Disclaimer: Am I Kubo Tite? No. :D

a/n1: Hey guys! LOOOONNNGGG time no read. Sorry about that. I just haven't been in a bleach mood lately. And I also haven't been catching up on bleach episodes either. I don't know once SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER grimmjow dies END SPOILER! I just lost the appetite for Bleach or Hitsugaya! I KNOW IMPOSSIBLE! Currently, I'm on a hugggeee Dramione reading marathon. LOVEE IT! I don't know, maybe I'll write one on that. :D OKAY hopefully this is an okay chapter, since I haven't typed it yet because I always type this first for some unknown reason. xD Have fun!

Reminiscent Thoughts

Chapter 4: Sunday Morning

It was a beautiful, semi-quiet Sunday morning and as usual Karin woke up bright and early at exactly 8:00 A.M. She jumped out of bed, yawned, stretched, and got ready to take a shower. On Sunday mornings, one could always hear Yuzu making breakfast in the kitchen and Isshin Kurosaki snoring loudly in his own room. So, due to normal habitual actions, Karin never locked the door when she took a shower. It wasn't done on purpose; she just never remembered. Of course, due to fanfictioners' crazes of awkward situations between our favorite couple, Karin must have also forgotten that Toushiro Hitsugaya was currently living with them. And so, while us fanfictioners are snickering behind the safety of our computer screens, Yuzu will burn the breakfast, Isshin will fall out bed, surprised, and both Karin and Toushiro will be bright red due to this little coincedence. (a/n: muahahahahhaha!)

Karin Kurosaki padded slowly and quietly to the bathroom just across her room. She closed the door and before she took off her clothes, she tested the water. Once the water was hot enough, she removed her clothes dreading the feel of the immediate chill and jumped in the shower. Savoring the feel of hot water against her back, she relaxed and moved on to her shower routine. First, she would use her shampoo, (Herbal essence, by the way. How else do you think her hair stays that shiny?) then her conditioner. After soaping herself up, she'd wash the conditioner off, loving the feel of the silkiness of her hair. She turned off the water and grabbed her fluffy white towel. By this time, it's already 8:30, and our favorite spiky whitehead has just woken up, heading over to the bathroom to take a shower himself.

When Toushiro Hitsugaya became one of the thirteen captains in the Soul Society, he lived by himself. So he never really felt the need to knock on any closed door, even if that said closed door was the bathroom. Karin had already turned off the water, resulting in no sound that could hint someone was in there. Since Toushiro is known as a child prodigy, he has already deduced these facts and decided it was okay to open the door. When Hitsugaya opened the door, Karin was, at the moment, drying her hair so nothing was covering her body at all, giving Hitsugaya a nice side view of her body. Hitsugaya, thinking this was just a illusion his sleepy mind was playing on him, stood there gaping with a bit of drool threatening to escape the caverns of his mouth. Karin turned around, thinking that it was Yuzu, but she instead saw Toushiro Hitsugaya standing there like a fish out of water. It took her a second to register that she was naked, and another second to wrap her towel tight around her. These quick motions snapped Toushiro out of his daze and he realized that it was not a mirage at all. Karin screamed and glared at Toushiro, waiting for him to give a stupid, worthless reason so she could go and strangle his neck.

Taking a glance at Karin's murderous, red face, he stuttered and tried to explain, "U-u-uhh, Kurosaki, sorry." After mumbling his little apology, he sprinted out into the safety of the kitchen near Yuzu.

"HITSUGAYA! COME BACK HERE RIGHT NOW, YOU BIG PERVERT!" Karin screamed, chasing after Toushiro. She found him hiding a little behind Yuzu, and she pointed her finger at him accusingly.

"Tell me. NOW. Why were you leering at me like some old man, you pervert?!" She practically screamed at him.

Hitsugaya, deciding to take a cool demeanor, stepped out from behind Yuzu and said, with a smirk, "Kurosaki, no need to overreact. I mean, you're seventeen, don't tell me no male has never seen you naked? And don't worry, there wasn't much to look at anyway. Now, if you will excuse me, I need to take a shower, too." Hitsugya slipped past a fuming Kurosaki, patting her head on the way, hurriedly walking to the bathroom door and locking it. He sighed against the door and thanked Soul Society for deciding their tenth captain was in no need of a black eye today. He stripped himself of his own clothes, wincing at his bulge. He decided to take a cold shower, so he wouldn't have to deal with it all day.

After taking a shower, Hitsugaya decided to make Kurosaki even a little more uncomfortable for today. He chuckled at the thought of Karin turning a bright shade of red. With this thought in his head, he decided to only wrap a towel around his lower parts, leaving a well-toned chest for me, the dedicated author, to gawk at. (Oops, did I type that? Sorry, I meant Karin Kurosaki.) Toushiro Hitsugaya walked out, accidently walking straight into Karin, who was walking out of her room. Since she was much shorter than him, she bumped straight into his amazingly perfect body.

"Wow this worked out much better than planned." Hitsugaya thought as Karin developed a flushing face, exactly like the one in his head.

Karin however was mentally kicking herself because her thoughts mainly focused on how sexy she thought Hitsugaya was. And rightly so, I might add. His muscled chest was still glistening with the water from the shower, not completely dry.

"I bet that's how his chest looks when it's covered in sweat. Mhmmm...no! STOP!" Karin shook her head to rid the gross thoughts and then immersed herself in going over every detail about his gorgeous body again.

His white hair, though wet, was still spiky and standing straight.

"I wonder if his hair is the only thing that stands straight all the time. AHH! No, Karin, you did not just think that." Karin was grossed out by her own thoughts, shaking her head again.

Hitsugaya, amused at Karin, bent down to her ear, using his hand to move a strand of hair away and whispered, "Kurosaki, are you imagining all of the different kinds of things you would do to me right now? Or are you imagining all of the things you wish I would do to you?"

Laughing, Hitsugaya Toushiro walked away, not forgetting to pat Karin's head on the way, leaving a very red Kurosaki Karin behind.

"Just kidding. No need to get all flustered like that, Karin-chan." Toushiro smirked.

And with this, the Sunday morning ends just like how it started...with Karin's shrieks filling the usually quiet house of the Kurosaki's.

a/n2: Okay, hope you liked it! REVIEWWW!! And hopefully I will get into a writing mood again. xOx