Yeah... first story (drabble) in what, almost two years? Feels like it, anyway. Sheesh... Yes, a Fruits Basket/Ouran High School Host Club crossover. Couldn't resist, really.


By The Anonymous Authoress

It was bound to happen eventually.

Haruhi was always doing the housework for the both of them: cooking, cleaning, shopping, and other miscellaneous errands all fell to her when her mother passed away. She enjoyed them; they made her feel useful and accomplished. So when her father had asked her to pick up an order from one of his designer "friends", it was nothing unusual. If you didn't count the fact that it was probably women's clothing to be unusual, of course. Really, knowing her father, it was probably something more feminine, pink, and/or frilly than Haruhi would have ever chosen for herself…

The Host Club had run late (again), so she would have to rush in order to reach the store before it closed. Being a friend of the owner only kept the door open for so long after normal business hours, and it was already nearing sunset. The tardiness the club activities of also meant that Haruhi hadn't had time to go home and change out of the ridiculously expensive uniform that was so easy to ruin and yet so difficult to replace. Wasteful, rich bastards...

She sighed in exasperation at the thought, once again pulling the hastily scribbled address out of her blazer pocket. If she had to get another uniform to replace this one, Kyouya-senpai would personally see to it that she was working as a host well into law school.

"Excuse me—" she began, walking right into the unfamiliar shop, mind still clouded with monetary figures and designer labels and homework and scary, shiny glasses…

"I don't even know why I bother trying to talk to you!"

It was bound to happen eventually.

Yuki shouldn't have been surprised. In a shop that catered to cross dressers, he should have known not to trust his eyes when it came to gender. Unfortunately, his brother had a way of clouding his logic. Tohru had yet again coaxed him into making amends with his brother, but now he had reached a point (as he had every time before now), he just couldn't take anymore.

"I don't even know why I bother trying to talk to you!" he snapped, making a hasty exit.

Storming out of the back room in a haze of annoyance-induced rage, Yuki wasn't exactly at his most perceptive.

"Watch out!"

Yuki whirled at the unexpected cry. Too late. He barreled right into the shocked boy Ayame had tried to warn him about. At least is was a boy, so he wouldn't have to worry about—

