Title: The Shadow of Destiny

Rating: T

Disclaimer: I do not own NCIS or any of its characters. I also do not own The Scarlet Pimpernel by Baroness Emmuska Orczy

Summary: Groundhog's Day!

Author's Note: Do not think this is me leaving my hiatus. This is me dealing with the never-ending snow!

"Well Happy Groundhogs Day folks! The forecast for today is probably sounding familiar," the TV reporter drowned on. "Snow and Ice conditions. Commuters should be extra careful and allow for time to reach their destinations. Well keep you up to date with live reports ever ten minutes. We're also going live to the home of the groundhog, Punxsutawney Phil, at his home in Punxsutawney, Pa, enthusiasts are certainly…"

"HEY! I was watching that!" Came the indignant female shriek.

"Jenny, if I hear one more word about that damn groundhog I'm going to shoot it," came the gruff reply. The redhead standing in front of the TV sighed and turned toward her partner, in every sense of the word, and attempted to smile.

"Don't tell me the big bad Marine is bothered by a little snow."

"A LITTLE?" Jenny shrugged ignoring the five-foot mounds of snow blocking the view of the street outside her townhouse.

"It's not that bad," she tried to sound optimistic.

"You've worn nothing but snow boots for the last three months, you can't tell me you're happy about that." Well, she wasn't, damn snow, she cursed silently. "Come on," Leroy Jethro Gibbs called gently. "We better leave early."

"You want to know the real reason I hate the snow," Jenny posed.

"Besides the lack of high heel wearing?"

"Besides that." He nodded wondering what would come out of her mouth this time. "My wake up sex," she said bluntly. He nearly ran into the front door she loved so much.

"What?" He seemed surprised. So they weren't rabbits but then again they were older now, he hadn't lost his stamina and she could never pace herself, so he failed to see the point.

"We have to leave earlier to get to work on time because of the weather…you haven't noticed?"

"Uh…no, I noticed," he tried. He hadn't truly noticed the lack, but then again cuddling up with her on cold winter nights was always just as good. She rolled her eyes and continued out the door, now bundled up in snow gear. Jethro followed her, placing his hand on her lower back helping her navigate the icy areas to his truck. "Could always use the elevator."

"Oh yes, and Tony would win how much?"

"I bet you if we split it with him…" There was another eye roll as she closed the door and watched him walk around to the driver's side and get in. He put the car in reverse and turned to her briefly, only to hear a giant crunch.

"What was that?" Jenny asked. Jethro cursed as he looked in the rear view mirror. "JETHRO! Was that my mailbox?"


"Great, now we are going to be late." At that moment both cell phones rang loudly. Jenny looked to hers "Ziva."


"WHAT?" came the joint response into the phone. Jenny's phone call lasted roughly thirty-second as Ziva spit out what she had to say. Tony was not as fortunate as he attempted a justification. A minute and half later Gibbs closed his phone.

"Ziva?" He asked.

"She can't get her car out. She's stuck. Tony?"

"Apparently he tried to get her car out and is stuck."

"Uh huh," Jenny sighed. Sometimes she wished they both could follow the rules a little better. "Well there goes rule 12."

"Don't even…." Again the phone rang, this time only Jenny's.

"Shepard." Gibbs could hear a muffled voice and Jenny agreeing and pretending to be interested. "Thank you, I'll be sure to pass it along." She closed her phone.


"The Naval Yard is closed to non necessary personnel."

"Are you in that category?"
"According to SECNAV, I am."

"So we have the day off?" Jethro asked his tone turning smooth.

"I guess." They got out of the car and headed back into the house. Jenny turned the TV back on and listened to the news and the weather. Gibbs made them both more coffee and sat down next her enjoying the way she curled up.

"We could go address your earlier complaint," he told her.

"I just want to see the groundhog." She turned the volume up.

"Well apparently Phil is running a little late this year. Guess he thought it was okay to sleep in on his big day," the reporter said.

"You've got the right of it Nancy, that or he's terrified of disappointing his adoring fans." A commentator said.

"Off all the bloody days," Jenny muttered.

"We could go there and shoot a warning shot into the burrow?"

"If he sees his damn shadow I will shoot him," Jenny promised. Jethro wrapped his arm around her pulling her close and kissing her temple. "If miss this I will shoot you."

"You don't mean that," he teased. She glared. "We could start another book while we wait. You finished the other one last night."

"Fine. Go pick one." As if on cue he pulled an old worn book from the table beside the couch. "You want to read this?"

"Is it not a good story?"

"No, I just…" she faded off. She truly loved the old book, but for Jethro…she wasn't sure.

"Well then read away." She took a deep breath.

"Paris; September, 1792…A surging, seething, murmuring crowd of beings that are human only in name, for to the eye and ear they seem naught but savage creatures, animated by vile passions and the lust of vengeance and hate…" Jenny who was entrancing Jethro with her passionate voice was interrupted by the TV.

"AND we're back to the Groundhogs Day Celebration where Phil is just emerging from his den," the report said loudly. "Here is the President of the Inner Circle, he's placing Phil on his stump."

"As you can see Nancy, the crowd here is waiting with baited breath, and we're getting in the report now."

"Dave?" Nancy questioned.

"HE hasn't seen his shadow. Ladies and Gentlemen it's official spring is on its way."

"Well I'm sure that's wonderful news for all our viewers and now back to the weather, John?"

"Well Nancy, it looks like spring may still be a few weeks off, we're getting in reports of possible blizzard conditions for Saturday…" The TV clicked off.

"I hate snow," Jenny announced.

"Well cheer up Jen, the groundhog didn't see his shadow."

"Clearly he's not that accurate if there's a blizzard coming!"

"Jen…" Jethro trailed off instead leaning down to kiss her gentle. "Think of the possibilities if we get snowed in."

"Did you forget we're having the team for dinner on Saturday." Silence met her comment.

"We should cancel that," Jethro said after a minute.

"You don't want to be snowed in with Abby and the rest of the team?"

"Um…no. Damn groundhog. Clearly a wrong prediction."

"Oh sure, now it's okay for you to say that." He could have made a comment but instead picked up Jenny and the book sitting on her lap and began moving towards the stairs. "Jethro!"

"What? If Spring is really coming maybe we should encourage it along, morning sex and all that," he teased. Her laugh followed them up the stairs.

Author's Note 2: Yes I realize it's short, but I'm sitting in class and really the muse is basically dead. For the history, Groundhog's Day is mainly a US Celebration in which a groundhog is placed upon a stump, if he sees his shadow it's six more week of bad weather, if he doesn't spring will come early. The origins of the tradition are mysterious. There's a possibility it was a Native American tradition and there are rumors that Romans and Gaelic had a similar tradition as well. February 2nd is considered Groundhog's Day and this morning Punxsutawney Phil DID NOT see his shadow, suggesting an early spring. For those of us, where winter has been particularly miserable it's a nice thing to believe in.