A/N: Hey, Kitsune-Chan here, and I just wanted to thank you guys, you know, for reading my story. I'm new, so it's not my best. But, I WILL get better in time! (Clears her throat.) Anyways, the song in this story is 'When I'm Gone' by Three Doors Down.

He looked out of the window, sighing sadly. 'This is it.' He told himself as he got off of the bus. He looked around, noting that this would probably be the last time that he would ever see this place again.

There's another world inside of me that you may never see.

There's secrets in this life that I can hide.

But somewhere in this darkness there's a light that I can't find.

Maybe it's too far away...yeah.

Or maybe I'm just blind.

Maybe I'm just blind.

He climbed up the stairway and knocked on a door, hoping that she would answer. The door opened, and he winced at the tear-stained face that came into view. She looked so heart broken. He could barely stand to look at her. All he wanted to do was take her into his arms, and never let her go.

So hold me when I'm here, right me when I'm wrong,

hold me when I'm scared, and love me when I'm gone.

She tried to wipe away her tears, but to no prevail. He watched helplessly as she tried to choke back another sob. He had to go, he told himself. But, If he did go, that would mean that he would lose the one he'd come to love the most.

Everything I am, and everything in me wants to be the one you wanted me

to be. I'll never let you down, and even if I could,

I'd give up everything if only for your good.

"Kurama..." She whispered. Suddenly, she threw herself onto his person. He put his arms around her shaking frame, trying to calm her...or maybe, he just trying to reassure himself that she was still there.

So hold me when I'm here, right me when I'm wrong.

Hold me when I'm scared, I won't always be there,so

love me when I'm gone.

Love me when I'm gone.

"Kagome..." He whispered into her hair, relishing in her sweet scent. Her frame shook silently as he continued to hold onto her. "Do you really have to go?" She asked him quietly. He nodded and tightened his arms around her.

And your education x-ray cannot see under my skin.

I won't tell you a damn thing that I could not tell my friends.

Roaming through this darkness, I'm still alive, but I'm alone.

And part of me is fighting this, but part of me is gone.

Kagome snuggled into his warm body, clinging onto his jacket, probably for the last time. "I have to go soon." He told her. She choked back a sob and tightened her grip. "I won't ever get to see you again." She muttered. Kurama tilted her head back and looked into her chocolate brown eyes. "We will see each other again." He told her. "I'll promise you that."

So hold me when I'm here, right me when I'm wrong,

hold me when I'm scared, and love me when I'm gone.

Kagome smiled sadly. "But," She started. "can you keep that promise." She asked. Kurama bent down, a hair breaths away. "You know, that I always keep my promises." He told her, and claimed her lips. Kagome tightened her grip on his shirt, crying as she did so. He could taste the saltiness of her tears as she kissed him.

Everything I am, and everything in me wants to be the one you wanted me to be.

I'll never let you down, and even if I could,

I'd give up everything if only for your good. So hold me when I'm here,

right me when I'm wrong. Hold me when I'm scared, I won't always be there,

so love me when I'm gone.

Maybe I'm just blind.

He pulled away and put his forehead onto hers, looking her straight in the eyes. "How long will this war last?" She asked as she closed her eyes. Kurama sighed. "It's hard to say. Meikai is still sending troops into Makai. Koenma is having a fit. He and some troops are going into Meikai to try to stop this petty argument." He told her. She nodded silently.

So hold me when I'm here, right me when I'm wrong,

hold me when I'm scared, and love me when I'm gone.

He made a move to stand. But quickly changed his mind when Kagome started to whimper. "I have to go." He told her. She shook her head furiously. He sighed and gently pried her fingers off of his jacket. "No! Please don't!" She pleaded, looking at him through blurry eyes. His heart churned as his stomach dropped. "Kagome, I have to." He told her.

Everything I am, and everything in me wants to be the one you wanted me to be.

I'll never let you down, and even if I could,

I'd give up everything if only for your good.

"Lets go, Kurama, the kid wants us to hurry." A voice told him. Kurama looked outside to see Hiei standing on a branch, not far from where he was. "Alright." He told Hiei, and looked down to the precious bundle in his arms. "It's time." He told her. She sighed and looked up into his emerald eyes.

"I love you." She told him. His eyes widened before softening. "I love you, too." She smiled. And hugged him one last time.

So hold me when I'm here, right me when I'm wrong.

Hold me when I'm scared, I won''t always be here,

so love me when I'm gone.

He watched as she closed the door that separated them both. He sighed as he walked next to Hiei. "You will see her again." Hiei told him. Kurama glanced at Hiei, to see that he was looking straight ahead of him. Kurama smiled a little. "Yeah," He said. "I will." And then they were gone.

When I'm gone...

A/N: R&R please!