Shrinking Violet awoke to the sound of the alarm blaring out side her quarters. She groaned but work had to be done. Quickly she got dressed and placed her favorite green flower hairpin in her hair.

"Vi! Hurry up! We got to save New Metropolis!" a voice shouted from behind her door.

"Ok Brainy, I'm coming!" She yelled as she dashed to the door. The door slid open and standing before her was a slightly taller teenaged android with green skin, blond hair and a purple outfit. "Its about time," he said with a sly grin. Violet gently punched him as she giggled and snorted.

"Oh shut it, Brainiac5! You stupid head"

Brainiac5 stuck his tongue out at her as young man with orange hair that fell to his shoulders flew pasted the two. "Brainy, Vi come on!" he called. The two best friends nodded to each other and flew after him.

"So what's the news, Lightning Lad?" Brainy asked him.

"The Fatal four is attack the city! We have to stop them now!" Lightning Lad growled as he clenched his robotic fist, "Superman, Cosmic boy, Saturn girl, Duo Damsel, Phantom girl, Star boy and Chameleon boy are down there already!"

"Chill, Garth. We can handle, can't we?" Violet tried to lighten the mood.

As they arrived, Superman and Saturn girl were already blasting away at the Emerald Empress. The Empress flew around, dodging the attacks.

"Glad you could make it!" Cham yelled as he transformed into a squid. He spun quickly until he looked like an active top.

"Their after the Cyan Chip, a weapon that can take over machinery like battle ships and such," said Saturn girl. She turned and brain blasted the Empress. The Empress's Eye of Ekron's powers collided with Saturn girl's powers.

"Face it, sweet heart! The chip is ours!" The Empress cackled. She signaled Tharok, a man that was half robot half man. Tharok evilly grinned and ran to a building. With his blaster, he shattered the glass doors and dashed inside. Cosmic boy flew to Shrinking Violet.

"Violet, you, Brainiac5, Saturn girl, and Lightning Lad, go after him. Superman, Cham, Star boy, Duo, Phantom and I will catch up with you guys soon."

"You got it. Lets jet guys!" Violet cried. They followed after Tharok. As they entered the building, the lights in the lobby began to blink. Suddenly, it went dark and millions of screams were heard through out the building.

"Vi, see if you can get the generators working, Saturn girl, Lightning Lad and I will go and help the people," Brainy said. Vi smiled and flew down the hall. The control room is on the fourth floor. Ha, I'll take a shortcut, Violet thought with a snort. She shrunk to the size of a pin and flew into the ventilation shafts.

The teenaged shrinking girl arrived at the fourth floor. She could hear the footsteps of traumatized people escaping. She headed toward the control room, hoping that there would be a way to stop Tharok from getting the chip. She took a second to think. And with a great leap, she entered into the machine.

Brainiac5, in his battle form, flew to the cries of terrorized people on the third floor. He knew there wasn't much time and that Tharok would not spare one life once he destroyed the building.

"Brainy, the 3th and 5th levels have been evacuated," Lightning lad's voice came from Brainy's ring.

"Levels 6th, 7th , and 8th have been cleared, Brainiac5!" Saturn girl chimed in.

"Good, Phantom girl and Star boy are on their way to clear the other levels. Vi is on Level 4, rewiring the security already," Brainy said as he cleared level 9. He decided to check on her.

"Vi, how's it going with the security?"

A squeal of joy and laughter answered him followed by the sound of sparks. "Whoo hoo!" Vi's voice giggled with a snort, "I'm fine, Brainy. You just those people out of there, I'll join you in a bit, k?"

"Ok, Vi, er just hurry up. Tharok is headed toward the top level and is threatening to destroy this building."

Brainy shook his head, Violet was always hyper and happy when she was rewiring machines. He then headed toward the next level.

Violet leaped out of the computer and gave a satisfied grin. "Lets see if you can handle this, Tharok," she said as she eyed all the controllers. She saw a red leaver to her left. Violet dialed in the commands to the top level and put her hand on the leaver. She watched with glee as a bewildered Tharok danced around, struggling to avoid the beams that were shot at him. She push a blue button that controlled the container that held the chip. The Cyan Chip dispersed in to blue green particles and was transported to the Legion's HQ. Tharok glared at the camera. "You won this round, Ant girl," he sneered, "But can you save yourself?" And with that, the cyborg activated the self-destructing system.

Violet gasped, she wasn't prepared for this. Lock down Level 4, said the computer's voice. The girl panicked as she dashed down the halls. The building began to crumble.


"Brainy! The building is going down now! Where are you?"

"I'm outside with the others. Go! Get out of there now," Brainy yelled.

Violet's heart beat rapidly. Her mind was spinning faster and faster. The red strobe lights blinded her , making her knock into the walls. Smoke strangled her throat. Tears fell from her eyes. Suddenly, she heard a crack and seconds later found herself on the floor, moaning in pair she peered behind her only to find that she was trapped under a large piece of the ceiling, with more piece falling on top of her. She screamed as the world around her went dark.

The building came crashing down and a mushroom of smoke rose and smeared the pink sky with gray clouds. Brainy's eyes scanned the first floor yet there was no sign of Violet. Beside him, Phantom girl looked as if she was hyperventilating for Lightning lad was supporting her. Vi, where are you, Brainy's mind asked.

"I have no trace of her," Saturn girl announced to him.

"Then we should go searching for her, She could have shrunk and be still alive," Superman suggested.

"Very well be we'll have to be careful not to get ourselves stuck," murmured Cosmic boy, "Lightning Lad, take Phantom girl to the hospital, she looks as if her heart would stop."

Lightning Lad nodded and flew off with Phantom girl in his arms. Cosmic boy turned to his comrades. "Let's split up, we'll cover more area to search for Shrinking Violet and any survivors. Brainiac5, Duo Damsel, Superman, you search for Violet, Saturn girl, Star boy and I will look for survivors," he said. But before he could finish, Brainy had already bolted off to find Vi.

Time slowly ticked by as they looked for her. She could have become scared or she was fooling around. Violet sometimes played pranks on Brainy and the others, mostly on the android. Yet Brainy would get even with her. But soon, it didn't't look like a prank for he would hear the sound of her snorting laughter. He began to lose hope on finding the girl who had almost instantly became one of his closest friends. Out of the blue, Saturn Girl's voice echo inside his head.

I found Shrinking Violet.

Violet felt her eyes open but all she could see was black. She was still buried under the rubble. She struggled to move but cried out in pain. Something was crushing her. She felt fear taking control. "H-help," she whispered in hopes that Superman's super hearing would hear her.


"HELP!" she cried.

Violet, are you hurt, Saturn girl's voice broke in.

Saturn girl, thank goodness you can hear me. Please get me out of here. I'm not sure if I'm injured. And I don't if I can stay conscious much longer.

A small burst of light answered her pleas. It felt as if it were a life line for her to grasp. She looked up,seeing a small hole of light. She could hear voices. With the last bit of strength she had, she let out a moan.

"There! She's under there!" Duo's voice yelled.

Another burst of light flashed before her. The heavy object was lifted from her body, making her pain hurt even more. And in moments, she was looking up at all the familiar faces she knew. "G-guys? Did everyone make it out alive?" she managed to whisper. Her back was propped by Saturn girl's arm.

"Vi? Vi are you ok?" Brainy asked. Violet turned to him, giving her dearest friend a weak smile. But this only made the guilt on his face even worse. He turned away to fly off, but stopped when he heard her say, "Wasn't anyone's fault but mine." And when he looked back, Vi had already gone unconscious again. He took Violet into his arms and flew off to the hospital to join Lightning Lad and Phantom girl.

Two days later

"What happened to her?" Lightning lad demanded , while sitting next to Phantom girl's bed.

"Is she hurt? Is she in a coma? Come on, Brainy, tell us?" Phantom girl, now wide wake, chimed in.

"Yes," Brainy mumbled, "She's in a coma but she does not have life threatening injuries." He was irritated at the fact that the two kept throwing questions at him, expecting that the 12th level intelligence Coluan could tell them everything.

"Well you were the one who told her to…OW!" Lightning lad began but was whacked in the head by Phantom girl.

"Garth, Shut up. Its wasn't Brainy's fault that Vi got hurt, right Brainy?"

"No, Garth is right," Brainy said, looking away, "it…was… my fault. I ordered her to go alone to the Control room. I should have been there with her."

Timber wolf and Bouncing boy came in. "We heard about what happened, the doc says she could wake up in two days," Bouncy announced. Silence filled Phantom girl's room. Bouncing boy watched as Brainy pushed by him and stormed down the hall, towards Violet's room.

The teenaged android stared at the slowly breathing girl that was once active and lively. I wasn't suppose to make mistakes, I have a 12th level intelligence! So why did I make a mistake that would cost one of my friend's lives, his mind yelled. He wished that Violet would just wake up and give him advice. She would always be there to console him, when no one else would.

Wasn't anyone's fault but mine.

Her voice echoed in his mind as he took out a picture of the two friends that was taken by Clark's 21st century camera. It was of Violet rocking out on her electric guitar while he was covering his ears and smiling at her wacky expression. The two had almost nothing in common except that they both were smarter than most of the Legion.

But was this body that stood before him, was it really Violet? Was it truly the odd girl who had easily won his respect with her shrinking powers? Her chest moved up and down slowly under her patient's outfit. Brainy touched her fingers and winced at the ice cold feeling they transferred to him. He looked at her face. It was lifeless, with no emotion. Her eyes remained closed, Suddenly the image of her smiling face with amethyst eyes appeared but quickly faded back into the bleak face.

In his mind, a crystal clear sound of mirrors shattering filled his ears. He jolted from his mourning trance, and stood in his fighting stance, his left hand became a blaster. He looked around the room.

There was nothing, no trace of broken shards or any disturbance. The source of sound came from Violet's bed. He looked under her bed. Still nothing. It was as if he could hear Violet's mind.

Out of the blue, the heroine gave a moan. Brainy took her hand, they felt warm. Her right eye that was not covered up by her bangs, struggled to open.

"Vi? Vi! Wake up!" her friend yelled. Lightning lad , Bouncing Boy, Timber wolf and Phantom girl ran in followed by a doctor. The doctor took Violet's other arm and checked her pulse. "Its returning to normal," he answered.

Violet opened her eyes, and looked at the people around her. "Violet, you're awake!" Phantom girl squealed, hugging her friend. Yet the happiness that filled the room had turn to horror.

"Where-where am I," Violet asked, her voice filled with fear.

"You're in the hospital, Vi. You were in a coma," Brainy answered, his hands still clutching her hand.

"Who-who are you?"

Brainiac5 backed away from her bed as the others looked at each other, confused.

"Violet, it's Brainy. Don't you remember?" Bouncy said.

" I don't. I don't remember any of you."

Well this is done , I've got Chap 2 up and well wish me luck, this is my ver first story so It might be crappy. Read and Review please!