Haley sat in her off campus apartment at 3am on a Friday morning cradling her eighteen month old daughter in her arms. The tiny child was drifting off to sleep and Haley kissed her forehead. She'd been crying all night and had a slight temperature and Haley was going to take her to the doctors tomorrow as soon as she could but she'd given her some medicine to get her through the night.

Haley always worried when either of her babies got a sniffle or a cough she'd assume the worse, but especially with Grace. She'd been small when she was born and had a few problems with her heart, but she'd been fine after a few weeks but Haley was a worrier, it's what she does. Haley thought back to that day, the day she'd given birth to her two angels and the surprise she'd felt when she found out it was twins.

"Come on, Haley. Push!" the annoying doctor told her

"I am!" she shouted through the pain "It hurts" she groaned

"Tell me about it" Taylor said as she flexed her hand which Haley and just released but quickly stopped when she saw the glare her little sister was sending her way.

"One more push Haley" the doctor said

Haley pushed and pressed her chin into her chest. Her toes curled in the stirrups and her scream echoed through the small room but then she heard it; the small cry of a baby.

"Congratulations Haley, you have a son" the doctor smiled and he suddenly seemed less annoying

"Just a little more and you'll have both your babies" he said becoming annoying again

"W-what!?" she gasped

"The other baby"

"What other baby?" Taylor asked

"You weren't aware that you were having twins?" the doctor asked

"No, this is the face of someone in the know" Haley bit out sarcastically

"It won't be long this time Haley"

"Fine" she pouted

"Come on Hales, your going to have two babies"

"But I only have stuff for one" she cried, suddenly realising all the problems. As much as she would love both of her children, having two as a seventeen year old single parent would be hard.

A few minutes later Haley had both of her children but her daughter had been rushed away. She clung to her son, worried about the fate of her daughter.

Taylor and Chris came back into her room and she looked up.

They took their seat and looked at Haley.

"Have you thought of a name for him?" Chris asked curiously

"Yeah, James"

"James James, that's a bit weird" Taylor said

"No, James Scott. James Lucas Scott actually" she said

"Hales" Taylor started

"No Tay, I don't want to hear it. I want them both to have the surname Scott"

"Thought of a name for the girl?" Chris asked

"Well not 'the girl'" Haley laughed "But no, I want to see her first"

Just then the doctor walked in. Haley looked up at him with hopeful eyes.

"Well I have some good news and some bad news" he said

"I hate when people say that" Haley sighed

"Well, your daughter has a heart murmur but with a small procedure she will be just fine"

"Oh, thank God" Haley smiled

"We can bring her to you, if you want" the doctor said

"Yeah, I want to see her" Haley smiled

The doctor brought her in and put her in Haley's arms while Chris held James. Haley looked down at her daughter who was sleeping, her tiny form even taking Haley by surprise. She was smaller than James, a lot smaller and Haley was careful not to break her.

"Grace" Haley finally spoke "Grace Lydia Scott" she smiled

Grace had had the procedure a couple of days later and had been fine ever since. Haley put her back in her crib next to her brother and took a step back just to look at them. They were exact opposites, which was perfect.

Grace had black curly hair and intense blue eyes, James also had the blue eyes but they were lighter and he had blonde hair, where Grace was stubborn and determined James was passive and sweet. They were both set to be heartbreakers. And when Grace would scream through the night demanding attention, James would gurgle quietly to himself.

Grace was definitely a Scott and James had all the characteristics of a James.

Haley went back to bed and lay down trying to get some sleep while she could. She was a freshman in college and she already had two children. She was lucky to have Chris and Taylor there helping her and she had no idea what she would do without them. The day she had told them she was pregnant was definitely a day to remember.

Nathan had been in a car accident and Lucas had called to tell her. She had been in the airport about to come home to him when he'd called her cell phone. He told her not to come home because he didn't want her to.

The pain had ripped through her heart when she'd heard those words from his mouth. He hadn't said he didn't love her but he told her not to come home, he didn't want her anymore. He'd explained that they needed to follow their dreams, but that didn't register, all she heard was "don't come home". Then she had collapsed.

She had woken up in hospital, and thought they were making a pretty big deal over her fainting. It was nothing, she had been in shock and passed out, that was all. Then she got the bombshell that she was two months pregnant.

Haley went back to the hotel and saw Chris sitting in his room with the door open strumming on his guitar.

"You're back!" he said sounding genuinely surprised

"Yeah" she nodded

"What's wrong? Wanted to see the Keller one more time?" he joked

"I'm pregnant" she sighed "And Nathan doesn't want me to come home"

Chris let out a low whistle "What a jackass!" he laughed

"I found out in the opposite order" she whispered

"He doesn't know your pregnant?"

"No, and I want to keep it that way" she sighed

"Okay Hales, I don't understand why but I will stand by you no matter what" he smiled

"Thanks Chris" she smiled and pulled him into a hug.

Haley headed back to her room and got out her phone. She dialled the familiar number and got no answer so she left a voicemail.

"Hi Tay, it's me. I don't really know how to say this, but here goes. I'm pregnant, it's Nathan's, I don't plan on telling him because he needs to pursue his dream, I'm keeping it, I'm leaving the tour and going to try to somehow go to college. I need you to not tell him. Bye"

That had been one hell of a voice mail that Taylor had received. She had been hung over and tired but that woke her right up. She gone to join Haley and promised to stand by her.

That's how the three of them had ended up sharing a three bedroom apartment. It had started off that the twins were in with Haley but when Chris and Taylor started seeing each other they decided to share a room and they converted Chris' room into a nursery.

Haley had managed to graduate via correspondence with Tree Hill High and gained a place at Stanford with a full ride scholarship due to her circumstance. She was studying english and education as a teacher would be the most appropriate job with two small children. She loved Chris and Taylor and all they had done for her but they would need to live their own lives and she couldn't rely on them forever.

She woke up the next morning and gave Grace and James their breakfast before heading to her first class of the day. She left a note for Taylor telling her to take Grace to the doctor and check James in case he had any similar symptoms because there was always the chance that it could be contagious and when you had two babies in such a small place, if one got ill usually so did the other one.

Taylor got up and checked James, he was fine but Grace was crying and kept pressing her ear to her shoulder. Taylor suspected it was an ear infection so she called the GP and headed to the surgery. The doctor confirmed what Taylor thought and prescribed some drops. Grace would be better in a few days and things should be back to normal.

Nathan, Peyton, Jake, Jenny, Lucas and Brooke stepped onto the Stanford Campus. They all attended Duke; Nathan was a blue devil, Peyton was studying art and music, Jake was studying business, Brooke was doing a fashion course and Lucas was studying literature. Lucas' HCM had prevented him from continuing with basketball but he'd managed to find a second dream. He was currently writing a manuscript for his first book.

Stepping onto the Stanford grounds, Lucas was in awe. After discovering his passion for writing, he thought of going to Stanford but he wanted to stay near Nathan. He wasn't completely back to normal after losing Haley so Lucas decided on Duke, and for some reason so did everyone else.

Being at Stanford made Nathan think of Haley. It had been her dream school that she'd wanted to attend since she was six and had gone looking at colleges for her older sister. He wondered if she even went to college. He'd kept a look out but had never heard of her pursuing music after the tour. He wondered what happened, and why, if she had given up music, why didn't she come back to him?

They had a short practice in the Stanford gym. Nathan didn't see the point, they were going to crush Stanford, they weren't a big basketball school and Duke would win, especially with Nathan starting.

Coming out of the gym he went to meet with the rest of the gang at a small cafe near their hotel. He went in and saw them all sitting at the table waiting for him. He took his seat in between Lucas and Peyton.

"You okay, Nate?" Brooke asked

"I'm fine" he answered shortly.

He ordered a bottle of water and a plate of fries and sat as they all talked. He didn't feel very sociable today. He felt like a fifth wheel and being at Stanford just made him think of Haley. He didn't happen that often anymore but sometimes when it was raining or being here at Stanford, or 

on her birthday or their anniversary of their marriage, first kiss, first date... okay, so he thought about her quite a lot but he tried not to.

He had tried dating, but it hadn't worked very well. He wasn't sure how to move on and what to do with the relationship. He wouldn't open up properly because he was scared of having his heart broken again and that would piss the girl off which would piss Nathan off, who would use it as an excuse to end their relationship.

They had finished eating and were sitting in the cafe. They had paid and were waiting for Peyton to come back from the bathroom. They were sitting in the window and looked across the street. Nathan noticed the doctors surgery across the road and watched as a young woman came out with a small child in a push chair. She looked familiar but he couldn't place her.

"You ready to go, Nate?" Lucas asked

"Yeah" Nathan answered and followed them out.

They crossed the road and were almost at the doctor's surgery when the woman he'd seen earlier was joined by another woman. He stopped causing the rest of them to stop and they just watched the scene before them unfold.

"Hey Taylor" Haley said "What did the doctor say?"

"Just an ear infection Hales, she's fine"

Haley picked up her daughter who smiled happily.

"Hey baby girl. Have you been good for Aunt Taylor?" she kissed the babies forehead and pulled her to her chest.

"You should go shopping or something, I'll take Grace home, I don't have any classes this afternoon so you and Chris can have the afternoon off. You guys should go out for the night too, I don't have to work or anything."

"I think I'll take you up on that sis. Since you use us for looking after your angels" Taylor teased.

"Bye Taylor. Say goodbye to aunty Tay, Grace" the baby gurgled a sound which could mean goodbye in baby language.

Haley put Grace back into the push chair and wheeled her away down the street towards her apartment.

Nathan stood shocked; he didn't know what to do. Haley had a kid and was at Stanford and Taylor was here and he was pretty sure she mentioned Chris. Was it his kid?

Taylor turned and started to walk towards them, she took out her phone that was ringing and answered.

"Hey baby, yeah I'm on my way. Haley's headed home with Grace. It was just an ear infection she'll be fine" she was talking on the phone when she bumped into Nathan's chest.

"Oh, sorry. I really should look where I'm going." She laughed lightly as she took a step back and looked up and pulling her phone away from her ear.

She froze when she saw who was standing in front of her, and judging by the looks on their faces they had witnessed Haley coming to get her daughter. They looked afraid to ask what had happened so Taylor figured she should take the initiative.

"Chris, I got to go." She said and hung up.

"What are you doing here?" Lucas asked to which Taylor laughed, a reaction that they were not expecting.

"I live here" she replied "What are you doing here? It's a damn long way from North Carolina"

"We're here for a game" Nathan muttered

"Oh yeah, I heard about that. Well, it was nice seeing you" she said as she started to turn around

"Taylor" Lucas stopped her "You can't do that"

"Do what, Lucas?" she asked turning around

"Just walk away. Even if we hadn't just seen what we've just seen there would still be questions for you to answer"

"Wow Lucas, that's a long question for someone who didn't go to college to understand" she smirked

"Quit trying to stall Taylor. Does Haley have a child?"

"No" Taylor answered and they looked confused "She has two"

"What?" Nathan asked, that must mean she's in a relationship if she has two children.

"Twins" Taylor answered "A boy and a girl, James and Grace. They're eighteen months old"

"Are they mine, Taylor?" Nathan asked

"You better come with me" Taylor said as she led the way.