Teen Titans belongs to DC Comics. I'm not them and am making no money, so don't bother with the lawyers.

Chapter 25: By Mutual Agreement (The Cut Scene)

A/N: Please note: this is NOT the entire chapter, only the section that I cut stuff from. To read the rest of the chapter, please read Chapter 25 in Falling II: The Curse of the Bat

by Lelila


Starfire's burns had actually been a fairly easy heal for Raven. She didn't need to touch her and was able to perform the magic through Robin's cape. Starfire was grateful for the relief of her pain but was a bit bothered by how sensitive her skin remained. Showering was quite uncomfortable. But toweling off and slipping into her nightclothes lit up her senses in a not un-pleasurable way. She exhaled a shaky breath as the tingles cascaded through her. She flopped onto her bed and tried to relax and ignore her body.

But the tingling continued with every breath she took. When she closed her eyes, she could imagine it was Robin caressing her. Her mind filled with images of him from this evening's battle. He had been impressive as always: agile, flexible, strong. He'd fought smart and hard. And she'd almost lost him again tonight; that goon she'd taken out after she'd been burned had been closer to Robin than she'd liked. That made her angry. What made her more angry was the fact that the Batman had insinuated that she should not have saved him. She frowned, a Tamaranian curse flitting through her mind. He was not her leader. She was beginning to understand Robin's feelings.

Speaking of Robin, she'd only gone along with his subterfuge regarding their relationship because he wished it. If it were up to her, she'd be with him now. And she wanted to be. She wanted to hold him, to prove to herself that he was there and all right. And she wanted him to cause her skin to tingle, not the remains of some wound.

She heaved a mighty breath and a shiver ran through her as the movement of her pajama top over her skin sent tingles through her again. "Givlyjod," she swore to herself in Tamaranian. It was obvious to her now that the Batman was no better than any of the rest of them. Robin had no good reason for hiding anything from him. He wasn't worth it.

Angry and a bit aroused, she ignited a starbolt for light and headed across the hall, intent on telling Robin her thoughts about the Batman. To her surprise, she met him, clad only in boxers and a tank top, in the middle of the corridor on his way to her room. "Robin?"

"Come on," he said gruffly, grabbing her arm and pulling her back towards his room. Starfire extinguished her starbolt and trotted after, a bit confused.

"Robin?" she repeated softly as they entered his room, which was lit only by a low-wattage bedside lamp.

He responded by yanking her against himself and kissing her ravenously. Starfire heard the door snick shut behind her, pushed with just enough force by Robin.

Initially taken off guard, Starfire quickly responded, arching against him as his free hand slid up her back.

"You were so sexy taking out those goons tonight," he breathed between nips against her skin. "And telling Bruce off like that…" He hummed low in his throat, a grumble that sounded something like a growl. "I've missed you so much…"

"I have missed you as well, Dpi'syr…" She was cut off as his lips crashed against hers again.

Robin's passion was zealous. Starfire could barely keep up with him. He laved his tongue down her neck and over her chest, stopping just long enough to rip open the front of her top, sending the buttons flying. She gasped as he peppered kisses over her more-sensitive-than-usual breasts. He sank to his knees, continuing his trail of kisses over her abdomen before pulling her pajama bottoms and panties down around her ankles. He suckled at both of her thighs and nuzzled his nose into the cleft between them briefly before rising to his feet and assaulting her lips with his again. "God, I want you so much," he moaned against her mouth as he gripped her low around her back and picked her up.

Out of instinct - and habit - Starfire wrapped her arms around Robin's shoulders and her legs around his hips. Every nerve in her body lit up; the tingles that started in her chest streaked down her belly and over her back. Her sex twitched as she felt Robin's still-clothed arousal press itself against her.

His lips still sucking and nipping at every inch of her skin that he could reach, Robin took a few steps to the bed and tossed her on to it, falling on top of her. Again his mouth was on hers, his tongue breaching inward. She mewled against the assault, quickly dueling back, sucking and stroking. She raked her fingers up his back, ripping his shirt open in her desperate desire to feel his skin under her hands.

She arched against him as his lips found the spot behind her ear that drove her insane, moaning loudly. "Shhhh," he hissed into her ear, but continued his attack on her senses.

Her head spun, and her body ached for him. But she had intended to talk to him. This seemed very sudden. "Robin?" she murmured. When the only response she received the feel of his teeth on her earlobe and his fingertips digging into her thigh, she pushed him away, needing to use some of her alien strength to do so, his intent so great. "What?" he gasped, his chest heaving, his pupils wide with desire. The question she had as to whether he was certain he wanted to do this, considering the circumstances, died at the sight of him. It was obvious he wanted this as much as she did. She smirked naughtily at him and tore the remains of his shirt from his chest. "You are – what is the term? Dressed over."

He laughed, the noise a combination of the sweet chuckle he would make when she made some kind of mistake with her language and the bawdy chortle she would sometimes hear from Cyborg when he and Beast Boy were teasing them. "It's 'overdressed,'" he corrected, dropping a kiss on her nose. "And you're right. But also a bit under-dressed." He stole a peck from her lips before sliding away. "Hold that thought."

Starfire felt the blaze in her nerves extinguish, and she started to feel cold. She frowned, but was able to console herself by admiring the sight of Robin removing his boxers, giving her a good view of his perfectly formed buttocks. The scowl turned into a saucy grin as she watched him pull a foil packet from his utility belt, rip it open and apply the prophylactic. He turned back, the intensity in his eyes softening a little as he lifted a brow in query. "What are you looking at?"

Her grin grew a bit lascivious. "I was admiring the excellent gluteus maximus you possess."

He chuckled again as he settled back onto the bed. "I always thought you were an ass woman."

"Well, I do enjoy kicking the butt."

He smiled again, leaning in for a kiss, this one much less demanding. It didn't take long, however, for their fever pitch to rise once again, and they were soon kissing and sucking and nipping and grabbing each other as if their lives depended on it. The tingles in Starfire's breasts started the instant that Robin's bare chest touched hers and quickly radiated throughout her body. As his body slid over hers, their Dpi'syr gems touched, and Starfire's already roiling emotions exploded. This boy, this man, meant so much to her; she loved everything about him, even the stubbornness that could frustrate her so. How could anyone not see how wonderful he was? She wanted nothing more than to take him in her arms, into her body, and meld with him until they were truly one.

Overcome by the height of her physical and mental states, Starfire began to float off the bed, carrying Robin with her. "No," he grunted into her ear, sliding off of her a little and using his weight to press her back into the mattress. "Stay on the bed." He grabbed her arms and laced his fingers through hers, pushing her hands over her head and firmly against the pillows.

Starfire studied the intensity on his face, obviously heightened by their connection through the Dpi'syr gems. He had never been so forceful during the act of xioykrw. She found it thrilling. "I shall...do my best," she panted.

"Good." He punctuated his approval by kissing her hungrily again as he positioned his hips between her thighs. A little wriggling and he slipped inside of her, pushing himself in to the hilt. Starfire moaned into his mouth; the initial insertion was perhaps her favorite part of the act. A thrill shot through her as her insides stretched and she felt the tip of his organ press against her cervix.

Robin pulled almost all of the way out before pressing strongly into her again. He repeated the motion several times, twisting his hips a little as his thighs met hers. He then settled into a somewhat shallower stroke, one that allowed him to deliver all of his weight and strength with every thrust and yet somehow kept their Dpi'syr gems from parting.

They'd had vigorous sex before, quite often actually, but nothing like this. With her emotions charged and her attempts to keep at least some control over her flying, Starfire was overcome and thus Robin was doing most of the work, which was odd as usually their lovemaking was a very joint affair. But she liked it. She liked the fact that, after what had felt like forever of his avoiding her and being cool towards her, his zeal seemed bottomless and it was making her ever more aroused. She started to squeal with the apex of every thrust.

"Shhhh," he puffed. "Breathe, don't scream."

She did her best to comply, an occasional noise escaping between her pants. She could feel her climax beginning to build; her sex began to twitch and her muscles began to tighten. Her vision began to turn green, as if someone had changed the color settings on a computer monitor. She squeezed her eyes shut in the hope that she would not accidentally release any eye bolts. She never had before, but there was a first time for everything.

With her eyes closed, she could concentrate even more on her physical sensations. Robin's strokes were somehow becoming faster and deeper, and she felt as if she might explode around him. She squeezed his hands, feeling her nails dig into his flesh. "R...Robin..." she gasped as she teetered on the edge.

Robin's thrusts became very shallow and fast, and she could feel him gripping her hands as well. "St...Star..." he stuttered out before kissing her with more passion than she thought she'd ever felt. Her orgasm crashed over her at that moment. She could feel the energy leaking out between her eyelids as every muscle in her body tensed. She screamed into Robin's mouth; the sensations not letting up. She heard him make the groan he always did during his climax, but it seemed long and drawn out as well. She felt as if her whole body were trying to envelope him, not just her genitals.

Slowly, slowly, her climax began to ebb and her body began to relax. She felt as if her spirit were returning to her body after being released from it in order to experience the pure joy that was making love with her Dpi'syr. As she began to regain control, she found it a little difficult to release Robin's hands, but was eventually able to do so. She turned her head to the side and experimentally opened her eyes, to make sure she wouldn't blast Robin in the face. After determining that was not a problem, she turned back to find him panting into the crook of her neck, the room now dark. "Robin?"

"Ohmigod," Robin muttered incoherently. "That was...holy cow..."

Starfire smiled to herself, and wriggled her fingers free from his, sliding them over his slick back, wet from what she assumed was perspiration. "That was most delightful," she murmured to him in French.

"Uh huh," he grunted back.

She hugged him tightly. "Yr sefte, Dpi'syr Robin."

That seemed to bring him back to himself a bit, as he nuzzled her ear. "I love you, too." He traced some soft kisses up her cheek to her lips. "Wow," he said, his breath still a bit shallow. "Did I ever tell you what a great lover you are?"

She grinned, reaching up to caress his cheek. "No, but you too are indeed a skilled Revoleth."

She saw his boyish grin in the dim light. "Then together, we must be incredible." He leaned down and kissed her gently again.

"Robin?" she asked as he continued to nuzzle her cheek and neck. "What happened to the light?"

"Huh? Oh, it just went out. The bulb must have blown. That happens now and again with these old incandescent lights."

They lay together for some time longer, floating in their elevated emotions, bodies still connected, until Starfire said that she was getting stiff. Reluctantly, Robin slipped out of her, and their Dpi'syr gems separated. They both felt a bit dizzy for a moment, but too tired to question anything, Robin settled next to her, putting his head on her shoulder, and they drifted into an exhausted but happy sleep.


At last, another update! This idea was another early one, though it's gone through some changes over time, and the tone of it has shifted. I made a point of making the love scene in Starfire's point of view; it seems to me that I always write them from Robin's POV, which is kind of weird as I'm a girl. Though, anatomy notwithstanding, I'm a lot more like Robin than I am like Starfire.

Sex is always hard to write. I do my best to be respectful of the characters and still advance the story. This is not porn. I don't write porn. Porn is about the act: insert tab A into slot B, repeat. The characters don't matter. I write what I call explicit love scenes (I've also heard it called romantica, not a bad term). It's really about what's going on in the heads and hearts of the characters; if other body parts happen to be involved, I'll mention them in passing. It's all about the characters. The act itself is almost secondary.

The point of this scene is not that they've got the hots for each other, but that they've both gotten to the point in this adventure where their relationship is more important than whatever anybody else may think. But with the dawning of the morning, is that going to remain the truth? You'll have to wait and see...

(Despite the above, I had to put something in there about Dick's ass...he does have the best ass in DCU, after all!)

Make with the love; the muse works harder when she gets a steady diet of it!