Title: Reflections of the past 1/? Author: Socrates Category: Story/Action/Adventure/Romance/Angst Rating: Not really anything worse then the show Disclaimer: Joss Whedon and Mutant Enemy own Buffy and all its subsidiaries, even though they're forgotten how to write them properly. Spoilers: None Summary: AU. What if there were both a male and a female slayer? What if Buffy and Willow had lived all of their lives in Sunnydale as close friends before meeting a mysterious young man named Xander? What if Angel was not the only vampire to be cursed with a soul? Dedication: To Shawn, Lori, Jai, Michael, C-man, Steve, Bob, Alan, and all the others who keep B/X alive. And to Stone Cold who's not afraid to bash the Buffster once in a while when she needs it. Distribution: Please tell me where its going first. Feedback: Yes Please!

Part 1

Sunnydale Ca September 10 6:00 AM

As the shadows receded back into the dark corners of the earth, sunlight broke through the veil of darkness and made its way down Revello drive to shine into the bedroom window of a plain looking white house. As the light streamed through the window, it shown on a sleeping form, curled underneath the blankets as if seeking warmth. The sunlight would not be dissuaded however and intensified in brightness until it shown full on the young girls face.

A very cranky Buffy Summers awoke from her slumber, cursing the gods and all that was holy for ever having created the sun.

Her lithe form rose from the bed to a sitting position, soft hands ran through her blonde hair as she stretched her tired muscles. Glancing to her side, her hazel eyes fixed on the calendar sitting on her night stand.

"Ah crap!"

Buffy Summers was not in a very good mood, for today was no ordinary day. No, today was a day that went down in the chronicles of teenagedom as the most evil, the most despised of days. Songs were sung by the damned as they rotted in hell of the accursedness of this day.

For you see, today was the first day of School.

Examining her options, the situation looked grim. That was until a desperate plan began to form in her young, devious mind.

I'll just say that I wasn't feeling well, that's it! Mom will believe me and then I can just go back to bed… But what about Will's? I can't just leave her there by herself. Or maybe I can. Yeah, Willow won`t mind. She loves school. Yeah, that`s it! Now I just need a few minutes to prepare!

"Time to get up Buffy!"


"Did you hear me Hon?"

Buffy sighed as her mothers voice carried from the hallway into her room. "Yeah mom I heard ya. But don't you think we can discuss this like two intelligent people?"

Joyce Summers laughed softly as she walked through the doorway, "There's nothing to discuss."

"Oh but there is! You see the School was… um… blown up! Yeah! That's it! It was destroyed in a fiery explosion last night! It was on the news and everything! I'm surprised you didn't see it."

Buffy's mother walked over to her bed and ruffled her daughters hair, "Nice try. Now move."

Buffy sighed in defeat as she collapsed back on her mattress. "You do realize this is cruel and unusual punishment don't you?"

"Somehow I think you'll survive."

Buffy blew a strand of hair away from her face, "Shows what you know."

Joyce turned to fix her daughter with a concerned look "Don't you want to see Willow?"

"Mom, I love Will's, but I see her all the time! Anyways, she loves school. She thinks its gods gift to mankind."

"Why can't you be more like her?"

"Because I have common sense?"

"Very funny. Now get going and get dressed. I'll be downstairs fixing breakfast."

As Joyce left the room, Buffy grabbed a pillow and placed it over her face.

"I hate School."

"Hey Buffy! Don't you just love school."

Buffy raised an eyebrow at her friend as they made there way up the front steps, "Willow, don't make me kill you."

"Ah c'mon Buff. Get in the spirit of things." Buffy took a look at the scene around them. Behind them, students were filing out of school buses and mixing in with the already assembled groups. They were chatting and running around. They seemed quite happy, but Buffy knew the truth. The act was a cover for the anguish of being in the most hated of places known to man.

"There is no spirit! There's just a big hole of unhappiness and misery where people gather around and sing songs of sadness."

Willow eyed her friend skeptically. "Wow Buffy. You seem kinda…upset."

Buffy scowled at her, "You're powers of deduction astound me Willow. No wonder you've got the best grade in the class."

"Yeah well, I try. Now tell me what's wrong. Are you bored?"

"Yep that's me. I'm definitely bored! I live in the center of Boringville USA.. Population: One very bored Buffy."

"Relax girl. School can be fun if you just give it a chance."

"I gave it a chance. In fact, I gave it eight chances. I have been more then patient. In fact, I should get an award for patience! If I haven't caught the spirit yet then I'm not ever gonna."

"I can see you feel pretty strongly about this."

Buffy sighed as she pulled her friend over to the side. "Its not just school Will. What with dad leaving and Derek and I breaking up… I'm just really down in the dumps right now."

Willow placed a consoling hand on Buffy's shoulder. "I know things are tough right now, but they'll get better. There are plenty of fish in the sea."

"You're just saying that cause you got Oz."

"I can't help it. I'm happy so I want everyone else I care about to be happy too."

The blonde shoved her hands in her pockets and stuck her lip out in a classic pouting pose, "I'm trying Will, but its going to take some time. I mean, its not like I'm just gonna meet the guy of my dreams today."

Laughing softly, Willow grabbed her friends hand as she guided her to their first period class. "You never know Buff. You never know…"

"Ladies and gentlemen, we have a new student with us today."

Buffy looked up from her notebook in curiosity. She leaned over to Willow. "You hear anything about a new kid?"

"Yeah. He's supposed to be from France or something." her friend whispered back.

"France huh? Cool."

"Alexander Harris, would you please come in?"

Buffy looked toward the door to get a look at the new boy… and her breath caught in her throat as he walked through the door. The boy, Alex, was, in a word, a hottie. His hair was dark and cut short, just the right length. His face was perfectly proportioned, with bright, chocolate brown eyes that seemed to sparkle. He wore a black leather jacket and white T-shirt that only partially concealed his powerful arms and chest. Blue denim jeans covered his long legs, ending in a pair of black boots. A sardonic look was in place on his face and his lopsided grin was incredibly sexy.

In short, the guy was eye candy.

"Uh Buffy? You're drooling." Willow quietly warned her friend and Buffy quickly closed her mouth which had been hanging open.

Oblivious to Buffy's, not to mention every other girl in the classes, infatuation, the teacher continued with the introduction.

"Alexander here comes all the way from France."

"Uh, its Xander actually." The dark haired hunk spoke up for the first time, in a deep, sexy voice.

"Pardon me?"

"My name. I prefer Xander."

"Oh okay then. You may take your seat Xander."

Buffy sat motionless in her seat, not uttering a peep. Which was in sharp contrast to her mind that was screaming, Sit here! Sit here! her eyes fixing on the unoccupied seat in front of her.

She looked at him hopefully, but he didn't even glance her way and she groaned in disappointment when he settled on a seat in the back of the room.


"Now class, welcome to World History. We will begin our studying with the Crusades, which took place during…." Buffy tuned out the teacher, as she sat back in her seat and scowled internally. The boy hadn't even seen her. Now he would probably meet some other cute girl and she would snatch him up. Or worse, Cordelia might find him.

I hate school.

"So, what did you think of the new kid?" Willow asked in a slightly teasing voice as she and Buffy made their way down the crowded hallways.

"Oh, he was… okay I guess." Buffy tried to answer in an uninterested voice as she tried, equally unsuccessfully to hide the blush that creeped onto her face.

"Uh huh." Willow looked at her friend with the classic `Who are you trying to fool' expression. She could tell that her friend was pretty much gaga over the guy, which she couldn't blame her for of course. Xander was very good looking. Not as good looking as Oz mind you, but still very much the hottie. Maybe Buffy and Xander can hook up. Yeah, that would be so cool! I bet he's real nice. And then her and him and me and Oz can double date. Yeah we'll have a great time! This is gonna be so cool. He's just the thing Buffy needs to get over Derek. That jerk! How could he treat Buffy like that. Cheating on her and all, and with Cordelia of all people. I tell ya, some guys are just-"

Buffy turned to her friend, "Willow, you're mind babbling again."

"Who me?"

"Yes you. And if I know you you're probably picking out floral patterns for my bridal gown, right?"

Willow looked away sheepishly, "I've always liked the `summer love' one."

"Okay hold on girl. Let's not go jumping the boat. I haven't even met him yet." She reasoned, both with herself and Willow. "There's no telling whether or not he'll even like me." she finished in a small voice.

"Don't be so negative Buffy. You're a great person. He'd have to be nuts not to like you."

Buffy smiled softly and gave her friend a quick hug, "Thanks Wills! You're the best!"

"I know."

"Listen girl, I've gotta get to my locker so I'll see ya at lunch?"

"Me and Oz will be waiting for you."

Buffy sighed sadly as she watched her friend walk away, "Yeah, you and Oz." she whispered softly. She supposed she should be happy for her friend. Oz was a great guy and he made Willow very happy, something her friend deserved. It was just that seeing them together brought back all the painful memories of her and Derek. She wanted to feel happy again, but all she had been feeling lately was sadness.

Oh well." she thought to herself, t at least things can't get any worse right?

As she neared her locker, a student came barreling down the hall and clipped her, sending her book falling to the floor in a myriad of directions. The book assassin continued on his way, either not knowing or not caring what he had done.


Buffy stood looking at the mess around her and let out a melancholy sigh, My life really sucks.

She bent down the began collecting her papers when a hand reached over and began collecting her scattered books. Buffy looked up to thank the mysterious savior and found herself lost in a pair of chocolate brown eyes that seemed to swim with passion.

"Can I have you?" Xander asked her in awe, his mind not registering what he had said as his heart and hormones had taken over control of his body.

"Uh huh." Buffy answered dreamily as she stared at him, her head bobbing up and down as she nodded enthusiastically. And so they sat there and stared at each other dreamily…until reality began to set in that is.

"Oh I'm sorry." Xander started as he realized what he had said, "I meant, can I help you?"

Buffy snapped quickly out of her dazed state, "Uh yeah, thanks." They set about collecting her things and soon had everything back in order.

"I'm Xander by the way." The young man offered as they both rose. The smile on his face was sarcastic and yet genuine as he offered his hand.

"Yeah I know. I saw you in class." Buffy replied as she took his hand and shook, "I'm Buffy, Buffy Summers."

"That's a beautiful name. Nice to meet you Buffy."

Buffy blushed at his words. They were so simple yet they made her heart flutter, He thinks its nice to meet me, and he thinks my name is beautiful! she thought to herself.

"So… uh." Buffy struggled to find a subject to talk about, "How do you like it here so far?"

Xander smiled that smile that made her weak in the knees, " Well, its no Marseilles or anything but its pretty cool so far. People here are nice and you get to do more stuff then in France. Plus its not so big. Just a nice, quiet town, and I was surprised to find that the restaurants here don`t serve frogs legs. Its like a dream come true."

Just a nice, quite town Buffy thought glumly, That the problem "Yeah its nice and quiet here. Nothing but quiet."

They stood there staring at each other awkwardly for a few minutes, then the bell rang. Xander looked over at Buffy apologetically, "I'm sorry Buffy but I have to go. I need to get my new books from the library."

In spite of her mood, Buffy found herself amused, "Have you met our librarian yet?"

"No, I can't say that I have. In fact, I haven`t met many librarians in my time sadly. I must admit that I feel this enormous void in my life."

"Well you better prepare yourself."

"Why? Is he like a demon or something. I bet that's it isn't it? He's the demon of the library. If you don't get your books back on time he'll suck out your eyeballs, or maybe he'll imprison you in one of his books. That doesn't really sound like fun does it? All that dust and ink. I bet its really uncomfortable in there…"

Xander trailed off as he saw Buffy watching him curiously. "Are you okay?" she asked in an amused tone.

"Oh yeah, I'm fine. I was just trying, rather unsuccessfully to be funny. I tend to act rather silly in front of beautiful girls. it's a weakness I have. The doctors have tried to fix it but my insurance didn`t hold up" he sighed dramatically, "I guess I'll have to live with it.

Once again Buffy found herself turning red in the face, "Thank you." she managed as she struggled to wipe the silly grin from her face. This guys the total package. He's good looking, nice, funny, smart, and most importantly, he likes me!

He grinned at her, "No problem Buffy." he began to walk away while still facing her, "I really gotta go, but I'll see you in class?"

The smitten blonde grinned back, "You bet you will!"

"Nice meeting you Buffy." he called out as he turned away from her and made his way towards the library.

"Same here." Buffy walked away with that foolish grin still plastered on her face, What a hottie! It looks like things just might start to get interesting here after all!

Little did she know how right she was.

End part 1

Authors end notes: I feel that this part lacks something that the other one had but I can't figure out what. I'm trying to get the characters right, but I'm not much for writing conversations. If I had my way most of the story would be internal thoughts and external actions but it can't work that way. Please bear with me while I try to muddle through.