This is the fastest update I have EVER done. The last chapter's events seem sudden, but I will put in flashbacks to elaborate on Marik's and Malik's feelings. Right now, I have to deal with Jou's and Mokuba's pasts.

Silver: Hn. -still gagging over the Pharoah's and the prince's scene-

-whacks over the head with a roll of newspaper- Get over it.

Addiction of the Day:

Don't Jump – Tokio Hotel (Can't believe I'm listening to them)

Lovin' You – DBSK

Disclaimer: -shows you a YGO manga and a HP book- Does it say my name here on the cover or book anywhere? No. That means I do not own these two stories!

"Thoughts/Mind Link"



Ancient and Modern Magics

By Silver & Star

Chapter 5

The Start of a Storm

As the sun made its appearance from its hiding on the other side of the world, one by one, the students and staff of Hogwarts arose from their first night at the prestigious school. Soon, the kitchens were filled with activity while the house elves prepared for the breakfast that would feed hundreds. Small groups of students slowly walked into the Great Hall for a scrumptious breakfast prepared by the elves. The aroma of syrup, pancakes, waffles, sausages filled the room earning rumbles from the empty stomachs of those who entered.

Meanwhile, in the residence of where the transfers resided in, Jou was the first one up, surprisingly. He had woken up before the sun rose from behind the mountains, unable to sleep after he had a strange dream. He remembered most of it and it was enough to keep him wide awake for the following hours. For the sixth time, he reviewed his dream.

He was walking down a hall alongside someone that was very important. He couldn't remember who, but he had a feeling that this person wielded much power and respect. A glance out the window revealed many dunes of sand in the background with a bustling town outside. The air was warm and dry, making his throat a bit parched.

Then the scene changed. He was in a grand room lit with torches. He stood next to a throne-like chair. There were people in robes lined up on the left and right side of the room. Between them was a poorly dressed man. His clothes were caked with dust and dirt as if he was struggling only moments before. Suddenly, the man came at the person on the throne with a wicked looking knife he pulled out of his robes. Before Jou could process anything, he felt his dream body move on its own and stood between the person on the throne and the attacker. Someone screamed his name in distress.

Then he had woken up. Jou sighed and teared his eyes from the sun. He had been leaning on the ledge under window in the common room. He rose his hands above his head and stretched the limbs. He stared at the object attached to the necklace around his neck. It was a miniature version of the Millennium Scales Shadi constructed for him. After all, times had changed and he wasn't like Shadi who hid in the shadows. It would be suspicious if he held the gold artifact around with him. Was it trying to tell him something? Did his dreams have to do with the past life that the hat told him about?

With another sigh escaping his lips, he turned around to see Yugi and Yami heading down the flight of stairs into the common room fully dressed. It seemed as if Yugi was arguing with Yami about how he could wake up so early.

"As Pharaoh in the past, I rose with Ra." Yami replied. They stopped their bickering once they spotted Jou.

"Oh, Jou, you're up early. Good morning." Yugi greeted while Yami said a simple morning greeting as well.

"Morning, Yug', Yami. I couldn't sleep. Had a strange dream. Nothing big." Jou stated. Yami rose an eyebrow when he heard strange dream. Suspicious, he asked about it.

"What was it about?" he asked, before quickly adding, "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to, but remember that now you are an item bearer, your dreams may signify something important."

"Nah, I'm sure it's nothing." Jou lied. "We should wake the others up. It's time for breakfast."

However, Yami was still suspicious, but he was interrupted by a rather loud shout and a thump. Fearing something happen to their friends, the three ran to source of the noise and was joined by Seto and Mokuba. The scene that laid in front of them was rather confusing. A still half-asleep Marik sat on the floor, rubbing his head where it was presumed that he hit when he fell. A fuming Bakura stood inches from the fallen yami. Ryou and Malik looked just as confused as the others were.

"I said you could sleep with us for the night, NOT molest me while I'm fucking asleep!" Bakura shouted, aiming another punch at Marik's head. Fortunately for Marik, Ryou held him Bakura back.

Yami coughed and the former turned to see their unexpected audience. Ryou, Malik, and Marik also turned around to see a pissed off Seto, a smirking Mokuba, and three other confused people at their doorway.

"What are you doing here, Pharaoh?" Bakura demanded, breaking from Ryou's grasp and turning his attention away from Marik.

"I should be asking why Marik would be molesting you in your sleep, but then again, what are Marik and Malik doing in your bed anyway?" Yami asked, calmly. Before Bakura could make up an excuse, Mokuba beat him to it.

"Isn't it obvious? The four of them are together as in a foursome!" Mokuba chirped happily.

"WHAT?" was heard from the ones who stood near the door.

"How did you know? Malik asked the youngest one in the room.

"I overheard you guys last night." Mokuba stated bluntly. He picked Ryuu up from the floor and began petting him softly. Bakura hummed as if contemplating something.

"Stealthy and smart. Maybe even a bit sly. Mischievous and looks that can be deceiving. What do you say about becoming my apprentice?" he asked with a smirk.

"I am in Slytherin after all. I'm going to have to say I'll take you up on that offer." Mokuba stated with a smirk that matched Bakura's. They were interrupted by a protective Seto.

"Forget about it. There's no way you're going to be learning from that thief." Seto stated, glaring at the said thief.

"Aw, but nii-san! I get to learn how to defend myself better!" Mokuba complained, about to turn on his puppy eyes.

"You already learned from the teachers I hired for you." Seto argued back. Bakura let out a bark of laughter.

"As if those weaklings ever faced real danger. They probably learned from books or some video. I have experience." Bakura snorted. Mokuba agreed and turned on his puppy eyes, adding a pout in there too. Seto's will was being broken down by Mokuba's pout and eyes. Meanwhile, his brain knew what Bakura was saying was true. With a huff, he complied.

"Fine, but if I catch you stealing from or hurting anyone that doesn't deserve it, I'm cutting you off your allowance for half a year." Seto decided, earning a hug from Mokuba.

"You better not teach him to annoy me, Thief." Yami warned, before announcing, "We better head down for breakfast. Get dressed."

"Don't order me around, Pharaoh!" Bakura shouted angrily. Before they could start another fight, Yugi grabbed Yami and went out of the room.

The yamis retreated back into their hosts' bodies as they prepared to go down.


Downstairs, groups of students were happily enjoying their meal. They chatted with one another, exchanging their experiences in the summer. Some were complaining about how they would have to face homework and school again, while others were just happy they could see their friends again. However, most of the noise of the morning was silenced when the group of transfers entered together. They received stares from the occupants of the room.

"Well, see you guys later." Malik said, catching Ryou's hand and dragging him towards the direction of the Slytherin table. Mokuba followed after them. The others headed towards the Gryffindor table and started to greet the Golden Trio.

"Where were you guys? We couldn't find you in the Gryffindor Tower last night." Harry asked the transfers. He took a bite of his syrup drizzled pancakes.

"Ah, Professor Dumbledore prepared a separate dorm for us." Yugi explained. He took an apple from the pile of fruit and bit into it with a crunch.

Suddenly, they heard hoots and thrills from somewhere. Everyone looked up and the transfers followed. They saw hundreds of owls fly in with letters attached to their legs. Gasps and sounds of awe were heard the students saw a sapphire colored phoenix fly in as well. They stared as it landed on Yugi's shoulder.

"Aoi! Do you have any letters from back home?" Yugi asked and he petted Aoi on the head. Aoi let out a thrill, which meant yes and held out its leg. Yugi saw one from his Grandpa, one for Joey from Serenity, and one for Seto from Otogi giving Seto updates on his company. Yugi passed the two letters for his friends to them before reading his own letter.

Professor McGonagall soon came by with their schedules. Yugi and the others were skimming it when they heard a groan and something hard landing on the table. Turning their heads towards the source of the noise, they found Ron's head on the table.

"We have potions first with Slytherin first." he simply said. "You guys will find out what I mean later."


Malik, Mokuba and Ryou at their table and sat next to their blond haired friend. However, their original happy faces was replaced with a worried look when they saw what happened to Draco. His left cheek was bruised and was slightly a purple color. Ryou winced.

"Are you alright, Draco? What happened?" Ryou asked, concerned, pointing to the bruise.

With a snort, Draco answered, "Those traitors ganged up on me. I guess you know what happened next."

"Can't you tell a teacher or something?" Mokuba asked.

"Even if I did, they can't do anything about it. I am still stuck with those jerks for a whole year. Where were you guys yesterday anyways?" Draco asked.

"Professor Dumbledore prepared a separate dorm for us." Malik explained. "Hey! I got an idea. Why don't you dorm with us from now on? Here's an even better idea to add to that. Become Ryou's and my apprentice."

"Your apprentice?" Draco asked with a quizzical look.

"Switch with me." Bakura said within the depths of Ryou's mind and Ryou complied, adopting a sharper look.

"Mokuba is already and I sense you have great potential. After all, what have you got to lose? Your family has already disinherited you. You need to learn to survive on your own and I have more than enough experience with these things. Trust me. I can teach you many things including self protection and not just those you learn in your so called Defense Against the Dark Arts class." Bakura explained as serious as he can. Draco looked between the three transfers. Like "Ryou" said, seriously, what does he have to lose?

"I..." he started, before continuing with a confident voice, "I accept your offer." He held out a hand to shake hands with Bakura, which Bakura accepted with vigor.

"Glad to pass on my knowledge and skills then." Bakura said with a smirk. "Watch this. Think of it as...a congratulatory gift." With that said, Bakura took out a vial of blue-greenish powder and poured a bit of its contents into the cups of the students a little ways to the right of them, who were deep in a conversation of their own and facing away from Bakura's group. Pretending to be friendly, he got up and went to the middle of the group.

"How about a toast to start the year. I hope to learn much from you prestigious ladies and gentlemen." Bakura stated with a fake, friendly tone of voice. Not suspecting a thing, and looking at Bakura as if he was some crazy person, they complied just to get him away from them. They drank from their spiked cups and instantly, the powder took effect. Draco's mouth dropped when he saw what happened. He never knew Ryou had it in him, making him suspicious of whether Ryou had a split personality or something. Some adopted animal features such as a pig's nose or a horse's hooves. Bakura escaped back to his group, snickering.

"My own invention. Recipe is secret of course, but I may consider teaching you two since you are after all, my apprentices." Bakura stated, proudly, addressing Mokuba and Draco.

"I'll ignore what I just heard and pretend it never happened, but just make sure it doesn't happen again, Mr. Bakura." a sneer sounded from behind the group. They turned to see Snape behind them. He handed them their schedules, which they quickly skimmed over.

"First class with Gryffindor in Potions it is then." Draco commented.

"I have Divination first." Mokuba commented, looking at his own schedule.

The bell rang, signaling the end of breakfast and the start of the day. Students stood from their tables and started on their way towards their first class. The group sporting animal features, courtesy of Bakura, glared at their group before heading towards the Infirmary. Ryou switched with Bakura, which Draco caught.

"Did his features just get softer and didn't his eyes just change color?" Draco questioned in his head.

"Be right back." Ryou stated. He ran off to catch Dumbledore before he left. From the group's point of view, they saw Professor Dumbledore nod with a soft smile and Ryou bowing in gratitude before he came running back to them.

"Professor Dumbledore agreed that it would safer for you to dorm with us, so you can move in. I'll show you where it is later." Ryou explained. Draco looked up at Professor Dumbledore, who was staring at him with a soft smile that you see elders give you, the kind that made you feel safe. With a shy, yet genuine smile back, Draco silently thanked him. He watched him leave the Great Hall.

"Come on! We're going to be late!" Ryou complained, already dragging Malik out the door. Draco ran to catch up with them. Luckily, they made it just in time. With a resounding slap of something against the chalkboard, the class grew quiet as they stared at Snape who had rapt his wand against the now filled chalkboard. On it were instructions on how to make a Sleeping Draught.

"Today, we are going to make a Sleeping Draught. This time, as to find out those who may need extra lessons, it will done individually. Ingredients are in the cupboard. Get to work." he commanded. Shuffling of feet filled the large dungeon room as students went to get their supplies.

Of course, Hermione swiftly worked without flaw, but what surprised the class was that Seto did as well.

"Of course. What do you expect from the High Priest?" Yami commented in Yugi's head. He was currently guiding Yugi through their mind link. He had learned how to make potions in one of his studies back in Ancient Egypt.

Being a thief and to survive his harsh past life, Bakura knew how to make potions as well. Ryou knew how to cook anyways, so it was simple for him to make the potion. Malik had studied potions as well before, so there was no problem for him as well.

What surprised the transfers was that Jou could make his successfully as well. "It's just like cooking, which I had to eat at home."


Why was the Divination room so far?! I had made it just in time, panting of course. Once I entered, I was hit with the thick, suffocating aroma of perfume and such. I quickly chose a table closest to the windows, sighing in relief as the air was less polluted there. I had to bit onto my lower lip to hold my laughter as a woman that reminded me of one of Weevle's bugs/insects came in.

"It's so nice to be back here. I am Professor Trelawney and I will be teaching you the wonders of Divination this year. Hopefully, I will get to meet many more others with an Inner Eye. Today we will be using-" she started before she was interrupted by a soft hem, hem. Everyone turned to see Professor Umbridge near the trapdoor.

"I apologize for my tardiness, but I caught up with some important matters. I believe I sent you a note explaining that I would be observing your class today." Professor Umbridge explained.

"A-ah, yes, of course. Would you like some tea while you observe?" Professor Trelawney asked, trying to be polite.

"No, thank you." Professor Umbridge said with a fake smile. "Continue with your lesson, please."

"As I was saying, we will be using the crystal balls you see in front of you today. Please pair up with the student in front of you and read the chapter about crystal balls in the book you bought for this class. Then please try to make a prediction using the crystal ball and write down what you see." she instructed.

I resisted to snort at the phoniness of the professor. In addition, a crystal ball? How cliché. My hand rose to finger the Millennium Necklace around my neck and I paired up with another boy in my class. I read through the pages assigned. I had already read the book after I bought it. What can I say? I had an interest in divination ever since I received the Millennium Necklace from Isis.

Seeing that my partner was ready, I let him go first to see how this method would work. However, I was disappointed that he couldn't see anything. It was my turn next. I focused and cleared my mind. I blocked out all other noise until it became a low hum in the background, just as the book instructed. I stared into the crystal ball. However, the Millennium Necklace suddenly grew warm, breaking my focus from the crystal ball. My vision swam as I was thrust into a scene of what I assumed to be the future. The necklace's powers were being used!

A frightening bald man with no nose stood at the head of a large army. Quickly scanning the army, I saw that it consisted of hooded figures with masks on. Cold, ghostly creatures were behind them. They gave off an unhappy vibe. Among them, I saw trolls and other 'evil' creatures. Shuddering, I focused back on the man, who was speaking in a loud, clear voice.

'Onwards to Hogwarts! Kill them all! Leave no survivors except my loyal subjects! Leave Potter and the Millennium holders to me!' he commanded as the army roared with delight.

I could see no more as I was dragged back into reality. I grew conscious of the wind that seemed to have magically picked up in the small classroom. There was the breaking of glass before the chaos stopped as I slipped back into reality. Everyone was staring at me and at the broken crystal ball that laid in front of me. I became aware of a sharp pain in my right arm and noticed that a shard of glass was embedded in my arm. Resisting, the urge to cry out, I bit down on my lower lip.

"I have to tell the others!" I thought. It was a vision from the Millennium Necklace and that person is after the Items!

"What is going on here?" Professor Umbridge demanded, a bit spooked. She rose from her seat in the corner, her eyes boring into mine. My attention was directed to another voice however.

"Deary, are you alright? You have strong powers there. What did you see?" Professor Trelawney asked eagerly. Her eyes were filled with excitement.

"N-nothing important. May I please go to the Infirmary?" I lied. There was no way I was going to tell this batty old coot. She looked a bit skeptical, but noticed my bleeding arm and immediately sent me to the Infirmary where Madam Promfrey was going ballistic over my wound.

"What in the world was that about?"

~With the others~

Everyone that had to do with the Millennium items suddenly perked up. They had sensed that someone was using an Item and it was strong. As the fifth year Gryffindors and Slytherins had the class together, the group looked at one another. Each shook their head, silently saying it wasn't them who used their powers. That meant only one thing. Only one other person had an item this close to them, but not in their class- Mokuba. If he had a vision this strong, they knew that it was important. Seto, however, was just dead set on finding Mokuba after their current class.

"Guess we truly will never get a rest will we?" Yugi asked Yami, who sighed.

Wow, 9 pages and all filled with action! This will make up for my inactivity....right?

Silver: -jealous of Mokuba and Draco- -grumbles-

Please review?????? -shoves Mokuba with puppy eyes in front of reader-