Mea's oc

Mea's oc

Kiara- Hyrulian, who lives near Lake Hylia. She is 15 years old. She has pointy ears, dark brown hair, and black eyes. She wears a tank-top shirt, which is black, and pants that are like jeans. They are black too. She wears the type of shoes that Link wears, except black.

Calypso-Gerudo, and Ganondorf and Nabooru's daughter. She is 18 years old. Her hair is brown with blonde highlights, and her eyes are red (Like father like daughter!)!! She wears a blood red, short-sleeved T-shirt (with a dragon design on it), and normal dark blue pants like jeans. She also wears black shoes.

Kiara wields a katakana sword, and a shield with her family crest on it, which is a wolf surrounded by the triforce design.

Calypso wields a black sword, similar to the master swords design, and a shield with a dragon flying over the desert on it.

Calypso personality- a quiet genius, very sarcastic and cynical, reckless and slightly rebellious at times. Inherited the triforce of power from her 'dear' father. Was raised in the desert so loves hot places and sand. Hates cold, wet places. She is funny it's just she uses dark humor. Has a bad temper when messed with. She knows Ganondorf is her father but isn't really bothered by it too much as long as no one brings up the subject. She isn't exactly proud of what her father plans to do to Hyrule but she doesn't put much effort into stopping him.

Kiara personality-a loud and extremely sarcastic person. She is really rebellious, and expresses her opinion before thinking. She was born with the triforce of wisdom (Not Zelda!!). She hates Ilia. She is at the genius level of Calypso. She was raised by lake Hylia, so she likes cooler climates. She uses dark humor as well as light humor. Good temper, except when insulted. She despises Ganondorf.

Wolf forms-

Kiara- Dark green-blue except for the strange, blood red designs like Link's wolf form. Eyes change to green when she is a wolf. Has a higher pitched 'voice' when in wolf form.

Calypso- Sandy-brown color like the desert. Her eyes are still red only shiner. The strange designs on her back resemble snakes crisscrossing. Her voice is similar to Link's as a wolf only a little higher.

Other OC- Lance: A tall, strong, young man. He is 20 years old. He grew up on a ranch raising these very odd desert goats. His ranch is about 10 miles from the Gerudo hideout.

He has long, messy black hair and sapphire blue eyes. Not exactly the smartest guy ever but he's not stupid. He uses a short sword and a bow and arrows for battles.

He transforms into a silver hawk in the twilight realm. He and Calypso have known each other for years.

Scott- Kiara's little brother. He is 12 years old. Scott constantly goofs off and Kiara is normally found yelling at him for not doing his chores. He is very funny and optimistic. Basically, he is a normal little brother. He loves bothering his sister.

He has light brown hair and chocolate brown eyes. He is short for his age and has freckles. He spends a lot of time swimming and fishing when he should be doing his chores.


Kiara's horse is a light tan color with a black star in the middle of her head. She has violet eyes. Her name is Nari which means thunder.

Calypso's horse is midnight black (picture Ganondorf's horse only a little smaller). He has light blue eyes. His name is Agro.

Lance's horse is white. He has brown eyes. His name is Cloud.

Scott's horse is a little white pony with brown spots. Calypso calls it 'Little Ass' or dinner. Everyone else calls it Shina (for it is a girl.).