How to Read Akatsuki Out of a Book

Chapter 1: The Girl Who Called Them Out

A girl about 13 with waist length pink hair and jade orbs looked around her room nervously. 'Oh crap, oh crap, oh crap...' she thought as she stood in the corner. One minute ago she was reading some strange words from a fictional book about a group called the Akatsuki, and now there are nine, NINE boys in her room. They claim to be the Akatsuki from her book. 9 boys, no, criminals in her room.

The unlucky girl's name was Sakura Haruno.

Sakura was always the average girl at Konoha Middle School. She was in between popular and unpopular. 'Oh my god, what am I gonna do...?' she thought as her knees fell to the floor. She was so unlucky because 9 boys are in her room, and they are murderers. It was obvious that she was scared. She certainly did NOTwant to be killed by one of these peope at such a young age.

A boy who was the same age as Sakura with long blonde hair and blue eyes was talking to his red haired friend. A pink head caught his eyes. He looked toward Sakura's direction, and walked to her. She noticed him coming to her. Scared, she brought her knees to her chest and hugged it.

The blonde gently poked her on the side of her ribs. "Hey...are you okay, yeah?" he asked. Sakura looked up, surprised that he did'nt kill her. Yet. "Hello? Anyone there, yeah?" he asked as he poked her ribs again. " Um... I'm fine, thank you." she replied. "I'm Deidara, what's your's?" the boy, Deidara said. "I'm Sakura, Sakura Haruno." Sakura said. "Hey Deidara, you fag, what the fuck are you doing?" a boy with silver hair and purple eyes asked.

"Hidan, shut the hell up! Your'e scaring her, you dumbass, yeah!" Deidara yelled. "What the fuck do you mean? Theres a girl in this fucking room?" Hidan asked. "Sakura, this is Hidan, Hidan, this is Sakura, yeah." the blonde said. "Hi." the pinkette said. "Deidara! Why didn't you tell me about this earlier, you fucker! She is fucking hot!!" Hidan yelled so that the others could hear him. The others heard him and started to walk to the three kids in the corner.

"Hey Deidara-senpai, who is that you are with? Tobi thinks she is very pretty!" a boy with an orange mask exclaimed. A tint of pink stained Sakura's cheeks after hearing the boy's comment. 'Might as well introduce her to the others, yeah.' Deidara thought as he mentally sighed. He stood up, and offered Sakura a hand. She took it and then followed him to the other side of the room.

"Okay, yeah. This is Itachi," the blonde said as he pointed to a black haired boy who leaned on one of the corners of her room. "Kakuzu," he pointed to a boy with black hair and was stitched up. "Sup." Kakuzu said. "Sasori-danna," Deidara pointed to the red haired boy he was talking to earlier. "Hello." Sasori said bluntly. "Pein-sama," the blonde pointed to an orange haired boy with a lot of piercings. "Hey." Pein said. "You have cool eyes." Sakura said as she smiled. "Thanks..." the orange headed boy replied. "Kisame," he pointed to a sharkish looking boy standing next to Itachi. "Hello there. Got any food? I'm hungry." Kisame said while grinning, showing his rows of sharp teeth. "Zetsu," Deidara pointed to a boy with green hair and looked like a venus flytrap. "Hi." Zetsu said. Sakrua waved back. "And lastly, Tobi-no-baka, yeah." Deidara pointed to the boy with the orange mask. "Hi, hi, hi!! She's pretty, Deidara-senpai!" Tobi said again.

"And everyone, this is Sakura, yeah." Deidara said. "Sakura? It fits perfectly. It matches your hair." Zetsu said as he slightly smiled. "Sakura-san, do you know how we got here?" Pein asked. Sakura thought for a moment. "I think I know how you guys got here..."


"This book is cool! I'm almost done, too." Sakura said to herself. She had borrowed a book called 'Black Cloaks and Red Clouds: The Akatsuki Tales'. She was on the 9th chapter, it was when the Akatsuki was trapped and they her an angelic voice. "The Akatsuki were trapped, surrounded by Orochimaru's minions. They all thought they were going to die, until they heard a voice calling out to them. " Sakura read to herself. 'SHANNARO!! IT'S GETTING COOLER!' Inner
Sakura said. "Hidan, out. Kakuzu, out. Itachi, out. Pein, out. Tobi, out. Zetsu, out. Deidara, out. Kisame, out. Sasori, out." Sakura read. Then a blinding light temporary blinded her and the earth beneath her started to shake. After a few seconds, the shakings stopped and the light started to fade away.

Sakura rubbed her eyes as she looked around her room. Her eyes widened in surprise and fear. The Akatsuki was in her room. She got off her bed and hid in one of the small corners in her room. Luckily they did'nt see her. She began to shake. And thats when Deidara spotted her.

End of Flashback

"Sakura-chan, Tobi thinks it was your voice we heard!" Tobi said as he hugged the pinkette. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Tobi added. "Wait, why are you thanking me?" Sakura asked, obviously confused. "You saved us, we were about to die back there, yeah." Deidara said. "Sakura-san, I have one last question, where are we?" Pein asked.