I felt like writing Easter fluff, and cooked this up this morning when I found a basket waiting for me against my wishes. Who better to write it about then Sena and Youchi?

Ok, I dont own anything to do w/ these characters, or any other Eyeshield 21 concepts. (So we're clear on that)

It has to work. Sena thought as he painted three small black lines on either cheek and donned his furry white bunny ears. I've been living with Hiruma for over a month now, and he's barely been civil to me, let alone nice. He grabbed his small green basket and crept from his room and down the hallway to the door painted with signs warning a painful and untimely death upon entering, his mind set on change. This is my last chance to get on his good side, or I'm moving out. He pushed open the door and froze at the sight of the brown furry lump snoring at the foot of the bed and stepped around it, smiling when he caught sight of the blonde in bed. I've got you now, Hiruma Youchi. Sena then launched himself -basket, ears, and all- onto the sleeping form.

"Youchi, Youchi, wake up! Come see what the Easter Bunny left us!"

Youchi groaned and turned over, arms up to block himself from the brunettes assault "Sena, what are you doing in here? I thought I told you I don't celebrate pointless Holidays." He snapped, baring teeth.

Sena pouted, un-intimidated, and bounced some more "I know that Youchi, but the Easter Bunny doesn't. Since he went to all that trouble, why don't you come downstairs and see what he left you?"

Youchi glared, and Sena glared right back. There was staring for a few moments, and then Youchi gave in.

"Fine," He sighed, getting out of bed, "I'll go look."

"Yes!" Sena punched the air with enthusiasm.

Youchi glared again "Don't get too excited, I don't even like sugar."

Sena just smiled and grabbed his hand, leading him past the snoring guard dog and bounding down the stairs.

What greeted Youchi when he hit the bottom stair is what a 4 year old would have deemed paradise. Colors and chocolates and streamers and bunnies draped and adorned every corner of the room. Hiruma, however, was not impressed. Sena turned expectant eyes on him.



Sena bit his lip "Yeah?"

"Stupid." He said and turned to go back upstairs.

Sena grabbed him by the back of the shirt "Wait! I have one more thing for you."

Youchi turned around and a large brown and white egg was shoved in his face, upon closer inspection he realized it was fashioned to look like a football, and it was the same color as Sena's hopeful brown eyes. He took the egg from the brunette.

"Um, thanks…I guess." It felt awkward to say, but he felt compelled to do it.

Sena grinned from ear to ear, whiskers tilting upward with it "No, thank you Hiruma Youchi, you're not so bad after all." And with that he got up on his tip-toes and pressed a kiss to the blonde's lips.

Youchi then decided that Easter was the best holiday ever invented, and he didn't give a damn if he had to dress up as a bright pink jackalope every year if it got Sena to kiss him.

When Sena pulled away blushing Youchi grabbed him by the chin and gave a returning grin "You're not so bad yourself, Eyeshield."

He kissed him again.

Sena sighed and wrapped his arms around the Quarterback's neck, letting the Football egg and his rabbit ears fall to the ground. I've got you now, Hiruma Youchi. And you're going to be stuck with me for a long, long time.

Easter Rocks.

Well, did you like it? R&R please, I love to hear from you.

Should I try to do any more Eyeshield stories?