DISCLAIMER: I do NOT own D. Gray Man and am in no way associated with Katsura Hoshino.

I am a failure! I am not worthy of all you readers! I know I promised a lot of things and never actually posted anything... please forgive me!! I am sorry!! I hope you'll forgive me with this story.

The Bunny And The Samurai

"Yuu-chan, let go of my Allen!" Lavi yelled.

"Your Allen? Says who?" Kanda retorts.

"Says me!" Lavi replies.

"Hey guys?" Allen says.

"You can't just claim him as your property now can you?" Kanda says through gritted teeth.

"It's not like you any different!" Lavi complains.

"Guys?" Allen repeats.

"Your just jealous anyway Yuu-chan!"

"Jealous? Of You?" Kanda asks coldly.

"Lavi? Kanda?" Allen says.

"WHAT?" Kanda and Lavi yell.

"Just shut the hell up so I can have some damn peace and quiet!" Allen yelled back, causing them to stare at him, a bit stunned.

Jeez, one heck of a situation Allen's in now. Before we keep going...let's take a look at how all of this happened shall we?


Allen thought it'd be just another regular day in the Black Order. And boy, was he wrong.

As he walked along the corridors leading to the cafeteria, he heard a lot of yelling and decided to go check things out. What he saw was something he would not have expected though. Standing there, arguing, was Lavi and Kanda. What would make them so loud in the morning you ask? Well you see, that's what this flashback is for.

"If you're so sure why don''t you ask him yourself noroma usagi?" Kanda asked through gritted teeth.

"Fine, I will." Lavi replied. "Seems that I'm MANLY enough to, uh, well who cares, but the point is, I know he likes me more!"

And at that exact moment, the two turned to see Allen backing away.


"Yes?" Allen asked, covering his ears.

"Well 'ya see, me and Yuu-chan were wonderin'... which one of us do you like better?" Lavi asked bluntly.

"I don't...know?" he asked, hoping he'd be let off the hook.

"'Cmon Allen! Give us an answer!" Lavi yelled.

"Hm, Kanda's girly aspects and Lavi's annoying blabbering mouth aside,my answer is..." Allen said as he got closer to the two. "hi-mi-tsu!" he yelled as he began running to his room.

That was, unfortunately for Allen, a bad move. He had two annoying teens chasing after him, demanding an answer.

"Allen! Get back here!" Lavi yelled.

"You damn Moyashi, just give us a damn answer. And you better take back what you said unless you want to die!" Kanda screamed.

"You wouldn't do that! And if you do...you'll never get an answer now will you?" Allen asked, panting.

"We'll see about that moyashi, just stop running and you'll see what''s going to happen." Kanda said.

"I'd rather not take my chances!" Allen yelled. And as Allen arrived at his room, he slammed the door shut only to have it broken down by the two teens.

"Nowhere to run now huh?" Lavi and Kanda asked as they advanced closer to Allen.

"Eh, can I help you?" Allen asked.

"You know exactly what we want." they answered, voice deadpanned.

"Um, I like both of you the same?" Allen says, slightly confused.

Then Lavi and Kanda begin their I-know-he's-lying-you-know-he-likes-me-better-than-you stare off.

And this, is how Allen ended up watching the two fight over who he likes more. In his room of all places.

"Sigh. Could you two be anymore child-like?" Allen asks.

"If you want me to, then yes." Lavi answers, grinning.

"I resent that." Kanda mutters.

"You know you're acting like a child Kanda, don't deny it." Allen replies.


"See Yuu-chan, you just get on Allen's nerves. I, on the other hand, never ge- no wait, that's not true. Hm...lemme rephrase that...I, on the other hand, unintentionally get on his nerves!" Lavi says triumphantly.

"That isn't something you should be proud of Lavi." Allen sweat drops.

"Okay you damn Moyashi, I'm losing any patience I had right now." Kanda interrupts.

"Tsk,tsk, Yuu-kun, is that the way to act when you're desperately trying to gain information form me?" Allen teases.

"Why you... you want to die don't you?"

"Of course I don't...you apparently don't want an answer though." Allen counters.

"Old man."




At this, Lavi started cracking up.

"Oi, shut up!" Allen and Kanda yelled.

"Hai." Lavi squeaked.

'Wait a minute, I'd be really proud of myself if I stopped the devil duo from their verbal...and close to physical fight.' thought Lavi. 'Okay then, Plan: Get Yuu-chan and Allen to make up and then get Allen to give us an answer then hang out with the both of them because I wuvz them shall begin!'

"HEY YOU TWO! DID YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I LOVE YOU?" Lavi yells, causing Allen and Kanda to release each other from the grip of death, and stare wide-eyed at the orange-haired teen.


So...how was that for an i'm sooooooo verrrrrrrryyyyy sorrrrryyyyyy chappy? Did I mention that I'M SO VERY SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING IN LIKE FOREVER? Anyway...I'll try to not let you down again! 'Till next time
