NOTE: This will be taken down later, but I thought I would give you guys a heads up.

As you have noticed by now, I haven't updated this in a long time. As most of you other authors know, life has ways of getting in between your writing. I am really trying to get something posted, but nothing is really working. So…. here's my plan, guys. I will be rewriting this story so that hopefully it will sound better (because I am not pleased with it so far) and hopefully it will get me into a better writing mood with this story.

Again I am really, really sorry about the hiatus from this story. As of the moment, Fledgling has most of my attention, unfortunately, and I am working on doing a chapter for Blood Brothers. My child will come after that. Plus, college just started for me today and that will put a hamper on my writing plans. Ugh. So, I will be seeing you guys again hopefully soon.

Eternally yours,

Christina E Lupin