Djaq groaned as she opened her eyes, squinting at the bright light streaming through the camp. She pulled her blanket over her head and rolled over. If the gang needed her, they'd wake her up. Until then, she was gonna sleep.

Almost an hour had passed when she was woken up by the sound of Robin and Marian having an argument. Realising she wasn't going to get anymore sleep she rolled over, not realising how close she was to the edge. All the air was pushed out of her lungs and she swore, trying to untangle the sheets that were wrapped around her.

"Are you okay?" someone asked, but Djaq couldn't tell who it was with the sheet wrapped around her head.

"I'm fine" she snapped as she tried to pull the sheets off, almost falling over in the process.

When she finally got out of the cacoon of sheets, she found the entire gang looking at her with bemused expressions on there faces.

"What?" she snapped, dumping her sheets back on her bed. She scowled as the gang burst into laughter, giving them all her best death glare as she grabbed her clean clothes and towel. She was storming out of the camp when she heard someone call her name. She turned around and glared at them, one hand on her hip and one holding her stuff.

"What?" she asked. She wanted to go and bathe and wake up, so she could get out of the crappy mood she was in.

"Marians come up with a plan to get us into the castle. But we need your help." said Robin, giving her one of his pleading looks.

"You can tell me about it when I come back." Djaq replied, turning on her heel and storming out of the camp, the gangs' objections falling on death ears.

When Djaq got back from her walk she sat down and looked at Marian with an expectant look on her face. "SO what's the plan?" she asked.

Marian looked at Robin, and, when he nodded to her, she started to explain her plan to Djaq to the rest of the gang.

"The sheriff is throwing a masquerade ball for the king's birthday, and I think it will be a great cover to get in and steal from his vault. No one will be able to recognise us if we wear masks and the right clothes. But we will need someone on the inside to let us in. It can't be me, because everyone knows who we are. Robin, Much and Little John are too easily recognised. But I think that we will be able to get you in as Lady Eliza of Soverent." Marian looked at Djaq, trying to gauge her reaction. She looked thoughtful, and Marian thought that was a good sign.

"It could work." Murmured Djaq, running her fingers through her damp hair. "except that a Saracen would never be made a lady."

Marians face fell, but Djaq kept talking. "You didn't mention anything about them recognising Will" she said, meeting Marians gaze. Marian nodded. "He hasn't been arrested often enough for them to recognise them.".

Djaq thought for a few more moments before she looked up. "Why don't you send the both of us in? You can say he is Lord of Soverent and that I am his serving lady of something like that. Otherwise they won't let me in."

Marian smiled. "That's brilliant" she said, looking around at the rest of the gang. "But I think you should pretend to be his fiancée. You could say you worked for him and he fell in love with you. That way you'd have an excuse to attend all the dances and dinners and help getus in."

Djaq nodded, though Marian noticed she looked a bit nervous. She looked up at Will. "Djaq's willing to do it." She said, meeting the carpenters gaze. "Are you?"

Will shrugged. "I can't see anything wrong with it. Just one question. Where are you going to get the sort of clothes we'd need to get into the castle?"

"Leave that to me" Marian assured a glint in her eyes. She was going to enjoy this.