I know, the review sucks, I'm sorry. I suck at those things. I promise the story is better than the review.

So, yeah...I couldn't resist writing another zemyx!! I LOVE these two together!

Anywho, enjoy and I hope you review! I love to hear from people!

disclaimer: I don't own Kingdom Hearts or ANY of the characters...if I did, the game would be rated M! O.o

Zexion was reading quietly in the castle's library, far away from the other Organization members. Other than his room, it was the only room in the castle he could read in peace. No one else hardly ever came in here. He flipped his hair back as he turned the page, only to have the slate spikes fall back in place, hiding one of his ice blue eyes.

Suddenly, he smelled strawberries and salt water. Demyx, he thought looking up. Sure enough, the blonde walked in the room, grinning at him. "Hey Demyx," Zexion said looking back at his book.

"I'm never gonna surprise you, am I?" the blonde wined. He nudged one of Zexion's out-stretched legs. "Move over."

He shook his head. "No, I'm comfortable." He held his book up.

Demyx rolled his ocean blue eyes. Fine, he thought. If he wants to be that way. He wrapped his arms around Zexion's waist, lying on top of him, and making the couch springs squeak.

Zexion closed the book, keeping a finger on the page he had been reading. "I'm never going to finish my book, am I?"

"Nope!" Demyx grinned and gently kissed the other man. Zexion's book fell to the floor with a THUD. He wrapped his arms around Demyx's neck as their tongues engaged in a wrestling match, both fighting for dominance. Zexion bit Demyx's lower lip as the blonde started un-zipping the others cloak.

"Uh, Demyx...we're in a library."

"I don't care," he said kissing Zexion again. Demyx pulled his gloves off and ran his hands over Zexion's thin frame. He pulled the Schemer's arms out of the cloak's sleeves and the Schemer wrapped them back around the Nocturne. Demyx fingered the scars on Zexion's wrists lightly. Zexion glanced at his wrists...at the angry red lines that crisscrossed in every direction across his pale flesh.

"Now I wish I hadn't done that," Zexion whispered.

Demyx smiled sadly. He ran his thumb over one of the scars and kissed it gently. "You can feel now, right? You never have to do that again." He pressed his lips against Zexion's.

Zexion reached up and un-zipped Demyx's cloak then gripped his bare shoulders. Demyx buckled his hips against Zexion's, practically riding the slate-haired man's erection.

"Get a room!"

Demyx yelped at the voice and scrambled to get off of Zexion.

Larxene was leaning against the doorway, her arms crossed, a smug expression on her face.

"You trying to give us heart attacks?" Demyx said.

"We don't have hearts you idiot," she sneered.

"You know what he means," Zexion said pulling his cloak back on.

"Geez. I came in here to get a book, not to see you two fucking each other." She walked between two bookshelves.

"But we weren't!" Demyx exclaimed. "We were just-"

"It was getting that way," she said walking back with a book in her hands. "Can I read? Or are you two going to jump each other?" She smirked and flopped down on an armchair. "Then again, I wouldn't mind a little entertainment," she said giggling.

"Watch your mouth XII," Zexion warned.

"Oh I'm so sorry Number VI," Larxene replied sarcastically, "Please forgive me."

Zexion glared at her. "You should learn to respect your superiors. Come on Demyx." He seized the Nocturne's wrist and summoned a portal of darkness. He pulled Demyx through, both disappearing from the room.

Larxene leaned back in her chair, smirking.

"And just what are you so happy about?"

She looked up at the voice to see Xigbar walking toward her. "Nothing. They're just highly amusing."

"Who?" he asked sitting in the chair across from her.

"Zexion and Demyx. I walk in to get a book and they're in here about fucking each other."

"Little man with that ray of sunshine?" His eyes flashed. "Who would've guessed?"

"I couldn't agree more. Too bad you didn't get to Demyx first, huh?"

Xigbar glared at her. "Shut up Larxene."