Disclaimer: Nope, don't own Psych.

Pairing: Shassi

Author: Rene Marie

Summary: Lassie thinks about romance novels, and how waking up next to Shawn is so much better.

Warnings: PWP. Slash.


Romance Novels

Carlton Lassiter didn't understand romance novels. Sure, they sounded pretty and romantic, but reality was so far away from them that he just couldn't get the supposed appeal.

Waking up next to Shawn wasn't fun. The fake psychic threw off entirely too much heat during the night, and he had the nasty habit of cuddling. Those two things normally did not bother him, when they were separate. The younger man also kicked, squirmed, and drooled. He occasionally talked, and once had actually gotten out of bed, walked into the kitchen, and started to chop up a pineapple. With a spoon.

It was never the sated, serene, beautiful picture that the novels painted. It typically wasn't even close.

It was more than ok though. For all of the things his lover did in his sleep, however annoying, he simply wouldn't be Shawn if they didn't happen. He imagined that if every night and morning were that same supposedly serene picture, he'd get bored very quickly.

While Lassiter was a creature of habit, he did need some variety. He was awoken every night at roughly 4 am, because it was entirely too hot being trapped underneath the younger man. Sometimes Shawn's limbs would be clenched tightly around him, and Shawn would wake up first because he couldn't feel his arms and/or legs. Sometimes Carlton would wake up at 4 am because the heat wasn't there, if Shawn had rolled in the night and was on the other side of the bed. Every morning he would get an absolutely foul tasting kiss, as Shawn claimed he needed one to start moving every day. Sometimes, that kiss would taste like pineapple (as it did the morning after the sleep-pineapple-carving incident); other times it would be a chaste kiss. Other times, that kiss would quickly turn into something more.

So no… Waking up next to Shawn was not "romance novel worthy." But Carlton knew that he liked it that way.


Yeah, I know. Short, but it just kinda popped into my head and wouldn't go away. Obviously has not been beta'd. Reviews are nice, but not necessary.