A/N: Finally. I actually had other plans for this chapter, but I was like "Aww..what the hell...I'll do it next chapter." So, that's what I'm planning to do. Until then, though, enjoy chapter 14 of 'When I'm Gone'!

Her heart was beating wildly in her chest, and she couldn't breath. The arms around her waist tightened slightly. "Aren't you going to say 'Hello' to me? I know that you couldn't of forgotten me already." The voice chuckled quietly. Kagome gulped. "Mou.." She laughed weakly. "I'm afraid I have..."

She felt the person around her stiffen and growl in annoyance. "Now, Kagome..." The voice drawled. "How could you possibly forget the King of Thieves?" Kagome blinked before relaxing, she turned around with a bright smile on her face. "Youko?!" Kagome hugged the fox demon tightly. "How are you?" She asked him. Youko frowned, but was inwardly pleased at her reaction. "I am good. You better watch yourself Kagome, you were scared when you didn't know who I was, I could feel it, and that may cause problems in the future." He let his arms fall from around her and crossed them.

Kagome put a hand on her hip, frowning slightly. "I'll look into that." She said after a moment. Youko nodded, satisfied. His tail swished behind him slowly.

"Oh." Youko blinked. "I believe this is yours?" He asked as he picked up a worn yellow bag. Kagome's left eyebrow twitched. "Where did that come from?" She asked. Youko shrugged, tossing the almost empty bag to her. Kagome caught it easily. "Kuronue was curious, so I..confiscated it from him." He shook his head. "Silly Ookoumori."

Kagome grinned. "Where is that bat anyway?" She asked. Youko's lip twitched slightly. "He...is around.." Kagome shook her head. "I don't even want to know." Youko chuckled.

"Well..." Kagome looked at her bag, sighing at it in frustration. "Come on, I'll lead you back to camp." She told him. Youko nodded.

She shrugged the yellow bag on, and turned around, knowing that Youko would follow. "This way." She ordered. Youko snickered, making Kagome stop in mid-step. She turned around and looked at him in question. "Huh?"

He snickered again, his smoldering amber eyes showing his amusement. "I believe from the smell in the wind, that your friends are this way." He pointed to the opposite direction that she was going. Kagome blinked, and the bridge of her nose colored slightly. "I knew that."

Kurama paced around the camp impatiently, Shippo and Kirara looking back and forth every time he started over. Inuyasha shook his head, trying to force away the oncoming headache. "Oi, will you stop that pacing?" He growled. Kurama sighed and sat down onto a log. Sango looked up from her boomerang and looked at Kurama. "She's coming back." She comforted the frustrated avatar. Kurama pulled a hand through his hair.

"She needs to come back." He almost growled. Shippo walked up to Kurama and patted his knee. "She's coming, just be patient." The kit said. Kurama's lip twitched slightly. "I'll try." He said. Shippo grinned and went to sit back with Kirara, who was getting ready to pounce on a bug. Miroku leaned against a tree, making patterns with his staff lazily in the dirt. Inuyasha tapped his foot in the ground. "That wench," He growled. "Better hurry up...I won't wait much longer." Kurama gave Inuyasha a dirty look, one that ordered him to shut-the-hell-up. Inuyasha turned his nose up into the air, ignoring the fox.

"I'm back!" A voice shouted through some bushes. Kurama looked up and smiled. "Hello Kagome." He greeted. Kurama got up and went towards her, taking her into an embrace and kissing her softly. Kagome closed her eyes and smiled. "I wasn't gone that long, you know." She muttered in between his kisses. Kurama leaned away and smiled slightly. "I can still kiss you though." He said. Kagome laughed.

"Oi!" Inuyasha's voice interrupted them. "Why the hell is he here?!" He asked, pointing at Youko with a accusing finger. Youko frowned. "I have every right to be here as much as you." He looked at Inuyasha's finger, still up in the air. "It's not very polite to point, you know." He said. Inuyasha narrowed his eyes and crossed his arms. "Keh." He turned around, facing Kagome. "Where's that other brat at?" He asked impatiently.

Kagome's eyes narrowed. "Osuwari," She grumbled. Inuyasha's beads flashed brightly before they brought him down to the ground with a Thud. Youko snickered, while Miroku and Sango both shook their heads. "Inuyasha, you are just being childish." Miroku told him. Inuyasha muttered something unintelligible through the dirt. "Inuyasha, I'll have you know, that Xun is not a brat. He is actually quite mature for his age."

Shippo muffled his laugh behind his hands, but his shoulders were shaking. Kirara mrowled, showing her amusement. Kagome looked around the make-shift camp. "Where is Xun, anyways? I thought he walked back to camp before me." Kurama looked down at her. "When did you see him?" Kagome coughed, the bridge of her nose turning red slightly. "Um...just a while ago.." She muttered. Kurama raised an eyebrow, wondering what was up with her. She turned away from him, her face turning even redder. "...and Kuronue?" She asked Youko again.

Youko shrugged. "He should be here anytime soon." He told her. Kagome smiled in pleasure and looked back to Kurama. "I think we should go back to the future." She said. Kurama nodded. "It's been awhile, we should check in." He agreed. Kagome smiled at him brightly. "M'kay." She turned around to the rest of the group. "Kurama and I are going back home for awhile, we'll be back in a couple of days." She informed them. One of Inuyasha's ears twitched in frustration, but he sighed and nodded. "A couple days." He repeated.

Kagome grinned at him. "Good thing you agreed with me, Inuyasha, or you would've had another face of dirt." Inuyasha snorted and looked away, trying not to smile. "Whatever." Kagome took Kurama's hand and started walking towards the well. She turned around real quick to wave at them all. Shippo blinked before hollering after her, "Don't forget to bring me back some pocky!" Inuyasha glared at him, and Shippo grinned. "Get Inuyasha some ramen also!" He added.

It took a couple hours, but finally they found the Bone Eaters well. Kagome grinned happily. "Almost there!" She cheered. Kurama chuckled from behind her. Kagome sat on top of the well's edge for a moment, looking down at the empty well. Kurama took a hold of her wrist, making her look up at him. "I want you to meet some of my friends, this time." He said.

Kagome blinked, before smiling at him widely. "I'd love to." She said. Kurama smiled before kissing her quickly. "Come on, our mothers must be worried sick." He said. Kagome nodded, and watched as Kurama put his foot on the edge. She grinned at him again. "See you on the other side." She said, her grin widening. She jumped down before he could say anything. Kurama shook his head. What a strange girl he had fallen for.

Kagome was waiting for him outside the shed. Kurama walked towards her slowly, and her eyes brightened. "You can go to your mother's house and tell her what's been going on, I'm sure she will be alright...right? The last word ended as a question. Kurama smiled at her reassuringly. "She will, trust me." Kagome nodded happily.

"Alright then. Come back when your ready, I have to change my clothing, and I could get something to eat here. Spend some time with Mama and Souta and Gramps." Kurama nodded and went up to her, hugging her waist lightly. "We will have to talk to that Uchida kid." He told her quietly, as if someone was hearing. Kagome nodded. "I'll ask him some things when we go back." She promised.

Kurama let her go and smiled. "I'll be back later." He turned around and started towards the steps, she waved at his retreating figure. "Ja ne!"

Kagome walked towards her house slowly. 'I wonder who his friends are..he never really talked about them before...' She shook her head. Oh well, she told herself, I'll meet them later..after I get some food in my stomach!

She walked into her house and breathed in. So, Mama was already cooking dinner. She took off her shoes and leaned against the kitchen door, waiting for when her mother would notice her. Kagome watched as her mother made her favorite dish. 'I wonder how long it's been since I've had a decent meal...' Kagome shook her head. "Mama..." She grinned. Mrs. Higurashi turned around, startled. "Kagome!" Her mother said in surprise.

Kagome laughed. "Surprised to see me?" She asked, walking up to her mother. Mrs. Higurashi smiled and shook her head. "You brought a lot of supplies in your bag last time when you where here, and you're all out now?" She asked. Kagome nodded, her smile now a bit sheepish. "Yeah...we just had another join Inuyasha and the gang." She said. Kagome's mother smiled again. "That's nice dear, but you probably want to take a bath?" She asked, Kagome shook her head. "I just took one a couple hours ago, I just need to change my clothes, then I'm meeting Kurama." Her mother nodded, happy that her daughter was happy. "But first..." Kagome started, she took her eyes off of her mother and onto the newly made Oden. "Yum..."

Souta walked into the door, throwing his book bag carelessly onto the ground. "Hey mom," He said, distracted by the over-powering smell of Oden. He got a dish without looking up from the flavorful food. Kagome tried not to laugh as her mother covered her smile and looked down at her son. "How was your day, dear?" She asked casually. Before Souta could answer, Kagome said, "Oh, you know, the usual. Beating on the bad demons, saving villages..." Souta snapped his head up quickly, his eyes brightening. "Kagome! You're back!" He jump out of his seat, Oden forgotten as he hugged her waist tightly. She laughed.

"Hiya there Souta, how've you been?" Souta looked up from her waist, smiling a crooked grin. "I'm good." Kagome put a hand on his head. "That's good." Souta stepped back from Kagome, still wearing that crooked grin. He sat back down. "So..what's up?" He asked. Kagome shrugged, and pushed her now empty bowl away. "I'm going with Kurama to see some friends of his." She said. Souta nodded. Tch, he didn't care in the least of what she's doing now. "...and Inuyasha?" He asked, his eyes brightened as his role model's name slid off his lips. Kagome shook her head, the smile never leaving here face. "He's stubborn as always." She told him. Souta frowned slightly, a bit disappointed. "That's all?"

Kagome saw the down look on Souta's face and and had to laugh at how adorable it looked. "Oh, that's not all," She said. "He also killed a lot of demons." Souta's face brightened. She thought for a moment, thinking of something else interesting to say about her best friend. "Yup," She nodded. "All in one swing of the Tetsusaiga too." Souta gasped in awe. "Really?!" He asked. Kagome nodded happily. "Yup."

Kagome stood and put her dishes in the sink. "I should probably get ready." She said to no one in particular. Mrs. Higurashi nodded. "Alright, dear." Kagome picked up her bag and climbed up the stairs. She opened her door and sat her bag on the ground again. "Hmm.." She opened her closet. "What to wear...nothing to flashy..." She shook her head at the couple dresses that she had. She decided on just a pair of dark blue jeans and a light gray sweatshirt, since it was a bit chilly outside. She pulled a comb through her dark raven hair and grabbed her wallet. 'Baby blue..my favorite..' She grinned at check to see if there was any money in there. '75 dollars...not bad, that should be enough.' She stuck it into her pocket and walked down the stairs quickly, and waved at her mother and Souta. 'Wait...' She stopped for a moment and went back into the kitchen. "Hey, Mama, where's Grandpa at?"

Her mother smiled. "Don't worry, he's only at a friends, he should be back later tonight." Kagome sighed in relief. "Okay, bye bye!" Kagome put on her sneakers and walked out of the door.

Kurama was waiting for her by the stairs. She waved and quickened her footsteps. "So..." She started when she had finally reached him. "Where are we going to meet them?" She asked. Kurama looked at her and smiled. "We're meeting them at a local park." Kagome nodded and put her hands in her front pocket.

She looked around the street that they were walking on. 'When's the last time since I've actually been in town...?' She asked herself. She shuddered as a gust of wind rushed past her. Kurama put his left arm around her shoulders, rubbing her arms to warm her up. "Better?" He asked. Kagome nodded and stepped closer to him. Kurama laughed. "We're almost there." He assured.

"M'kay." She looked up to the sky and frowned. "I think it's gonna rain in a bit." She told him. Kurama nodded, that action was enough to tell her that she was right. They stepped into a rock trail. "Almost there." He said again. He took her arm and leaded her under a tree. "We'll wait here." He said, and sat down, bringing Kagome into his lap, which she gladly snuggled into.

They only had to wait about 15 minutes until Kurama looked up and smiled. Kagome was almost asleep in his lap, so he shook her gently. "Kagome, they're here, wake up." He whispered. Kagome frowned and burrowed into his chest, muttering "Not now..tell them another time..." Kurama's eyes softened, but he shook her again, this time with a bit more force. "Come on, Kagome, you've been wanting to meet them. I'm sure they really want to see you, also."

Kagome sighed, but leaned back from Kurama's comfortable chest and rubbed her eyes. Kurama turned her around so that her back was against his chest. She saw three figures coming closer. She suddenly felt excited. Her eyes were wide when she got a closer look at them all.

"Kurama. Yo!" A voice called from the three of them, a figure waved. Kurama stood, bringing Kagome up with him, and putting her a bit to the side, so that she wasn't standing right in front of him. "Hello Yusuke." Yusuke grinned. "You remember Botan, Keiko, right?" He asked. Kurama chuckled. "I could never forget my other friends."

Another figure with baby blue hair smiled brightly at Kagome. "Hi! I'm Botan, nice to meet you..." Kagome grinned. "I'm Kagome." Botan grinned with her. "Well, hi then Kagome!" She shook Kagome's hand enthusiastically. Kagome laughed. "It's nice to meet you Botan." Yusuke whistled lowly. "Hey there, Kagome. It's nice to meet you too." Kagome smiled at Yusuke. "You also." She frowned suddenly, and then her eyes widened. "What..are you doing?!"

Yusuke looked up from where is eyes were and grinned crookedly. "What, it's not like I can see anything, with that over-sized sweatshirt you're wearing and all." Kagome blushed, but glared at him half-heartily. "Yusuke!" Another feminine voice cried. "You pervert!" The girl slapped Yusuke, leaving an ugly red hand print on the left side of his cheek. He held it gingerly. "Aw, Keiko!" Yusuke whimpered. "That hurt!"

Keiko crossed her arms and frowned slightly. "You deserve it! Staring at Kurama's girlfriend like that. You should be ashamed!" She scolded. Yusuke looked down, but still held that crooked grin on his face. "I'm sorry, Keiko." He muttered. Keiko sighed and shook her head. She gave Kagome an apologetic look before smiling. "I'm sorry about Yusuke." She said. Kagome laughed. "It's alright, it's not like I haven't had perverts for friends." Kagome grinned. "I'm used to it."

Keiko's brown eyes brightened in amusement. "I'm glad that we're on the same page then." Kagome laughed again. Botan shook her head, that bright smile still in place. "Well, now that we've meet, what shall we do?" She asked, looking at both Kurama and Kagome. Kagome shrugged, and looked up at Kurama, making him the one to answer. "It's getting pretty late," Kurama said, looking at the sky. Kagome blinked. How exactly late was it?

Kagome yawned suddenly, proving Kurama's point that it was indeed late. "I should get you home." He said to Kagome. Kagome frowned. "Alright..but we can see them again, right?" She asked him. Kurama chuckled. "Of course we can see them again." Kurama stopped for a moment. "Yusuke?" He asked. Yusuke, who was chatting with Keiko and Botan, turned around to face Kurama questioningly. "What's up?"

Kurama smiled apologetically to Yusuke and gave Kagome's side a slight squeeze. "I think I'm just going to take Kagome home for tonight, and we'll catch up tomorrow." Yusuke nodded and grinned at Kagome. "See ya, then." Botan and Keiko both said 'Goodnight!' before following Yusuke, who was already a couple meters away from them both. Kagome smiled as she leaned back into Kurama.

"I really like your friends." She told him. Kurama smiled. "You still haven't seen Kuwabara and Hiei." He told her. Kagome yawned again. "Will I tomorrow?" She asked. Kurama thought for a moment. "Probably Kuwabara. But, Hiei...well, I think that he'll show on his own. When he's ready, he's not really..the social type." Kagome nodded, her eyes half-closed. Kurama shook his head in amusement.

"You won't be able to walk home, will you?" He asked her. But Kagome was already fast asleep.

A/N: Well, that was much longer than my other chapters, I'm pretty proud of myself, but it's not near enough as other author's stories. Ah well, I'm getting better...anyways...

R&R please! Tell me what you think, what I can do to make it better, what do you want me to do, anything of the like.

Ja ne!