuinely happy. But his small apartment of his early teen years had possessed hot water, a proper mattress and heating with AC. He used to think that back in those days his little apartment had been awful. He'd give anything to have it back now. Anything to have the mindset he had had when he had been thirteen.
But now, hot water was his luxury, and fresh food had become his dreams. He had fallen so far, it truly isn't your fault kit, the council is old and set in their ways. And the humans that live in your village are controlled by fear and hurt. Kyuubi's words pulled Naruto's eyes away from his less than stellar appearance and back into the present.
He reached for the mini shampoo bottles, and began to gently lather his hair, "I know...and it's not all bad. The little things matter now. And that is...kind of cool. Even if I do miss eating." Naruto chuckled wryly at his sad little state but soon again lost himself in the sweet luxurious joy of the shower.
But soon it came to an end, knowing he couldn't stay in here forever, Naruto slowly turned the water off and stepped out of the shower. Pulling one of the fluffy towels off the rack he began to quickly dry himself off before the cold of the air froze him solid. The open window had kept the room from getting steamy, so the mirror was still relatively clear. After a moment of searching Naruto found one of the terrycloth robes inside one of the cabinets and pulled it on. Tying the waist belt into a secure knot, he gave a satisfied hum of appreciation for the beauty of a hot shower.
Laying the slightly damp towel on his head he went over to the door and quietly pulled it open, walking out with his head down he bumped into something before he even made it past the threshold. Looking up slightly he saw Sasuke standing there, hand on the top corner of the doorframe and face still relaxed from sleep, the raven's eyes half-lidded and calm.
"Dobe." Sasuke said with sleep laced in his tone. "Where'd you go? I got cold." The question, Naruto knew, was supposed to be a joke, though with the Uchiha tint, it came out more as an accusation.
"I was showering teme, you know, that thing we civilized people do?" He smiled with the insulting pet name, unable to say anything else, even though he knew he should.
"Next time tell me, we can share." Sasuke's tone was low and sultry, his eyes alive with teasing hunger. And oh, could Naruto get lost in that gaze…the pale skin taunt over muscles of a man who knew pain, who knew pleasure. The black orbs of someone capable of the most delicious and decadent sin, he could imagine Sasuke and a bed and the hours the taller man could teach him about…
Naruto burst out laughing. He couldn't help it. Sasuke had looked so...perfect; if he hadn't laughed he would have cried. Because deep down he knew Sasuke was just teasing and being his typical rude self, but Naruto wanted what Sasuke had offered so badly, and that wouldn't have gone over well. Sasuke would be able to kill Naruto right now, and the blonde didn't relish the thought.
He ignored the look in Sasuke's eyes and pushed himself past the pale muscled arm into the room and over to his small bag, calling over his shoulder, "Careful teme, people might think you actually like me. Wouldn't want that now would we?" Tone cheerful, because somewhere inside him, he knew it was just another 'Naruto' joke. Naruto had reached a point where he was able to lie even to himself about these things. The coldness sank back into his bones with each second the smile sat on his face.
Going through his bag took only a moment; the poor lump of cloth had been through too many missions and too many years, but there was no way he could replace it, that was how desperate he had become. When his knapsack looked good enough to eat; and he actually thought about doing it. When he stood again, his only other fresh set of clothing in his hands; he turned around only to find Sasuke once again standing directly in front of him.
Glaring up at the stubborn and silent Uchiha, Naruto tried to get around but was blocked when the taller man stepped into his path, and then again, and again, and again until Naruto huffed. Kyuubi's voice making his brows hunch down in anger, and people say you're the stubborn one Kit, the Uchiha is quite…persistent. How funny. Careful now, he might actually think you like him if you don't say something…oh wait, you do like him. I love being a teenager again.
"Can I help you bastard?" Naruto sneered up at Sasuke, hoping that Kyuubi would leave him alone; he didn't have room in his head for any more stress. But when Sasuke stood silent Naruto felt his lips curl in distinct displeasure; the feelings of annoyance at being detained from going to visit Gaara and from the inn's complimentary breakfast that he intended to take complete advantage of began to eat away at his temper.
"Did you not...enjoy last night?" Sasuke's words were spoken as if carefully chosen, as if they could possibly offend Naruto. And he was right. Kyuubi gave a roar of laughter and Naruto felt his face flush with color and his patience at the Uchiha shatter like a glass against a wall.
"WHAT?" Naruto shouted. "What do you mean, 'enjoy last night'?" He hissed, dropping his clothing onto the ground and grabbed the front of Sasuke's sleep shirt, feeling the warm fabric under his fingers and gripped it tightly, what happened last night? What did I do? What did he do?
Sasuke smirked down at the blonde, whose tanned cheeks were slightly pink with a light blush, and whose eyes sparkled with anger. "Calm down Dobe, I was just joking." Oh damn, and here I was hoping you had actually gotten some…sorry Kit. The sarcasm in the demon's voice did nothing to please Naruto, but he comforted himself with the knowledge that nothing had happened.
Naruto released Sasuke's shirt with an angry huff, "you bastard, I was afraid you had actually raped me. Douche. Should be lucky I don't chop your dick off."
"It's not rape if you enjoy it dobe." Sasuke's tone was so damn pretentious that Naruto didn't care that he was starving and smaller, he tackled the bigger man so that they both fell down onto the floor, Sasuke taking the blunt force of the fall.
They rolled over, wrestling childishly, yelling insults at each other and continued to fight. After Naruto landed a few good hits however, Sasuke was able to flip them over and pin Naruto down, his pales hands holding Naruto's wrists to the floor, the small tanned body writhing, trying to escape before finally giving in.
They were inches apart, not a single breath between their bodies. Sasuke's legs tangled with Naruto's, chests mere inches apart and faces close, so close that Sasuke could see each individual scar marks on Naruto's face. And slowly they seemed to get bigger and bigger, as Sasuke leaned closer and closer.
Naruto's writhing stilled as he felt Sasuke press closer to him, his own blue eyes looking up and connecting with Sasuke's black ones. Slowly the bigger man seemed to close the distance between them until Naruto couldn't be patient anymore. He raised his body and pressed his lips against Sasuke's, moaning into the hard lip-lock.
And what a lip lock it was, as the pair's lips meshed together Naruto felt himself being pushed hard against the floor and his legs being split to accommodate Sasuke's body. The blackette released his hold on Naruto's wrists only to grip the smaller man's waist and his neck, twisting the lips on his to get a deeper angle. And was rewarded by a groan and a grinding against his aching groin.
The blonde ninja for his part couldn't seem to get past the state of shock he was in. he had kissed Sasuke. And Sasuke had kissed back. Never in his life would he have imagined that happening. It was…incredible. Sasuke was a great kisser, and the feeling of those hands on his body burned in just the right way, straight through his body down to his aching erection. Which was rubbing against another erection.
And by the feel of it, Sasuke was…big. Like big. The thought made Naruto groan with a mixture of chagrin and pleasure. Soon his hands were tangled in the black mess of hair and they had somehow managed to become even more entangled. But no matter how passionate the embraced seemed, the kiss had stayed, almost…chaste. Never a bit of tongue and no one's hands wondering to anywhere inappropriate. Well…not too inappropriate.
And for just a few seconds Naruto felt wonderfully warm. Then, Sasuke pulled back and Naruto felt himself lower to rest his head on the floor, huffing and puffing, blue eyes searching Sasuke's for a sign of…anything.
He had somehow let his robe slip down to exposed his chest, the sleeves hanging on his elbows and the sides held together by the sash, but in reality, it held very little to the imagination. His entire torso was revealed and a good part of his legs, thankfully the terrycloth seemed to have bunched over his groin so his erection, now slowly dying, was hidden.
Sasuke's eyes met Naruto's, and suddenly Naruto realized he didn't even want to know what had just happened between the two of them. Sasuke's eyes were cold and dead. Nothing to even hint that he had been thinking of Naruto. Oh God.
That's it isn't it? He wasn't thinking of me. He was thinking of a girl wasn't he? He was. I can tell. Shit. Shit. Damn it I can't believe I just did this. Naruto felt the thoughts pull the warmth from his skin and back into his heart. And within a second the coldness of the room seeped so far into him that not even the thought of breakfast could heal it.
"Naruto…" The voice was slow and it rolled over his voice in such a way t o make the blond almost, almost, almost forgive Sasuke for using him as a replacement. But he didn't; so with a burst of energy he didn't know he had left he flipped them over, jumped off Sasuke, took his pile of clothing, and run into the bathroom locking the door behind him.
Leaning against the back of the door he heard the other boy get up and come towards him. He held his breath, knowing Sasuke could easily break down the door, or even just open it with a burst of Chakra. He heard the footsteps stop; he heard the arm lean against the door and the soft thump of Sasuke's forehead on the wood. "Naruto…hurry and change, I'll meet you downstairs for breakfast in twenty minutes."
Naruto almost cried with relief. He had no idea what had happened. He had no idea what he had been thinking. He had no idea what Sasuke had been thinking. But he knew that they hadn't been thinking the same thing. Because the only thoughts he could remember were, want you, need you, love you, please, please, Sasuke, love me, give, give, more, love me please Sasuke.
I feel steamy. And a little bit sticky.