A/N: Thanks to everyone that stuck with it and gave such wonderful feedback! I hope you've enjoyed it.


36 years later…

"Auntie Em? Auntie Em?" Jack stood up, looking around the dark Gate room.

Sam asked, "Where is everyone?"

The bay doors opened, and an older woman in a white nightdress stepped into the room.

"Hello, Jack," she said.

Startled, Jack watched as the woman walked up to the base of the ramp. She was obviously delighted, as if it had been years since she'd seen an old friend.

"Teal'c? Daniel?" She laughed to herself, "I hardly recognized you with hair."

Jack cleared his throat, "Do... do we know you?"

"Sam will recognize me. Come closer."

Sam walked closer, the guys not but a few steps behind. Suddenly, the face, even with deep lines, registered as familiar.

"Oh my God. Cassandra!" Sam hugged her tight.

"Dear Sam."

"Excuse me," Jack tapped Carter on the shoulder, "Who is this?"


"Cassie's thirteen years old," Jack countered.

"Not anymore, Jack."

Jack glanced over the woman, noticing her hand clutching something tightly.

"I've been expecting you," Cassie said. "My whole life, in fact. You entered the Stargate a few seconds too soon, so the flare threw you far into the future. I've come to send you back where you belong."

"How did you know we'd come here?" Daniel asked.

"When I was old enough to understand, Sam explained what happened, and that I'd be the one to send you home."

Carter said, "Like a self-fulfilling prophecy."

Cassie clutched the locket, knowing this object might very well hold the key to saving the planet, or providing guarantee that Sam and Jack would have a future together, or neither.

Cassie replied, "As much as I would love to spend more time with you, the timing must be precise. You have to go."

"Already?" Sam asked, disappointed, "But there's so much that you–"

"You of all people know I can't." Cassie knew in that moment what decision she had to make. It was what Sam wanted, even if she didn't know it yet.

Cassie moved her hand above the activation device and the wormhole engaged behind them. Cassie sent up a silent prayer that she was doing the right thing. This time, Sam would not know about her children in advance, she'd have to discover the future on her own. Sam had faith that some things were meant to be, so Cassie had that faith as well.

Sam took the G.D.O. out of her bag, and keyed in the activation code.

"I will tell you this..." Cassie said, "your journey's just beginning."

Sam reached out and for a second, clutched Cassie's hand, the one not holding the locket.

Then SG-1 turned and headed toward the Stargate, and to a new future.

As the Gate shut down, Lilly entered the Gate room and stood at Cassie's side. They both stared for a moment at the empty space where the shimmering horizon had been.

"Strange to see Dad again, like that," Lilly said, a little melancholy in her tone. Cassie handed the locket over to her friend. Lilly looked down at it. "You did the right thing, Cassie."

"How do you know?"

"There's plenty about life that's chance, free will, chaos, and those things can not be predicted. But some things are fated to happen no matter what. Today was one of those days."