There really isn't much to conclude for this short story series, except to once again say thank you to everyone who took the time to help me with this "little" project whether they were just reading or if they requested a story.

I'm sure by now I sound like a broken record, constantly thanking everyone, but I really couldn't have done this without you guys. Sure, I could have just written a bunch of short stories, but after awhile they start to become similar and boring. You guys embraced my idea and challenged me to write stories that I wouldn't have been able to come up with on my own.

So without further ado, my final thanks:

brokengem & naughtycate: you guys are great friends. without you two and your encouragement, it might have taken me another year to finish this series. thank you!!

everyone who requested stories: thank you so much for requesting , you guys truly made this series what it is. some of your requests really challenged me and I was able to come up with some great stories. I just feel bad that I couldn't write every story requested.

everyone who read: thank you so much! Looking at the story traffic and seeing how many people read each story makes me smile.

everyone who read & commented: you guys rock my socks!! Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a little message, even if it was just to say you loved a story. That always brings a smile to my face.

And now I will say goodbye, not from fan fiction, of course. I have some other stuff up my sleeves, but I'm going to take a break for a few weeks and figure out what I want to work on next.

Love always,


P.S. A poll is up now (you can find it on my profile page) and you guys can pick your five favorite Mixed Up; Mashed Up Shorts. I'll close the poll in about a week or so then use the results to make a list of readers top 10 stories to put on the introduction page.