The Following story is all for your Uchihacast Entertainment. Please Enjoy; it has no connections with the already finished, Get It Brother. This one is Loves A Scream. It's thanks to all of your Reviews!!

Get It Brother (Bonus Un-Cut an Original Story)

XxxIshida's GirlxxX(Thanks for editing)

Loves a Scream

"You have to clean the dishes, Sasuke, is your turn." Sasuke mimicked his older brother's words before he stood up to place the dishes in the sink "I need to take a bath because I so have to look presentable and blah blah." Sasuke sighed. To him his brother was already perfect, but it was not like he was ever going to tell Itachi that he loved him or anything like that. It would just boost his older brother's ego to tell him that he was perfect and hot anyway. So, bug off.

It was already night, Sasuke needed to finish cleaning his dish that he had just been eating from as well as the other dishes that were already soaped up and waiting to be rinsed, he really needed to finish before Itachi came out of the bathroom and said anything about how slow he washed.

He reached over the sink and dipped the sponge in more water then squeezing soap all over the plate he begun to scrub it. He then turned on the cold water to rinse it off but jumped back when he heard his brother scream. He turned off the water walking a bit backwards and peeked around the counter bar in the kitchen to see if he could see his brother in the hall way. 'What the hell' he thought to himself while shaking his head before returning to his task at hand.

Sasuke smirked and turned on the hot water this time and another angry curse was released from his older brother. Sasuke shook his hands and begun to turn on the cold and then the hot for different periods of time.

"SASUKE!!" Sasuke jumped back and ran over to see the hall way that was only lit up by a lamp; he was making sure Itachi was not going to get out any time soon. Pouting he walked over to the sink once more and begun to turn on the water once more. "SASUKE!" another yelled was issued and Sasuke smirked.

"I'm just cleaning the dishes niisan!!" he yelled back loud enough to be heard but stopped when there was a knock at the door. Who could be coming here this late at night? It was eight at night Sasuke though as he walked over to the door and answered it only to see a girl with dark blue eyes and blond hair that seemed to be shaped in stars was standing there looking all pretty with her black shirt and llong skirt and very impatient. "Can I help you?" Sasuke asked curtly.

"Uh, yeah, who are you and what are you doing in my boyfriend's house?" Sasuke's eye twitched. Boyfriend?

"You mean Uchiha Itachi is your boyfriend?" Sasuke hissed out completely ignoring her.

"That's what I said runt, now answer the fucking question!" Sasuke and the girl glowered at each other with enough icy hatred that could freeze the whole room. Who the hell was this bitch claiming to be his brother's bitch and ordering him to tell her this and that!?

"I'm his younger brother, Sasuke, who else would I be?" Venom dripped from Sasuke's voice. The girl seemed taken aback, but she accepted what was told to her and completely shoved Sasuke aside not even being invited in. Sasuke was nothing but something that needed to be shoved aside, he was not worth her time, and she and Itachi had a date.

"Itachi!" she called out and Sasuke watched her enter the bathroom shamelessly like she owned the place and then heard Itachi yell a 'What the Hell' and then everything was silent, Sasuke felt a feeling of loneliness and loss wash over him. It was hopeless. Everything had been going so perfect and NOW he finds out that Itachi has a girl, this was just not going to cut it. Alright, change of plans he needed to tell his brother how he felt straight up.

Sasuke would get his revenge on that chick.

Uchiha Sasuke was not shoved around that easily without getting hit back!

The Next Day

The sun shone brightly and the birds sang peacefully, but one little small brooding raven Uchiha was not happy. His brother had gone out with that Bitch and not come home until one in the morning also making him lose sleep in the process because he was worried about his niisan who was probably fucking her so don't blame him for being in a foul mood.

"Morning Otouto" Sasuke stabbed his cereal in response to his older brother's greeting before speaking it.

"Morning Aniki" he managed to growl out and Itachi raised a brow.

"What got shove up your ass this morning and died?" Sasuke looked over at his brother giving him a look that clearly read over his face 'are you a dolt brother?' "What?" Itachi asked with dignity "Do I have something on my face."

"No" Sasuke said sullenly covering his previous anger "Do I have to find a job niisan? It's such a pain…" nice one, Sasuke thought. Itachi already believed him to be a spoiled lazy ass brat; he would believe him to be in a bad mood to find a job.

"You complain about everything…" Sasuke stood up and dumped his cereal onto the sink. Itachi just watched silently and was starting not to believe that the reason his brother was being a pain this morning was something more. But what could the boy be mad at?

"I do not, if you don't want me to tell you what's up with me then why even bother ask!" Sasuke snapped and rushed out of the kitchen. Itachi just stared after wondering what the hell was really wrong with his unpredictable baby brother. Somehow he believed his life was about to get more complicated than it already was.

Oh god forbid Sasuke to throw one of those sexy tantrums that made him want to jump his baby brother!

Sasuke sighed in relief as he escaped his brother; he really needed time to think without worrying where the hell his brother might be. He tried to relax as he heard the lyrics for Eminem's song My 1st Single. His brother said it caused extensive psychological nerve damage to his brain listening to those songs, Sasuke plainly said that his brother was just to damn sensitive about the subject.

"TEME!" Sasuke was tackled to the floor by a blob of orange and yellow "have you found a job? I just got one at the ramen shop! You can sign up if you still don't have a job." Naruto said smiling like a hyper puppy while straddling a pissed off Sasuke who was underneath him glaring daggers.

"Get. Off. Of. Me. Dobe." Sasuke did not wait for the blond to do so before he harshly brushed the blond off sending him almost flying across the room as Sasuke stood himself up and dusted himself off. "Let's go, I seriously need a job at the moment before I do anything stupid like you!" Naruto pouted, he hated when people used him as an idiot.

"What are you planning Teme?" Sasuke looked over at the blond as they came into the crowded restaurant with a devilish smirk and his eyes glowing red that just sent cold shills down Naruto's spine. Now he even regretted asking what the young Uchiha was up to.

"It's none of your business, now how much do they pay here?"

"Well, since I practically eat here all the time I get meals free with the job, but I believe it's around ten bucks an hour…" Naruto grinned and Sasuke sighed.

"Good enough…" It was good enough for what he had in mind anyway.


Itachi sighed as he opened the door to his house then making his way to the living room; he had gone out to work only to have to take care of a few things with the business. He couldn't take it anymore, today he felt like he was surrounded by idiots and he had to go home, that's why he was back here at only twelve in the afternoon. Not to mention that he was also starving.

As soon as he was in, he was glad that his baby brother was not home and was looking out for a job as he was suppose to and he lay down on the couch. Itachi sighed as the silence filled him and his head ache begun to subside, he brought his arm up over his eyes and then groaned when the door was opened by a loud bang and closed back the same way.

"Niisan!" Sasuke sung and paused when he saw him on the couch and smiled.

"What do you want Otouto?" When Sasuke was this happy, something was not right. Well, it was right, it was just down right outrageous.

"You'll never guess what your little brother's been up to Itachi!" Itachi groaned once more rubbing his face with both hands. He really did not want to deal with the boy at the moment, maybe not all day.

"Please don't tell me…" he said rolling to his side.

"Come on Niisan…" Sasuke said and started to tug at Itachi.

"Later Sasuke, I'll see later…" Sasuke pouted and narrowed his eyes, with Itachi later never came and Sasuke had learned that the hard way.

"No!" he snapped cutely like a small child, mind you he is seventeen years old, "I want you to see it now niisan…" Sasuke grabbed Itachi's arm and pulled him "Come on!" he smiled and literally dragged Itachi out the door.

"Ah! Sasuke wait…" Itachi said as the stairs were approaching and Sasuke was still pulling him.

"Then get up, you're too heavy to carry!" Sasuke said bouncing up and down, who the hell gave the damn brat sugar?

"Fine, calm down and relax…" Sasuke blushed a bit.

"Damn niisan!" He puffed out breathlessly before turning around and walking down the steps leaving Itachi up there staring at his retreating back. Itachi's cock literally twitched at the sound of that voice like that, what the hell! Every time he was around the brat and he did anything in particular it left Itachi with nothing but sexual frustration, so he has gotten a girlfriend. Apparently that didn't change anything; he still wanted his little brother.

Perhaps it would even relieve his stress.

"Itachi!" Sasuke called from down stairs and Itachi made himself go soon outside following his little brother around their huge mansion.

"What's this?!" Itachi snapped once he saw ten huge trucks parked in their back yard. "Sasuke, what are all these people doing here!?"

"Well you see this morning I didn't know what job to take and over heard that they needed a place, so I told them they could crash here, look at all the money I made!" Sasuke whipped out a role of hundred dollar bills. "Oh and here's a little something for you, I do take money out of your wallet you know…" Itachi's eye twitched, that was impossible no one could take money out of his wallet!

"You took money out of my wallet!?" Itachi asked dangerously low.

"Like you didn't know…" Sasuke said sweetly before walking over to a place so he could get everyone's attention "Please remember that this is only for a week and you can enjoy any of the resources around, thank you." Sasuke spoke professionally making everyone on the lawn clap and cheer for him, even go as far as calling him a king.

Itachi's eye was twitching but Sasuke was already running off back inside. Itachi sighed and proceed to get rid of everyone there paying them back and making sure to charge his brother back from all this money he was losing. Sasuke seriously was not helping make his day better.

That Evening

"What's the matter, my Itachi? You seem stressed out…" Temari purred as she ran her hands over Itachi's tense shoulders. It did nothing to relax him though, being here with Temari just agitated him more, and he could not stop thinking about his otouto and his crazy Ideas. Sasuke was driving him insane and had his so wind up that he was seriously considering fucking the boy nice, good and long! Heck, stressed did not cover it, he wanted to pull his hair out and scream.

"I'm fine, just a bit hungry…"

"Ah, well I made you a nice dish today!" Why did he get with this girl once more, someone really needed to remind him, and as if in a miracle a text message came to him as he read it.

'You got with her to release your sexual frustration and not let them out on your 'innocent' little brother- with care Kisame'

Itachi grinded his teeth which he knew was not good for them but made the mental note to kill Kisame for this set up. Temari smiled at him and placed the food before him. Itachi looked at it but before he could even eat or take a bite Temari snapped slapping both his hands.

"STOP!" Itachi looked up at her confused, "Did you wash your hands? Aren't you going to roll up your sleeves before eating? What about using a napkin on your lap for if you drop food!?" Itachi was looking at her like she was crazy. He just wanted to freaking eat!

"I'm not a child, I don't need that…"

"I never said you were a child!" she snapped, "It's called good manners, now go wash your hands!!" Itachi grumbled something about stupid women and their eating rules.

"I bet you would not say that about your mother!"

Itachi grumbled that his mother was just as much of a bitch. Temari's eyes was twitching, there was so much that she had to teach this man and she was going to make sure that she had him thoroughly whipped by the end of this month. Sasuke came home at that time and she looked at him as he entered all messy and dirt on his shoes.

"Yo, little kid can you please go back outside and take off those shoes? Throw them out and then come back in!" She looked him over, "and fix your clothes and hair! Where have you been in the playground rolling around the mud with little kids!?" Sasuke glared at her.

"You can't tell me what to do ya ho, and so what if I was!?" The younger Uchiha shot back, he was never going to be at the mercy of any female; especially not this one.

"Oh, so you think you can get away with not listening to me!?" She said concededly. Sasuke just shook his head and despite her by going to the fridge, brought out the juice and drank out of the gallon without even getting a cup. "You are a disgusting--"

"Look, we have something more important to criticize than my manners!" Sasuke snapped shutting her up, "Like my brother and your's relationship…"

"What about it!?" She pushed him to the side.

"He's mine you know!" Sasuke yelled in her face, "He's also gay; he hates your fat ass!" Temari was pissed now and pushed Sasuke harshly up against a wall with her hand going firmly around his neck.

"Look here, I don't care who or what he likes in gender or species, but by the end of this month all he'll ever want and listen to is me!" She threatened in a low voice but Sasuke did not flitch as he looked her pointedly in the eye.

"No, by the end of this month, my nii-san will be happily with me!" Temari sneered.

"How much do you bet little boy?" she released Sasuke who was still glaring and Itachi came in to look at them both glaring. Temari smirked and winked at Sasuke before turning around to give her full attention to Itachi.

"Hey Itachi-honey, your brother really is funny!" she said going over to him as Itachi just ignored her and sat down to eat, he was starving damn it. Don't come between a hungry Itachi and his meal, "Itachi look at me!" Temari grabbed his chin delicately and made him face her before she crashed her lips to his. Itachi of course kissed back and missed the hurt look on his brother's face. Temari opened her eyes to look at Sasuke with mirth dancing there. Sasuke glared at her and stuck out his middle finger up high in the air.

It was on.

He walked out of the kitchen and into his room slamming the door causing Itachi to push her off. "What?" he said and Temari just smiled.

"So did you wash your hands and are your nails clean?" Itachi swore he was going to get a migraine, this girl was not relieving his stress, and she was making it worse on top of it all her cooking sucked pussy!

The Next Day

Itachi was irritated. "What do you keep locking at!?"



"I'm feeling yummy head to toe ain't got no patience so let's go, look, I'm diet drama man there is so much heat beneath these clothes, skin tight, sex and sugar is the flavor Ovens and beaters and Graters, Beats made of bongos & shakers It's time to make you sweat, Ice Cream dripping across the floor, Let me check my itinerary ummm, alright wanna go before I say no……" That did it; Itachi looked up to face his little brother with a look of 'what the fuck?'

"What!" he snapped.

"It's a song nii-san, by Gwen Stefani…" Sasuke shrugged, "No, I'm just curious to see what you are up to and all that…" In reality Sasuke was wondering if his brother would accept his love, he had all this time, all these opportunities to tell him how he felt. Yet, he still didn't have the guts to tell him.

"I'm working on papers, now can you stop staring!?" Sasuke smiled. Itachi on the other hand was not amused and was riled up, the things his brother had just said got him hard and he wanted to jump the boy. Did he ever know when to shut up!?

"I have a question and you have to answer it truthfully. Don't lie." Itachi looked up to his brother once more.

"What is it?"

"Well, I was wondering how…..what you thought of me? I mean do you hate me?" Sasuke asked, he couldn't get down to the point.

"Why ask such a stupid question? You're my brother, I don't hate you…"

"Would you ever hate me if…?" Sasuke trailed off and there was a knock at the door that interrupted them.

"Ah Sasuke, I have to go... I'll speak with you later little brother."

Sasuke slumped over, this was not getting him anywhere and there were only two weeks left for this month.

"Look here, I don't care who or what he likes in gender or species, but by the end of this month all he'll ever want and listen to is me."

No, he was not about to allow that to happen. "I will save you from her nii-san and then I'll love you!! I have to stop this from happening!" Sasuke got up and rushed out; he was going to be late for work.

"Kisame, I really don't want to be with Temari anymore, but that girl will be hard to dump…" Kisame rubbed his chin.

"I really thought you'd enjoy her since she is tough, I can find a way to get her away from you…" Itachi nodded.

"Just get rid of her!"

"Alright, I'll call her obsession, the Shikamaru!" Itachi just rolled his eyes. He had other things to do and that involved work. His car was passing the ramen shop, Ichiraku, when he saw a blond hunched over glaring at his little brother who was now working there when some red head pushed the blond and caused him to fall on his brother and their lips met. He wanted to see what was going to happen but his car already passed.

There was no way! He was going to kill someone, what if his brother liked that blond, it was not acceptable! There's no way he's going to allow this. It was about time he made his move on his brother, even If it led to getting glared on by Sasuke. A confession of this will pass, Sasuke must love him that much to not demean him.

'I'll make you mine brother'

"Sorry Sasuke…" Sasuke glared at the blond.

"That was my freaking first kiss!" Sasuke wanted to kill the blond; he was saving that kiss for his brother. Oh well, it was done for, it was not like he could go back in time and reverse it.

Gaara shook his head, it was his entire fault for pushing the blond, but it was too much to pass up. "Yo… look what I found!" He said bringing out a tiny gray kitten that had white paws and silver blue greenish eyes. "Isn't he cute?"

"Eww, no. what's wrong with that cat, it looks like a rat!"

"He's a six month old kitten Naruto, do you like it Sasuke?" Sasuke smiled and brought his hand over to rub the kitten's ear, its fur was so soft.

"Yeah, where did you get him?"

"I found him in a box in an ally. He was wet and starving but I don't want him though, he's too much responsibility and he's gotten on my nerves with all his meowing…" Gaara said, "I don't want him but I don't want to leaved him out in the streets either and no one likes him…" he glared at Naruto who scratched the back of his head sheepishly.

"I'll take him!" Sasuke said taking the kitten. Naruto made a gasping sound and they both turned to look at him. Naruto shook his head and quickly covered it up with.

"I wonder what your brother would say Sasuke!" Sasuke glared at him.

"Itachi can just go fuck himself if he doesn't like him."

"Thanks Sasuke." Gaara said with a small smile "I have to go meet Neji now. I'll see you guys later and maybe visit him as well." He said rubbing under the kittens chin and then waving bye when Sasuke called him back.

"Yo, before you leave, what's his name?"

"I named him Yuuishi, but you can change his name if you like…" Sasuke nodded and Gaara left waving at them.

"Man Sasuke, you push Itachi to his limits don't you!" Sasuke shrugged at Naruto's words.

"Yeah, but I have my reasons."


"Why the hell not!"

"I told you once and I'm going to tell you again, I'm not about to giving him up…" Kisame's eye was twitching now.

"He's just Itachi, you can have Shikamaru now, and we'll even release him!" Temari sighed.

"It's not that game I am playing anymore, this has become personal!" she leaned in to the shark, "see, I was challenged that I could never get someone like Itachi on my own and I don't back down…" Kisame was confused.

"Of course not! Itachi is gay; he just needed you for a few quickies…" Kisame roared "which you never gave to him!! And now it's over" Temari laughed.

"Oh I plan to…"

"He doesn't want you anymore!! And who the hell would challenge you? Over Itachi no set" Kisame questioned with disgust, dispite Itachi being his best friend, he did not quite see what other people saw in him, as Temari let out another laugh.

"Why his baby brother, Uchiha Sasuke that boy…" She punched the wall making it crack "that boy had the audacity to say that Itachi is his and that he will have him by the end of this month, and I told him no! That I would and he will be at my command and I plan on winning! I can't lose to that boy…" Kisame was now staring in disbelief.

"I'm betting the boy will win…" Kisame said before Temari's fist met his face and he was knocked out.

"How much do you bet!?"

"Itachi niisan!" Sasuke came in throwing the door open, "You better not get all up in my face that I can't have a pet cause from now on Yuuishi will be my pet and live here!" Sasuke yelled as he walked to the kitchen. "I don't even want to see your pretty face!" Sasuke looked around "Itachi are you home?" nope, no response. "Who the hell cares…? Makes life easier anyway…" Sasuke set the kitten in the table and walked over to the refrigerator.

He took out the milk and grabbed a small bowl and set it before the kitten who begun to lap it up. He then grabbed the bread and took out a piece and cut it up and put it in the milk for the kitten to munch on. He knew that not all cats can handle regular human milk, but here was hoping this one could, about most of the time they all can though.

"You like it?" he asked and then moved to find something for himself to eat. That's when he heard the door open and close hard, Itachi never did that unless he had a bad day, and lately he had been having a lot of them.

"SASUKE!" Sasuke decided not to response "where the hell is that chicken head of yours? I have some stuff to tell you!" Sasuke came next to the kitten and bit into a tomato as he watched his brother come.


"What the hell did you challenge Temari to?" Sasuke gulped his tomato down at those words. "Kisame would not tell me! But I'm going to beat you up if you don't anwer"

"I-uh… well…"

"And what the hell is that cat doing in here?"

"He's mine and you can't throw him out!" Itachi's eye was twitching.

"Hell no! I don't want fur balls all over my house!"

"Well to bad!" Sasuke and Itachi were engaged in a glaring contest then.

"You know…" Itachi said closing his eyes and moving away "I really don't have the patience to deal with this now, I've had a hard day at work and I'll just go to sleep. I'll deal with your shit in the morning." Sasuke felt bad for stressing out his niisan more than he already was.

"Itachi wait!" He said grabbing his arm. Itachi only sighed and looked down at his brother.

"Let go Sasuke, we'll argue later…" Sasuke pouted as Itachi jerked his hand free and briskly left the room. The young Uchiha felt frustrated.

"Meow." Sasuke's face softened a bit as he looked down at the innocent kitten and brought his hand up to scratch under his chin.

"You're so lucky you don't have to deal with lovesick issues…" The kitten only purred in response.

Two Days Later

Sasuke had woken up late and he rushed all through out the house trying to get ready and find something to eat before he left when he noticed that his brother was not there. He probably already left for work. Sasuke sighed and ran out slamming the door closed and locked the door as he rushed down the stairs.

Itachi stepped out of his room when he heard the loud slam of the door, he was not going to go to work today, and at the same time he did not feel like facing his brother today. He needed an escape from the boy and yet a large part of him did want to see the boy.

But he felt like he was already at the edge and he could not risk it.

"Meow…" Itachi looked down to the kitten that was rubbing its head against his leg and bent down to get him.

"I don't know why my brother likes you, but whatever…" he said frowning down at the Kitten and then taking it with him back inside the room. At least he'd have some company; after all they did say cats were for people who were meant to be alone.


Sasuke was having a weird feeling, the day seemed to be passing him by today and he felt like he needed to stop thinking so much and get his head back down to earth. "I'll see you tomorrow Teme!" Naruto called out as he rushed out of the restaurant. His blond friend had a date today and the blond would not say with whom exactly, only that it was a secret.

Sasuke just shook his head and decided it was time to get home. Unknown to him he was being stalked by a red Ferrari.

"Stop here Kankuro, I can handle it from here…" Her face painted brother did as his blond headed sister asked and he stopped the car. Temari got off in hot pursuit to the raven haired boy like about the age of their brother Gaara and he knew he had seen the boy before. Thing was, he simply did not care and drove off.

"Lil' boy, is time to play it up!" She murmured as she followed Sasuke all the way to the apartment looking at the time, she knew that Itachi would still not be home for about a half hour more and that was more than enough time to beat the crap out of that boy.

Sasuke on the other hand was listening intently to his iPod to the song that was currently playing which was 4 In the Morning By Gwen Stefani. He sighed lightly for being so emotional at a time like this, he brought out his key and shoved it into the key hole as he turned it and the door opened for him. He was about to go in, he was instead pushed in and all of a sudden he had a large curvy and heavy blond figure over him that pushed his face down to the floor.

Acting on instinct Sasuke brought his hands down to his chest and pushed up like doing a push up kicking his legs up and twisting his body around to push who ever it was that was on top of him. He glared when he saw that it was Temari, and apparently the female was not finished as she picked herself up and launched at him again.

Sasuke successfully dodge and hit her back making her fall forward and then grabbed an arm before she fully fell, stopping her from hitting the floor. Then he pushed her down on a less impact and twisted her arm around. "Fucker!" she hissed and kicked out making Sasuke fall and she grabbed his leg as Sasuke pushed at her forehead to keep her off him.

"Bitch!" Sasuke grunted as he brought his leg up to push at her chest and pushed her away from him as he ran over to the sofa jumping it over and grabbed a cushion from it.

"Bring it on!" Temari hissed as she ran over and grabbed one herself. "I'll knock you over and dead with just this!" Sasuke smirked as both of them charged at the same time.

"You're gonna die!" Sasuke yelled as he hit her down in her stomach and she gasped but brought her arms up over her head and brought it down over Sasuke's head.

"No, you're gonna die!" she yelled and Sasuke jumped backwards and then she hit him square in the face making Sasuke stumble backwards and drop the lamp in the room and knock down in the process the small bookcase it had rested upon.

"Bitch!" Sasuke yelled and this time he hit her on the face, then on the side, and finally he threw a kick to her legs making her fall down on the floor making her skirt fly and flash Sasuke who was not interested.

"Bastard!" she got up and hit him over again and Sasuke knocked her on the side again, this time she managed to catch his arm and bring him down with her with one pillow between them as they rolled around trying to smother each other with it. Sasuke hissed as she dug her long nails into his arm, but they never stopped rolling and trying to kill each other.

Inside his room where Itachi had been trying to sleep and couldn't, he sat facing his lap top with nothing to do when all of a sudden he heard some noises in the living room. He thought maybe Sasuke had stumbled in with one of his crazy ideas when he heard a "You're going to die!" and even more things falling. He really did not want to deal with that hot little brother of his.

Nonetheless, the older Uchiha stood up and walked down the hall to the living room only to see his little brother and Temari rolling around the floor trying to kill each other. He watched as she punched him and Sasuke really looked like he didn't care that she was a girl anymore, his baby brother had probably deducted that she was a hermaphrodite and kicked her off him not to gently before he tried to pin her down and she hit him once more and then he literally hit her.

"ENOUGH!" Itachi was pissed off after a while, but what pissed him off was seeing his little brother get hit by a frigging girl!

"Itachi!" both said standing up and bowing at the man.

"What the hell is all of this all about!?" Temari huffed, fine she had enough. It was not like she truly wanted a little ass whole like Itachi who never listened to her.

"Look Itachi, I'm braking up with you, I just didn't want your brother to feel so much satisfaction or that he had won, because he didn't. I have a better man!" Itachi stared blankly at her as Sasuke's eye twitched and both males watched her leave with such arrogance. There was a loud clank of keys being thrown in and then a loud slam before an eerie silence filled the room.

It was about ….what five minutes before one of them dared speak.

"Itachi?" Sasuke asked as he looked up.

"Don't start with me Sasuke, what exactly was that about!?" the older Uchiha demanded, he wanted to throw a tantrum, he was so frustrated he felt like he wanted to beat the shit out of something.

"It…it was a….." Sasuke sighed; he didn't want to burden his brother more, "Nothing…"

"Don't fucking lie to me!" Itachi yelled as he neared his brother and pushed him. Sasuke watched as Itachi glared at him setting something at fire in the pit of his stomach as he just launched forward and smacked his lips to Itachi's firmly. It was about time that he told the truth even if in the end it was going to end up hurting him. It'll help his brother have a reason to get rid of him and not be burdened anymore.

"I…" Sasuke pulled away slightly with a gasp "I challenged her over you; you were the object of the whole quarrel…" Sasuke sighed as his lips brushed his brothers more. He was not sure what he was doing, but Itachi was not responding to him and he felt like he was going to be sick as he pulled away. Like if his whole world was about to crumble, but that never happed as he gasped loudly as Itachi's hands came to his head to firmly hold him in place and this time Itachi initiated the kiss.

Itachi was startled by his little brother kissing him but decided it was time to act now and ask questions later, he felt like he needed to take his little brother now. Sasuke was expecting some sort of cursing or other shit from his brother telling him how wrong this was, but he was getting different. All of a sudden there seem to be a weight lifted off their shoulders.

"Let me fuck you Sasuke…" Itachi manage to say surprising Sasuke, "Let me make love to you baby brother, let me make you mine…"

"Niisan…" Sasuke whispered against Itachi's lip that pressed now hard against his and the kiss became more passionate and powerful. When he and Itachi nearly fell to the floor Sasuke found his feet knocked out from under him and he was cradled in Itachi's arms as his brother took him up-stairs.

There was no longer any right or wrong.

It was not long that Sasuke was thrown to his brother's bed landing in the soft pillows with his breath knocked out of him. Itachi soon covered him and both were kissing once more. "I need you Sasuke, I've needed you for far too long…" Itachi said as he rubbed his engorge member against Sasuke's thigh. Sasuke let a moan explode from his mouth.

It felt so right.

"Take me Itachi, make me yours forever…" Sasuke found himself responding and never once regretted the words that left his mouth. Words, after all, had power. A power that could change your life, for the best or for the worst, depending on how you wish to speak them.

Itachi latched his mouth to Sasuke's soft throat and sucked on it as his hands sneaked under his Otouto's shirt; he wanted to feel that flesh. He needed to feel it, Sasuke moaned louder and pulled his brother's shirt off of him and then he ran his hands over his brother's firm chest. Itachi really was beautiful. Sasuke found himself bucking up and letting out a moan as he felt his brother's fingers massaging the hot bulge in his pants.

The heat was building up and there was nothing that mattered but the other's presence.

The need was insane and there was no way to explain why, why did love happen? It was a mystery to all. Sasuke's arms went around Itachi's neck pulling the older man closer to him, he was ready. He would give himself to Itachi and he knew he would regret nothing. Itachi soon took off Sasuke's shirt and latched himself trailed kisses down Sasuke's chest to the boys belly button.

"…Aniki…" Sasuke moaned out as his hips bucked off the bed. Itachi on the other hand found that he loved the taste of Sasuke's skin. Itachi smirked against Sasuke's skin drawing a ring with his tongue around Sasuke's belly button as Sasuke hissed out in pleasure. Itachi soon undid his little brother's pants and pulled them down along with Sasuke's boxers exposing Sasuke's member and allowing it to breathe for once as Itachi ran his tongue at the side of it tasting his delectable otouto. "Itachi!" Sasuke cried out wanting more of that sensation.

"So impatient otouto…?" Itachi looked down at his now naked and flushed brother, Sasuke was just so damn sexy, the song of Sexy Can I came back to his head and he could not help but smile. The naked beauty underneath him could not help and smile too, Sasuke felt a bit shy now and he wanted his brother pressed up against him again.

"I'm not impatient, but I need you now!"

"Yes, I know…" Itachi said spreading Sasuke's leg wide while licking his lips making the boy blush even more, Sasuke's heart was beating so fast that he was sure he was going to pass out from all of this. As soon as Sasuke's legs were spread wide open, Itachi stood up and Sasuke watched his older brother take off his pants and boxers right before him. Itachi soon settled back down to his brother as his cock brushed Sasuke's entrance.

Sasuke gasped and Itachi soon crushed his lips to his once more. Itachi traveled rapidly down leaving sloppy wet kisses over Sasuke's chest until he reached his little brother's cock once more and took the pulsing organism into his hot mouth making Sasuke moan, buck his hips and throw his head back in the purest pleasure.

Sasuke whimpered when his hips were held down and his brother sucked him so deliciously, like if he was candy. Licking him… those fingers touching his balls and then sucking him so hard, making him cry out loudly and shamelessly. "Niisan!!" Sasuke wiggled and moved under Itachi making Itachi growl in arousal as that soft skin brushed his in fleeting teases. He deep throated Sasuke all of a sudden surprising the boy under him and really making him want to buck his hips.

Sasuke tasted perfectly good and Itachi enjoyed every drop and every scream "ITACHI!" Sasuke cried out as he released his load in his aniki's mouth, he had never cum so hard in his life. Getting a blow job by his brother was so much more heavenly than anything else in this world. Sasuke gasped to catch his breath as his body quivered in the after bliss and Itachi's mouth was latched to his neck.

Itachi licked from the base of Sasuke's neck all the way to the boy's ear as he reached under his pillow and brought out his handy and trusty lube. Sasuke gasped at him when he saw the bottle. "You keep it under your pillow?" he asked in breathless disbelief.

"Hey, I told you, I've been waiting for this for far to long… had to happen soon!" Itachi said as he spread the lube in his fingers and then brought them to Sasuke's virgin entrance. Sasuke cried out at the intrusion and pain as he bucked his hips off the bed as he met his brother's fingers. It hurt and then at the same time it felt so good.

It felt a million times better when Itachi touched him in a certain place making him really scream out Itachi's name. Itachi smirked, his cock becoming even more hard and needy at that begging scream. "Ready Otouto?" He asked as he finished stretching the boy out and he positioned himself once again at Sasuke's entrance.

"Yes, please take me now!" Sasuke pleaded and Itachi leaned down to kiss his brother softly and stocked his neglected cock as he pushed his own inside Sasuke's tight ringed walls.

"Fuck, you're so tight…" Itachi gasped and moaned, Sasuke clinging him as their heated flesh crushed making them sweat. With a wild hungry kiss, Itachi had drove himself deeply into Sasuke's tight heat and then restrain himself from beating that ass to suddenly and risk hurting his brother. Sasuke on the other hand had his eyes shut tightly as he kissed Itachi back with a need to feel and taste his brother as the pain ushered through his veins in burning adrenaline.

The feeling was like no other; though it was painful it had its own sick pleasure to it that he could not explain. "Move, niisan…!" Sasuke moaned out breathlessly and Itachi could not be any happier than to oblige to his Otouto's wishes. He drew himself out and then came back in with a hard thrust hitting his brother right on the spot.

"ITACHI DAMN YOU! DO IT AGAIN!" Sasuke yelled as he moved underneath Itachi frantically wanting that same insane pleasure back and Itachi did not disappoint him as he delivered it over and over again, with every blow. "Aaah Niisan I really like it like that" It was the rush of the moment, the beat of their hearts that had them Cumming so hard calling out each other's names before they fell and where knocked out.

An Hour Later

Somewhere Else

"Please!" Kisame pleaded and then he called out some guards to let the Shikamaru in. Shikamaru was in tight leather pants and no shirt as he stood there with his hair down looking like a hot punk rock star. The teary eyed Temari blinked at him and instantly became wet.

"Come here girl I need you!" Shikamaru drawled out seductively and Temari wanted to run over to him and take him back. "Man this is troublesome…" Shikamaru muttered as he saw her frozen on the spot with a hot blush across her cheeks, she had wet herself. He knew it. She was probably getting wetter within the second.

"SHIKA!!" she ran to him and clung as he drew her to him and into the bedroom.

"Come on girl let me show you a real orgasm…" he said and she moaned out at his words making Kisame on the other side of that door sweat drop. It had taken so much time but at least he had finally been able to get rid of her, only thing left to do was call Itachi and tell him the good news about this.

"Get me Itachi on speed dial!" he said with such authority that the guard did it quickly and handed Kisame the phone.

"Hmmm…" Itachi said on the phone, he sounded thoroughly relaxed and pleased. "Who the fuck is it!?" then again, he was disturbed.

"Kisame here man, I got rid of Temari for you."

"Good. Is that all?"

"Yeah, I guess…"

"Hmm, good, I have better things to do."

"Yo, you sound different, you finally take a chill pill, or are you high?"

"U-huh, I'm high on this drug named Sasuke, bye." the other line went dead and Kisame had a very graphic mental picture of that and then a massive nose bleed. Itachi fucking Sasuke had to be the most illegal image ever brought out, heck, Itachi and Sasuke where sin in itself.

In the flesh.

Happy endings

"Want a round two little brother?" Itachi asked as he settled down over his brother once more.

"Yeah" Sasuke moaned out, his legs spread wide and his knees a bit drawn back as Itachi gazed upon his Otouto's goods. He kissed the boy's asshole and then the tip of his erection. He's Banging like a damn drug dealer, and a nice big firm booty that made Itachi's dick grown bigger and want to fuck that ass that was surely crack. Will he hit it over and over again? Yes.

"Do you have any idea how much I love you my Otouto…?"

"No, but I bet I love you more niisan…"

"No, I love you more!"

"No, me more!" Sasuke laughed and Itachi smiled. "Take me niisan…" Sasuke pulled Itachi down to a harsh passionate kiss sealing their love and Itachi finished making it official and connected his brother to him as he thrust in deep to that ass.

"Do it hurt?"

"Hell yeah!"

Loves a Scream.

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BUT WAIT! There is more, hold on to your seats cause: All good things may come to an end but all bad things can't wait to begin.

Bet That- A New Uchihacest For You to Feed Your Pleasures Coming Soon……

Fagaku decides it is time for his young boys to mate and decides to give them a push to a hit start. To bad this father never saw the turn of events coming out with both brothers indulging in their own forbidden desires.